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Mitch and Kristen's cat

Posted: Jan 13th, '15, 11:54
by Dug
For those of you who don't know about this. I am awestruck that someone would do this. This cat is owned by a couple of our own, Mitch and Kristen Mills of MOJO.

Dug!/pa ... 2741892417

For those of you who may not be on Facebook, their neighbor shot their cat with a bow and arrow. And he was caught. And the warden is throwing the book at the perpetrator, as well he should.

Re: Mitch and Kristen's cat

Posted: Jan 13th, '15, 14:37
by Carl
I am not a cat fan...but that is absurd.

Just heard recently that somebody shot and killed a dog that was in the owners yard. News said it was a Pitbull...but I don't see why that was mentioned. Dog was secure in yard, has never bit or shown aggression towards anyone according to owner.
Lady just heard a bang and dog dropped.

Then again...across the Island here somebody stabbed an elementary school kid on there way home from school.

Cruelty beyond my comprehension. Let the book get tossed at them.

Re: Mitch and Kristen's cat

Posted: Jan 13th, '15, 15:47
by Charlie J
that's just down right wrong

Re: Mitch and Kristen's cat

Posted: Jan 13th, '15, 18:52
by Bruce
Question as I heard this story on a main news outlet.

Is it not prohibited to allow cats to run free in this local or was the news report wrong?

Re: Mitch and Kristen's cat

Posted: Jan 13th, '15, 20:39
by Navatech
Bruce wrote:Is it not prohibited to allow cats to run free in this local or was the news report wrong?
Let's suppose it IS prohibited... The guilty party would be the owner rather then the cat who doesn't know better... Furthermore, was the arrow shooter deputized to enforce the law?!... So where does he get off shooting the damned animal?!...

Nope, I'm not a cat person... I found all 101 uses for dead cats hilarious... But then again, I also found all 101 uses for dead cat haters hilarious...

Re: Mitch and Kristen's cat

Posted: Jan 13th, '15, 20:59
by Rocky ... ing#page=1

You mean like this? That's me with the shadow interview.

Re: Mitch and Kristen's cat

Posted: Jan 13th, '15, 23:42
by JP Dalik
Feral cats suck, destructive as hell. Can't tell you how many boat interiors destroyed by those things growing up.

No collar, no quarter.

Same as coyotes, geese and democrats

Re: Mitch and Kristen's cat

Posted: Jan 14th, '15, 00:42
by Yannis

How sad indeed. I only hope the b@st@rd gets nailed quick.

Re: Mitch and Kristen's cat

Posted: Jan 14th, '15, 00:52
by Navatech
JP Dalik wrote:Feral cats suck, destructive as hell. Can't tell you how many boat interiors destroyed by those things growing up.
It's not just interiors (though I suspect those damages are caused by raccoons and cats found on the premises are just left holding the stick), the havoc feral cats wage among the small bird population is little known but very extensive...
JP Dalik wrote:No collar, no quarter.
Even if you know the cat belongs to your neighbor?!...

Re: Mitch and Kristen's cat

Posted: Jan 14th, '15, 07:44
by Carl
JP Dalik wrote:Feral cats suck, destructive as hell. Can't tell you how many boat interiors destroyed by those things growing up.

No collar, no quarter.

Same as coyotes, geese and democrats

Feral cat??? Different story.
You want a cat, keep it in your little patch of the world and I am fine...let it roam into my patch and we have a problem.
Aside from not being a cat fan...I can be pretty allergic...especially around where they excrete their dailies...then the smell. Have to watch them around kids. And as JP mentioned they can be destructive.

Re: Mitch and Kristen's cat

Posted: Jan 14th, '15, 11:33
by Rocky
JP Dalik wrote:Feral cats suck, destructive as hell. Can't tell you how many boat interiors destroyed by those things growing up.

No collar, no quarter.

Same as coyotes, geese and democrats
Hopefully you study your "feral" cat first, and have some sort if restraint before you take out a neighbor's cat or you SHOULD be prosecuted.

Re: Mitch and Kristen's cat

Posted: Jan 14th, '15, 19:05
by JP Dalik
If you love your cat put a collar on it. Better yet keep it on your property.

I do know that if it were a dog roaming from yard to yard someone would call the cops and the owner would eventually get a summons.

And yes Nav they were cats in the boats, in the late 70's this marina was overrun with them.

Re: Mitch and Kristen's cat

Posted: Jan 14th, '15, 21:54
by Tony Meola
I agree people should keep the cat in their yard. My neighbors cat is always using my garden as his toilet. I have remind quiet because he is a really good neighbor and I want to keep piece. I have now spread pine calls and clam shells around and that keeps him out

Re: Mitch and Kristen's cat

Posted: Jan 14th, '15, 22:23
by Rocky
JP Dalik wrote: Better yet keep it on your property.
Ain't gonna happen with a cat, but I do agree to collar your pets. I have 2 cats that are "mousers" on my property and will always have them for rodent control, other wise I don't care for them either but in my case they have a positive purpose. Having had a collar on the Mitch and Kristens cat might have saved it one would think. Then again there are very cruel people out there like the shooter of my kid's pony. .22 in the lung, suffered for 7 hrs slow death.

Re: Mitch and Kristen's cat

Posted: Jan 15th, '15, 02:08
by Yannis
Tony Meola

I have now spread pine calls and clam shells around and that keeps him out
Geeze Tony, I didn't know clam shells kept cats away !! Raw, or cooked leftovers ?
I'm not sure what pine calls are, maybe pine cones? Greek cats, though, do not seem to get bothered by these, as pines are all over the place as well as cats !

Re: Mitch and Kristen's cat

Posted: Jan 15th, '15, 05:36
by Pete Fallon
The cat was 18 years old and the neighbor shot it with a hunting arrow because it was stalking his pet Quail. Come on people get real. The neighbor should be fined for hunting within a neighborhood, the cat couldn't catch the quail if he was 17 years younger. Cats have more brains than some people I know. Used one of his 9 lives, eight to go. I am a cat and former dog owner just plain wrong.
Pete Fallon

Re: Mitch and Kristen's cat

Posted: Jan 15th, '15, 08:05
by Joseph Fikentscher
No one should treat any animal not to be eaten in an inhumane manner. That being said, Call your local Animal Control. Let them handle it in a lawful manner.

Re: Mitch and Kristen's cat

Posted: Jan 15th, '15, 09:19
by Carl
Joseph Fikentscher wrote: That being said, Call your local Animal Control. Let them handle it in a lawful manner.

That's funny!

Had a Feral cat problem near the shop a few years ago. Neighbor is a true animal lover, but had enough after waiting months for Animal Control. Before allowing some people to leave Rat Poison out for them, she went out and bought her own Have A Heart Traps, caught six or so at a time, brought to have neutered, brought back and released.

That is almost as good as calling the Police, DOT and 311 if you have a strange car sitting in front of your driveway for a day...even a business driveway. Still waiting on them to show up after a couple years...nice to have a forklift.

Re: Mitch and Kristen's cat

Posted: Jan 15th, '15, 11:01
by mike ohlstein
Carl wrote: That is almost as good as calling the Police, DOT and 311 if you have a strange car sitting in front of your driveway for a day...even a business driveway. Still waiting on them to show up after a couple years...nice to have a forklift.

I had one of those. It had been smashed and burned. Couldn't get anyone to come. After a few days, I told them that I thought that I caught a whiff of burnt meat.

They came.....

Re: Mitch and Kristen's cat

Posted: Jan 15th, '15, 22:29
by Tony Meola
Yannis wrote:

I have now spread pine calls and clam shells around and that keeps him out

Geeze Tony, I didn't know clam shells kept cats away !! Raw, or cooked leftovers ?
I'm not sure what pine calls are, maybe pine cones? Greek cats, though, do not seem to get bothered by these, as pines are all over the place as well as cats !

Sorry Pine cones. Cats don't like to walk on anthing that could be sharp and they like smooth and soft that they can easily dig into. The Pine Cones hurt their paws and the claim shells are just a hard surface they need to move out of the way and they hate doing that also. If I broke them up and turned them so the edges were up, that would work also.

By they way, they were cooked. Steamed on a grill.

Re: Mitch and Kristen's cat

Posted: Jan 16th, '15, 07:36
by Yannis
Tony, thanks.

I just put a sign "No cats allowed". The cats read it, and they stay away. Simple !!

By the way, most of my professional life was in catfood, more so in the dry cat segment; that's why cats understand my signs !!

Re: Mitch and Kristen's cat

Posted: Jan 16th, '15, 08:23
by Carl
Tony Meola wrote: By they way, they were cooked. Steamed on a grill.

Hmm...never had a cat that way, taste good?

oh...I have another one, but slightly off color.

Re: Mitch and Kristen's cat

Posted: Jan 16th, '15, 21:54
by Tony Meola
Carl wrote: By they way, they were cooked. Steamed on a grill.

Hmm...never had a cat that way, taste good?

oh...I have another one, but slightly off color.

Now that is funny. I know you usually have them when you order Chinese.