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AJ is home

Posted: Jul 19th, '06, 16:50
by In Memory of Vicroy
Well, she's home. I got to the yard about 7 this morning (4 am wakeup and hour and a half drive) and she was NOT ready to go. Several issues, but they were resolved in my favor by noon. No gunplay, but nearly. Took off for the camp at noon. All systems performed perfectly. All electronics worked fine after a year of dead batteries and humidity. It was the Corrosion X. Took off taking it easy across Lake Ponchartrain, which was calm today, eased her up to 2400 and she hummed along at 24.7 kts like a dream. Made the trip in just over 2 hours, tied her up at her dock behind the camp, fixed me a clear and exhaled a big sigh.

She looks like a new boat with the Imron 5000, but on the inside she looks like any boat that has been in a boatyard for an hour or a year, dirty, messy, etc. But she is home Will start sorting out the chaos inside this weekend. A/C works too. And the new Phasor 6.5 KW genset is a hoss.

Uv, the finally home

Posted: Jul 19th, '06, 16:54
by Mikey

Posted: Jul 19th, '06, 16:54
by Tom
Hot damn Vic. Just soak her in for a while. You need it.

Posted: Jul 19th, '06, 17:48
by randall
great!! UV......looking forward to my next ride...........randall

Posted: Jul 19th, '06, 18:48
by Hal
When you gonna be ready to meet us in Venice?

Posted: Jul 19th, '06, 19:16
by In Memory of Vicroy
Hal, after the near one year ordeal, I'm gonna do my bluewater in Panama from now on. Got a couple of spots still open, grab one now.

AJ is now a picnic boat, my offshore fishing boat is now run by guys that speak spanish and dock in Pinas Bay. You gotta go there to see what a no brainer it is.


Posted: Jul 19th, '06, 19:42
by AndreF
Good news, UV !!!!!!
Kids are taking the RR to Venice Fri.
Let me know.

Posted: Jul 19th, '06, 19:50
by In Memory Walter K
Vic- Congratulations! Shall we start a pool on what the bill number will be? Walter

Posted: Jul 19th, '06, 19:59
by In Memory of Vicroy
Walter, if the question was how much the damage to AJ was, start with 50 grand and work from there.

I'm sure glad she's back, but I can see another year to get her right. A total mses. But on the good side, she floats, she shines, she runs 24.7 kts on cruise, and she is home. And i'm going to bed.


Posted: Jul 19th, '06, 20:30
by Garry

Glad you got your "Baby" back home safely.....enjoy. I am headed to Venice tomorrow pm to fish with Gale this weekend on his boat. Anxious to see how she performs with the 330 Cummins.


Posted: Jul 19th, '06, 21:19
by Capt Dick Dean
.Praise the Lord.... The nightmare is over and the man with the white hat won.

But don't show in AC Friday or Saturday. Let the rest of us get a chance to win the AC OPEN.

I just checked the weather. Winds to 20 knts in the AM. Seas six to eight.

Posted: Jul 19th, '06, 21:32
by CaptPatrick

Congrats Older Fart! I'm sure AJ will enjoy her new role as a "Picnic/Howdy Boat", sort'a semi-retirement if you will...

Garry -- "I am headed to Venice tomorrow pm to fish with Gale..."
Get Capt Gale to send me some images of his Work of Art. Give him my best!



Posted: Jul 19th, '06, 22:25
by Rawleigh

Posted: Jul 20th, '06, 00:08
by mike ohlstein
AJ is now a picnic boat, my offshore fishing boat is now run by guys that speak spanish and dock in Pinas Bay.


Posted: Jul 20th, '06, 07:20
by Chiles
Come on UV, you have the boat all set and now you don't want to take it to the blue water? That boat deserves to bring a few more fish up from the deep.

I'm glad you made it home safely, and congrats!


Posted: Jul 20th, '06, 08:32
by Dave Kosh R.I.P.
"It's been a long time comin baby" Glad she's home with a stewart that loves her. Yea those boat yards are rough. Dirt and dust no extra charge.They got there hands full down there though. Now you have to add another cockpit light with the extra KW from the genset. No just kidding Vic. Congratulations and cheers for Corrosion X! Dave K

Posted: Jul 21st, '06, 15:24
by Dug

I am relieved, and really happy for ya! Breath deep, you have fun now you big spender!!!!