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Great White shark attack ID - Keith?

Posted: Jan 11th, '15, 20:31
by SteveM
A young lady was attacked last Monday right off my dock on Elbow Cay approximately 100' away. The stories of how she got bit vary a little. However, it is certain that it's a massive bite, one doctor said the size of a large pizza. I was on the island that day, however did not see the incident. My first thoughts were that the local fisherman need to stop cleaning fish a the docks. One guy nearby is a commercial fisherman and posts videos on YouTube of the big bulls and tigers at his dock each day. I compare it to feeding the bears at Yellowstone. We now have a bear problem.
However, today, I saw on a thread on the Hull Truth where a fella who is talking to victim's husband states it was a Great White, ID'd by the teeth left in the wound. With the expertise on this board I thought I'd ask for a 2nd opinion. Here's a link to one of many news casts and a picture of one of the teeth.
If someone can fix the jpg image link that would be appreciated.
Image ... he-bahamas ... mas-2.html ... 40_480.jpg

Re: Great White shark attack ID - Keith?

Posted: Jan 11th, '15, 21:07
by CaptPatrick
Looks like the tip of a bull shark to me....