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More "You can't make this stuff up"

Posted: Jan 8th, '15, 00:13
by IRGuy
I'm trying to think of a good introduction to this subject, but just can't find the words. If anyone can think of one please feel free to post it. ... t-28055094

Re: More "You can't make this stuff up"

Posted: Jan 8th, '15, 01:33
by Yannis
"Portable always-dry black-water tank" for special occasions, perhaps !

Re: More "You can't make this stuff up"

Posted: Jan 8th, '15, 11:33
by Jack
Is this a good idea? It Depends.

Can't claim authorship, but that was the headline when I saw it on Fox.

Re: More "You can't make this stuff up"

Posted: Jan 8th, '15, 13:06
by Rawleigh
It must have been a really slow news day!!!