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To all my friends in the frozen north

Posted: Feb 11th, '15, 11:24
by IRGuy

Re: To all my friends in the frozen north

Posted: Feb 11th, '15, 16:37
by MarkS
Frank I don't suppose you want to swing up this way and pick me up on our way to Vegas?

Re: To all my friends in the frozen north

Posted: Feb 11th, '15, 16:38
by Dug
I gotta tell you, its significant. We have received over 90" in the past couple weeks. In fact since Jan 24th. Its a record actually and Worcester is now officially the snowiest city in the US. More than Buffalo!!!! I've been driving the F-350 with plow and that has made it very much easier, but switched to the car today and its not cool as you cannot see over the snowbanks that are easily higher than the roof of the car. And that is everywhere.

I am not majorly inconvenienced, and its been kind of fun, but its a lot of white stuff!!!! A lot.

Re: To all my friends in the frozen north

Posted: Feb 11th, '15, 17:37
by TailhookTom

We have an office pool as to when the mountains that the plow guys created in our parking lot will melt. I've got July 6th.


Re: To all my friends in the frozen north

Posted: Feb 11th, '15, 21:19
by Tony Meola

You better hang on, I heard more is on the way for you guys.

Frank great link, I am sending it to a friend up in near Boston. He just refuses to buy snow blower.

Re: To all my friends in the frozen north

Posted: Feb 11th, '15, 22:07
by AndreF
Even birds migrate South, and most animals

Re: To all my friends in the frozen north

Posted: Feb 12th, '15, 00:20
by Navatech
AndreF wrote:Even birds migrate South
And they are quite literally birdbrained...

Re: To all my friends in the frozen north

Posted: Feb 12th, '15, 01:27
by IRGuy

And a lot of smart boat owners!

Re: To all my friends in the frozen north

Posted: Feb 12th, '15, 18:20
by Bob H.
We have gotten over 80" in 17 days and have another 12-16 coming this weekend. We have begun trucking snow out of my commercial properties. This week alone we have moved over 60 triaxle loads and that's only half of one community. I will be clearing this shit for another two weeks. I need the Deep South brothers to open the door and let some warm air up is way. Can only imagine when all this melts, BH

Re: To all my friends in the frozen north

Posted: Feb 12th, '15, 19:28
by JP Dalik
Bet the deer are on bait piles. Our last day is Saturday. Good thing momma is working or I'd be in trouble. Gotta have some fun in this cold

Re: To all my friends in the frozen north

Posted: Feb 12th, '15, 23:25
by IRGuy

I am not going to go one foot north of the NC - VA line until at least May 1st.

I hate snow.. and I hate cold.

When I decided to move south after about 35 years in MA I got my wife in my car and we headed south on Interstate Route 95. I stopped at every Home Depot I could see from Rt 95 and asked in each one "Do you guys sell snow blowers here?"

When the salesman answered "What the hell is a snow blower?" I started looking at property.

Re: To all my friends in the frozen north

Posted: Feb 13th, '15, 00:22
by Pete Fallon
After living in Florida for the past 19 years I picked the wrong year to come back. If my wife and I didn't have medical issues I would still be down south. Like Bob H said we have 80 inches of the white stuff on the ground since January 26 and another 12 to 18 inches coming for Saturday night into Sunday. The Boston boat show is starting this weekend and it looks like the only ones that are going to be there are the exhibitors, weather man is predicting another blizzard with 18" plus along the coast line with winds over 60 mph. To add insult to injury they are predicting another storm for next Wednesday. Like I said in another post I am on crutches and haven't been out of the house since last Saturday. It sucks the big one, up here. Tomorrows high temperature is only going to be 15 degrees. The deer can't even find the bait piles and the snow is so deep there is going to be a big die off this winter from starvation. Hell even if you have a snow blower there is no place to blow it to, the snow banks are over 6' high.
Pete Fallon.

Re: To all my friends in the frozen north

Posted: Feb 13th, '15, 11:16
by Dug
It is frozen indeed. It was 5 when I left for work today. I think its up to 7.


Re: To all my friends in the frozen north

Posted: Feb 13th, '15, 14:22
by Rawleigh
It was 15 here in Eastern VA this morning. It is up in the upper 20's right now. You Northern guys need to come and get your cold out of my backyard!!!

I doubt I will get much sympathy since we only have a dusting of snow on the ground.

Re: To all my friends in the frozen north

Posted: Feb 13th, '15, 16:32
by TailhookTom
The latest forecast I saw has Connecticut mostly getting 3-6" over the weekend -- but Dug, Pete and Bob looke to be getting 20-24" So, in the grand scheme of things, I'm getting a dusting and they are getting their asses handed to them once again. I saw some contraption on the news that they were using in Boston to MELT snow! Yup, it looked like a giant trailer and I gather they are melting and pumping and driving it away?


Re: To all my friends in the frozen north

Posted: Feb 13th, '15, 18:28
by Kevin
That is some crazy snow up there! We never had snow like that when I was a kid south of Boston. Closest thing to it was Blizzard of '78, but I was only 2. I wonder if the guys that plow snow for the winter are even thinking enough is enough. Got to be great for the ski areas though. Pete, I hope you don't have any doctor appts anytime soon. Sounds like the snowfall predictions have gone up a bit since yesterday. I remember a place called Blue Hill off of RT 128 I think it was. Small ski area but I bet they are loving it. I do miss the mountains but working/commuting in those conditions must suck.

Re: To all my friends in the frozen north

Posted: Feb 14th, '15, 15:53
by Dug
Tom, NYC has kindly lent Boston and the state of MA a few snowmelters. They are really effective.
Kevin, yes, most of my friends who plow for $$$ are really tired, and would like a rest. They know its $$$ from heaven, and have had a long dry spell, but this intensity has been taxing. That being said, they really have done a great job in Worcester. The residents throw it out in the street after plowing and then complain, but its been pretty damned good overall I have to say. I just cleared out my parents house in CT so they could get an oil delivery to keep the house from freezing up. THat was some work because the snow down here on the shore is ice, not snow! LOL! At least up in MA its still fairly light and fluffy.

Re: To all my friends in the frozen north

Posted: Feb 14th, '15, 17:18
by IRGuy
When I was a kid in high school we lived in the Catskill Mtns in upstate NY.. we had an outhouse and a well which had a hand pump in the front yard. It was my job every morning before the school bus picked me up to bring in two pails of water for washing and cooking. During the winter months I usually had to heat a kettle of water and pour it over and into the hand pump to thaw it so I could draw the water. One particularly cold morning I had heated the kettle and was just ready to start pouring the hot water into the pump when my mother called me back into the house. In the few seconds it took me to run back to the house she solved her problem and told me she didn't need me so I went back to finish getting the water. It was so cold the hot water in the kettle had froze solid so fast that the ice was still warm!

Re: To all my friends in the frozen north

Posted: Feb 15th, '15, 15:44
by Bruce
I heard it was so cold up there the politicians have their hands in their own pockets.

Re: To all my friends in the frozen north

Posted: Feb 15th, '15, 16:27
by mike ohlstein

Re: To all my friends in the frozen north

Posted: Feb 15th, '15, 23:17
by Harry Babb
Bob wrote:I need the Deep South brothers to open the door and let some warm air up is way. Can only imagine when all this melts, BH
The doors are wide open Bobby! ! Watched the thermometer tag 28 degrees in Central Florida this weekend.

The "Spring Thaw" is sure to flood the Mississippi River Valley as well as the River Deltas here in the Deep South.

For sure it cannot last too much longer......ya think?!?!?


Re: To all my friends in the frozen north

Posted: Feb 16th, '15, 22:05
by Tony Meola

Looks like it is going to stay cold for the next week at least. More snow on the way. Even the South is getting it now.

I am sure Al Gore will tell us it is due to Global Warming.