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Port Eads

Posted: Feb 23rd, '07, 23:55
by JohnCranston
Just thinking about the last Port Eads reunion. 401 miles from Freeport Tx. to Port Eads. 198 gallon...not bad. Uncle Vic, Patrick, Andre, really stand out. A blind guy traveling half way across the gulf and have such a warm weldcoming was something to rememver. Probably the best trip of my life. Just want to say thanks for looking out for me and I want to say that I really miss you guys. Uncle Vic, you help me out with the insurance co. and I can't thank you enough. You're a real stand up guy and I appreciate all the help that yu gave me. Capt. Patrick, Thanks for the time that you've spent talking avout Reel Cowboy. I know that it cuts into you're day, but it's well appreciated and I owe you. Andre, you and your kids are great. Cool facial I'm told. Thanks to Dr. Matt for patching the dorado bite to my ankle, I still walk with a limp. I know it's been a few years. guys. but it just goes to show ya what an influence you had on me.

Posted: Feb 24th, '07, 08:28
by Bruce
Friends and alcohol, then needing a doctor.

Those are good times....................

Posted: Feb 24th, '07, 08:35
by Mikey
Yea, Bruce, two of my favorite sounds, drunken laughter and gun fire.
What is the latest there, is there any there there? Reunion time!

Posted: Feb 24th, '07, 08:41
by mike ohlstein
I'm not so sure that Venice is even there yet.......

Posted: Feb 25th, '07, 18:13
by In Memory of Vicroy
John, it was our pleasure to meet you, and running 400 miles across the Gulf non-stop proves a few things, mostly we have some pretty stout boats and balls the size of grapefruit.

As for Port Eads, I hear a rumor that the power co. is planning to restore power to the place maybe by the end of March. Don't hurt that the D.A. has a camp right next to Tiger's...... Plus got a call from Buzzy last week that I missed, but the message was encouraging....

Venice Marina has recovered pretty well, hear the new store also has a bar and restaurant that is open. They have a bunch of modular homes that will slepp 6 guys each, so it is possible a UVI could happen in the future. We are having the Mini UVI-CX tourney there the Tues. & Wed. after Memorial day, and I'll probably be fishing on a charter vs. bringing AJ down, since Panama is just a couple of weeks after that.

I'm not sure a real UVI would be the same out of Venice, but who knows?

Well yankees, spring finally sprung in coonassland......swamp maples putting out, shorts & t shirt weather for a change.....even have some fish back on the Tickfaw River - caught a huge sac a lait out of the Goo Boat this mroning.....all is well down the bayou.


Posted: Feb 25th, '07, 19:45
by AndreF
Thanks for your kind words. I was proud of you for making the trip even before I met you. Once you arrived , you fit the idea I had of you. I still laugh out loud when I think of me telling you about the banana tree branch right ahead and you saying you knew where it was 'cause you hit it 25 times already when walking down the dock.
Your attitude draws my respect and admiration. Your crew fit right in too.
Da Judge and I visited Port Eads about a month ago, sad to say it looks the same . The harbor is silting up and you can't even get to the lighthouse. Miss Vickie & crew has barged a travel trailer down and pushed it off with an excavator next to the remains of their camp.The cabins UV spoke of in Venice are where we stayed and are quaint, but nice enough for $150 a nite, sleep 5, I guess.
We did see a crane working on the power line along the Mississippi, maybe the rumor UV mentioned is true.
We even found a few things from my shed at Venice Marina.

Posted: Feb 25th, '07, 20:24
by Hal
John, I was impressed as well and I still can't believe they let you drive when you were drunk. Blind is one thing, but boating while drunk must be against some rule or something. We'll have to consult the resident lawyer to see for sure - UV is drinking and boating OK?

Anyway, I hope to see some of you guys at the UVCXI. Venice marina was looking good when we were there last summer so I can't wait!

The best thing is UV won't have to ship a barge full of diesel down river this year, but I'll miss the luxurious accomodations at PE.

Posted: Feb 25th, '07, 21:23
by In Memory of Vicroy
Yeah, Port Eads is a special place, but Venice ain't Port Eads. We shall see. John and me were smoking cigars one nite late in Pee Wee's Pavillion and I looked around and everyone else had gone to bed. I was gonna walk him to the Pain Killer (blue houseboat stuck in the mud and still there) to his bunk........He had his folding white blind guy stick and all I had was his shoulder....he made it and I tagged along.....

Speaking of blind guys, and guess I qualify half way, there is a little LED flashlight out there that is the cat's meow.....Princeton Tec "Attitude"....a little 2.6 ounce lite with 3 hi intensity LEDs that will blind you......about 4.5" long, made out of Lexan, waterproof to 500', runs on 4 AAA batteries, and the light is supposed to run 125 hours of the 4 batteries. Someone gave me on for Christmas, and I liked it so much bought a couple more.....amazing little flood beam that is like a weapon at night - if someone accosts you, shine it in their eyes, kick them in the balls and you are done. Do a google on it and there is a Boy Scout place in CA that sells them for 16 bucks, ordered my new ones from them and got them on their cheap shipping two days later.

Got a new (used) ice machine for the camp, works great... the one here at home was acting up, and the ice machine guy that sold me the one for the camp asked if I'd ever cleaned the evaporator coils on the one at home....."no, it's new"..How new? Three years or so......had a mat of lint over the coils like putting a wash cloth over them...short work with the shop vac and its working like it should. Don't trash me, Bruce, I'm just a plain ole lawyer, not a regrig. guy like you....

A bad day is a day you don't learn something new.


Posted: Feb 25th, '07, 22:03
by Bruce
Don't worry UV I'm sure there's a quilt building across the frig coils in my galley.

Dryer plug burned off the cord a week ago. Had that cord thru 4 dryers since 78'. Almost lost the house on that one.

Posted: Feb 26th, '07, 05:52
by CaptPatrick

I really enjoyed meeting and fishing with you on "Reel Cowboy" that year. You're a Trooper of the First Order.

Looking forward to our next meeting...

Best regards,


Posted: Feb 28th, '07, 22:12
by Matt Holcomb
John, it was a pleasure meeting you. Watching you drive your boat out of Port Eads one morning is something I will never forget. You are an inspiration to us all. Hope to see you at another UVI one of these days.


Re: Poort Eads

Posted: Mar 1st, '07, 11:08
by capy
Just thinking about the last Port Eads reunion. 401 miles from Freeport Tx. to Port Eads. 198 gallon...not bad. Uncle Vic, Patrick, Andre, really stand out. A blind guy traveling half way across the gulf and have such a warm weldcoming was something to rememver. Probably the best trip of my life. Just want to say thanks for looking out for me and I want to say that I really miss you guys. Uncle Vic, you help me out with the insurance co. and I can't thank you enough. You're a real stand up guy and I appreciate all the help that yu gave me. Capt. Patrick, Thanks for the time that you've spent talking avout Reel Cowboy. I know that it cuts into you're day, but it's well appreciated and I owe you. Andre, you and your kids are great. Cool facial I'm told. Thanks to Dr. Matt for patching the dorado bite to my ankle, I still walk with a limp. I know it's been a few years. guys. but it just goes to show ya what an influence you had on me.

I don't know if you remember me, but I remember thinking when I met you....He must have balls made of cast iron to make that trip across the gulf being blind......

That sure was a UVI to remember.

Paul "capy"

Posted: Mar 1st, '07, 11:19
by JohnCranston

I remember all of you guys, wither I was drunk or not. I remember your conversation on how you went about bending the wood to fit into the cabin on your boat. Didn't forget Ernest and his buddy Tom...I was kind of hoping to hook up with those guys sometime back here in Tx.

Thanks for making me feel welcome, everybody.

Posted: Mar 1st, '07, 12:15
by Tom
John, good to hear from you. I've talked to Trey a time or three since the trip to Port Eads. Also I've been keeping tabs from afar on the saga with your boat as well. Sold the Blackfin last year and bought a little bigger boat. She spent more time in the yard last year than in the water. I think we only took 3 trips. Waiting on new wheels which will complete our repower.

While I only spent two years at Port Eads for the UVI, what a place of legend and lore. Enjoyed the whole deal the last time and overnighting at the Devils Tower with Reel Cowboy.

Hopefully it will return one day soon.

Posted: Mar 2nd, '07, 17:42
by thuddddddd
Little bigger and a whole lot better, tom'a'tao.............

Texas Brain Trust

Posted: Mar 5th, '07, 14:39
by Hyena Love
The Texas Brain Trust, the intellectual horsepower behind the now infamous Team Hyena, met this weekend. One topic of particular discussion, apart from winning the UVI of course, is returning to Port Eads - even if we have to stay each night in Venice or Port F. or Grand Is.

We are thinking run what you can, stay three to five nights in Louisina, fish hard each day, and just have one guy with a car to marshall food for the troops. Stay in Fema trailers or on the boats, very informal, everyone paying their own way.

The fishing is simply too good not to return. Sure, it will not be the UVI. Never could be. But, it could be a decent time to get together, tell some lies, and bask in the glory of another win by Team Hyena.

Who would be up for such a plan?

Posted: Mar 5th, '07, 17:43
by In Memory of Vicroy
Ernesto, it can happen. Yep the fishing is still good down there, and Venice Marina can handle a small crowd of boats, even have a restaurant and bar now. I've even looked into renting a quarters barge for PE, having a fuel barge come down there if we all sleep on the boats. Its only an hour or less down the river, so Venice is an option.

I guess the bottom line its not just the fishing that made the place what it was, its the isolation. Seeing car headlights in Venice just sort of takes the ambiance away........Thus the lure of Panama once again. Trading a little money for paradise at Pinas Bay is OK with me. I even asked AJ this weekend if she would mind skipping another year going to PE, and she replied "that's fine UV, anything to keep from having to dock next to them damn Hyena Boats" guess I have permission to return to Pinas Bay.

Maybe next year for PE, if the power gets back on & they get fuel down there, I can handle the rest, cooking,etc. but doubt there will be any shore accomidations unless Tiger rebuilds, then maybe for a few. Its a tough deal still. You gotta visit down here to understand the extent of the total destruction all over.


Posted: Mar 5th, '07, 18:22
by Hyena Love
Not instead of Panama, in addition to.

I am delighted to go back to Panama. If I was not going with this group, I would likely be going with someone else. I love fishing the resort style.

But, I must confess, I kinda miss the adventures in Louisiana. The lock masters making fun of us, the sights and sounds of the travel over there, the accomplishment of making the run, catching fish, and making it back alive. Its the journey and the destination, all rolled into one.

Posted: Mar 5th, '07, 20:26
by In Memory of Vicroy
Yep Erensto, you hit the nail on the head.....getting there alive and getting back is part of the mistique....Now if you had balls the size of John Cranston, just run straight across. That is the way to get there, just calculate your fuel, stock up and go. It's only 401 n.m.......

Shoot, you guys don't know how much I miss PE and the the UVI....I promise I'll do it for us again. Barge in stuff, whatever, we can do it. Let's talk about it in the swimming pool at the Tropic Star, seem to do my best thinking there......

And I hear a rumor that our Noble Leader, the old fart, Capt. Patrick, is gonna make Panama this year.......Don't know if that little country is ready for him, but we shall see - bring that big white hat with you, will look good in the pool. Don't leave it laying around, as Andre' says, "they got big lizards that run on their back legs and haul stuff off".

Ernesto, get one of your rich clients to move a big quarters barge to PE next year.......I'll provide the chef & food, booze, etc, just need a platform.



Posted: Mar 5th, '07, 20:33
by Capt. Mike Holmes
I second Ernest's desire to go back to Port Eads, and would be eager to be involved in any planning of a group going there. Would love to be as dumb as Cranston's crew and run straight across, but suspect there was more than bravery involved, from what a little bird told me. Still, in the right weather, with more than one boat involved, I might be game.

Posted: Mar 5th, '07, 21:49
by Garry
The lump is cooling off and the weather is starting to warm-up. 70 degree water is as close as Medusa. In fact, reports from a reliable source are a nice blue marlina was hooked there last week. The boat was chunking for tuna when the billfish showed up...they fed it a live bonito and the show was on. We can only hope, PE comes back...til then will have to settle for fishing out of Venice and Grand Isle...not too shabby!


Posted: Mar 5th, '07, 22:41
by Rob C
The Sarita is game! If she is still gas we will run the ditch, if not we will run across w/ John C. on board to keep the night watch!
Rob C

Posted: Mar 5th, '07, 23:54
by JohnCranston
I was down at the bay house this weekend when my buddies pulled up in their 21 Whaler, wanting to head over to the new bar 300 yards across the creek from my house. I hopped in and called Kenny, the owner of the bar, and asked him for a little assistance in getting over there in one piece. Everyone in the Whaler was way drunker than I was, so I got behind the helm and cruised her on over. Kenny could see the bow lights and would tell me to steer to port or starboard when I'd drift off course. Got her docked and everyone in the bar in less than 5 minutes. Gell coat unscratched...Plenty of sea hags and scallywags to go around.

Go John

Posted: Mar 6th, '07, 08:29
by Capt. Mike Holmes
John, you do amazing things, but maybe you need better buddies? If they are that drunk, - oh well. I can't give advise, been there, done that.

I was at the fishing show at the GRB in Houston all weekend, but ya'll should have had a nice weather time in Hide-a-way.

Posted: Mar 6th, '07, 10:49
by capy
You guys are right, PE is a very special place and I count my blessings everyday that I made Friends with you guys and got to fish with you.

I really miss all you guys and the great times I had at any of the B31 gatherings...............but is for my boy Pete's benefit that I go without.

Hopefully, when he gets a few years older, I can sharpen up my groveling skills and we can make it to panama!!



Posted: Mar 6th, '07, 10:57
by Tom
"Don't leave it laying around, as Andre' says, "they got big lizards that run on their back legs and haul stuff off". "

Dey call dem Panamanian Grosbeaks. aka porch lizards

Garry got it right about Venice, it may not be Port Eads, but its certainly not too shabby.

Posted: Mar 6th, '07, 16:14
by Capt. DQ
Hey P.E. was a really neat place to go, nothing like it anywhere, alot of good memories from the first UVI, got to meet some of you from the first meeting down at PE and having been there on other ocassions. But if you have never stayed in the PAINKILLER LODGE!! you ain't been to PE.

Will be going by there Thursday & Friday this week going Wally fishing with Capt. Scott Avanzino, of Paradise Outfitters. Will be staying down in Venice, which would not be a bad place to have a another UVI there in my opinion. If that happens will be looking foward to meeting some of the new faithful then..


Port Eads

Posted: Mar 17th, '07, 19:21
by tiger
Hey Guys

The rumors are right. The power is on its way. We are framing the upstairs, putting on a new roof and waiting for electricity to finish the inside.

In the meantime, I bought a used sportfisherman (sorry, not a bertram) and tagged 22 billfish last summer.


Posted: Mar 17th, '07, 19:30
by randall
hey tiger ...real nice to hear from you.......and good news about port eads....i was using satellite imaging to look at the bed i slept in...not a good thing.....

Posted: Mar 17th, '07, 19:32
by In Memory of Vicroy
Tiger, been wonderg....gimme a call at your leisure, 800 260 9908. Your hospitality for the Bertram 31 Faithful will never be forgotten. Could the UVI return to Port Eads?........


Port Eads

Posted: Mar 17th, '07, 19:43
by tiger
I thinking UVI at the camp 2008. I don't we will be ready this summer.


Posted: Mar 17th, '07, 19:46
by CaptPatrick
Welcome aboard & back Tiger! Hopefully you Coonasses will eventually get our favorite fishing camp back on line.
Could the UVI return to Port Eads?........
You betchum' Red Rider!



Posted: Mar 17th, '07, 19:52
by In Memory of Vicroy
Tiger, best news I've heard in a long time. I can help in the rebuild, take AJ down there for a week at a time, haul material, got a 6.5KW on board, power stuff, got people that can come swing hammers.....

As I said, the Bertram 31 Faithful will never forget your hospitality, you are one of us forever.


Posted: Mar 17th, '07, 20:33
by Capt. DQ
Hey UV,

Went Fishing with Scott down at Venice Marina on the March 8th & 9th and really had a good time with Scott & John the mate. We went 11 for 11 on Wahoo with the biggest at 72.1#, 68#, and a couple of 60#der's, then upper 40's on down for two days of fishing was not bad at all with no losses. He said you guy's were hooked up for the Corrision X Tourney. You should do really good with Scott, he is really a fun guy to fish with.