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Problems signing on here..

Posted: May 30th, '15, 16:12
by IRGuy
Captain Patrick...

Over the past 6 months or so occasionally when I have tried to sign on I get a message page from SiteLock telling me I should check to be sure my computer hasn't got a virus. The same page tells me to copy the two words shown in a picture into a blank space. There is never a word, only four numbers, and never two sets of numbers, or one number and a word, just one set of numbers. When I enter this number I get bounced back to the original SiteLock page.

Usually when I get the above I sign off for a while, and when I come back everything is OK.

Today I called SiteLock and the girl suggested I try a different browser. I am able to sign on here with Mozilla Firefox, but not Internet Explorer.

The girl who answered told me the problem with not showing me two words to copy is a problem with their system. She also took my info and said she would notify you about my problem.

Just thought you should know this.

Re: Problems signing on here..

Posted: May 30th, '15, 16:15
by IRGuy
After entering the post above I signed off, went online with Internet Explorer, and was able to sign on here with no problem.

Electromagnetic gremlins!

Re: Problems signing on here..

Posted: May 31st, '15, 14:13
by Bruce
Something changed with Firefox. Used to use them exclusively but started have issues with it back in feb especially in windows 8.1, a dog of an operating system.
Switched to chrome and issues went away even though I hate everything google.

Re: Problems signing on here..

Posted: May 31st, '15, 16:23
by IRGuy

I am using a 6 month old Lenovo computer with Windows 8.1. Love the computer, hate 8.1.

For some reason I can no longer get into the Bertram 33 site with IE and 8.1, but can with Firefox, getting on here with 8.1 and IE is usually OK for me... when I got the SiteLock page in the past I just signed off for a while and came back and everything was fine.

My computer tech tells me that Microsoft has announced that anyone with 8.1 will be able to upgrade to Windows 10 (they are skipping Windows 9) for free.. and 10 is supposed to be released late this year, which probably means June of 2016.

I started out using Windows 3 and have used every version since.. Windows 8 seems to be universally hated by everyone I know!

Re: Problems signing on here..

Posted: Jun 1st, '15, 08:22
by Carl
XP-Pro I still cling onto at work...its only a matter of time I'll have to "upgrade" (funny term for moving into a "more floored OS")
New software will not run on XP I am told..its shaky now on XP....but better then my home computers with 8.1. win 7 wasn't bad, although found it to be XP with a facelift..nothing really new.

Anybody find it funny that we actually have to pay for a downgrade when buying new computers...

I keep Firefox / Explorer / AOL and used to keep Chrome on the Desktop as well...just for those days when one or more system had hiccups playing with others.

Now back to your regularly scheduled show, already in progress.

Re: Problems signing on here..

Posted: Jun 1st, '15, 10:56
by IRGuy
I have been through a bunch of numbered Windows versions, plus XP, XP Pro, Vista and Win 7, and now 8.1 (I missed out on win 8.. luckily).

I only accepted Win 8.1 because I needed a new computer and 8.1 was the only system I could get.. I am looking forward to Win 10. One would think Microsoft, owning the bulk of the operating systems around the world, would be able to produce a system that was both user friendly and capable.. Lets have hope for Win 10.

Re: Problems signing on here..

Posted: Jun 1st, '15, 18:18
by IRGuy

Microsoft announces the planned release of Windows 10!

Just saw this announcement this afternoon.. so much for my predictions!

Re: Problems signing on here..

Posted: Jun 1st, '15, 22:08
by Tony Meola
I try and stay away from Chrome if I can.

I am getting in with IE and I am running windows 7. The issue is that some sites do not like google. Especially banks and mutual fund companies.

At work, all of the financial sites we used would not let us in with Google. Always had to be Firefox or IE. Every time we asked why the reason was always security. Google makes them nervous.

Re: Problems signing on here..

Posted: Jun 2nd, '15, 07:31
by Carl
IRGuy wrote:Bruce...

Microsoft announces the planned release of Windows 10!

Just saw this announcement this afternoon.. so much for my predictions!

Great...from the write up it sounds like Microsoft taped up some holes, then jammed another 10 lbs of crap into that 5lb bag.

Imagine if I was feeling pessimistic about the release.

Re: Problems signing on here..

Posted: Jun 2nd, '15, 11:35
by IRGuy

I have heard of software, and vaporware, and malware, and hardware, but you just invented blivetware!

(For those of you who are not familiar with the term.. a blivet is 10 pounds of crap stuffed into a 5 pound bag!)

Politicians create blivets frequently!

Re: Problems signing on here..

Posted: Jun 2nd, '15, 20:03
by Bruce
No worries on the chrome issue with my financial institution.
Vinny bag of donuts picks up my vig every Friday in person. Computers make him nervous.

Windows 7 is supposed to be good. Those who have it don't want to upgrade.

A very wise man once said, the enemy of good is better.

Re: Problems signing on here..

Posted: Jun 2nd, '15, 22:31
by Tony Meola
Bruce wrote:Tony,
No worries on the chrome issue with my financial institution.
Vinny bag of donuts picks up my vig every Friday in person. Computers make him nervous.

Windows 7 is supposed to be good. Those who have it don't want to upgrade.

A very wise man once said, the enemy of good is better.


Some how you missed the NY Italian lingo. It's Joey Bag of Donuts and if Vinny shows up, he is keeping the loot.

Re: Problems signing on here..

Posted: Jun 3rd, '15, 07:09
by Carl
Tony Meola wrote:

Some how you missed the NY Italian lingo. It's Joey Bag of Donuts and if Vinny shows up, he is keeping the loot.

I dink..BRuce is from JerzY- day touk funny dare... dingzz r diff-rent, if ya know what I mean...

Re: Problems signing on here..

Posted: Jun 3rd, '15, 17:56
by Bruce


Some how you missed the NY Italian lingo. It's Joey Bag of Donuts and if Vinny shows up, he is keeping the loot.

I dink..BRuce is from JerzY- day touk funny dare... dingzz r diff-rent, if ya know what I mean...

Oh that's just mean, jersey?

Grew up in south philly, then north philly, then philly burbs.

Never met a Joey in the neighborhood. Lots of Dominics, Sals, Vinny's and Carlo's.

Re: Problems signing on here..

Posted: Jun 3rd, '15, 18:13
by IRGuy
And I bet there was an Augie somewhere.

Re: Problems signing on here..

Posted: Jun 3rd, '15, 20:24
by Tony Meola

My cousin was an Augie. If I ever meet you in person I will tell you story about how nuts he was. I just can not put it online in public.

Re: Problems signing on here..

Posted: Jun 6th, '15, 10:05
by IRGuy
The Augie I knew in 5th grade ended up in prison for something to do with a body in a trunk of a car somewhere on Staten Island. As I recall he was an expert in ripping off the local candy stores. We left Brooklyn and moved to upstate NY after a guy was gunned down on the sidewalk about two blocks from our apartment.

Re: Problems signing on here..

Posted: Jun 6th, '15, 11:06
by Carl
IRGuy wrote:The Augie I knew in 5th grade ended up in prison for something to do with a body in a trunk of a car somewhere on Staten Island. As I recall he was an expert in ripping off the local candy stores. We left Brooklyn and moved to upstate NY after a guy was gunned down on the sidewalk about two blocks from our apartment.

No!! not here on Staten Island...tell me it isn't so.

Thank God non of that stuff around here these days.....

Re: Problems signing on here..

Posted: Jun 10th, '15, 12:48
by CamB25
I'm having problems logging on as well, both with IE and Firefox. The site accepts the login and opens the "post reply" page, but never posts the message. As soon as I hit submit the site directs me back to the login screen.

I found a work-around by checking the "automatically login" box below the username/pw fields.