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Boeing 787-9

Posted: Jul 24th, '14, 05:52
by Bruce
As your watching remember this is a commercial plane.

This is as graceful as watching a ballerina perform.

Re: Boeing 787-9

Posted: Jul 24th, '14, 08:16
by Navatech
I wonder how graceful this ballerina will perform when she's carrying a backpack on her back (passengers) and a couple of shopping bags (luggage) in each hand... I occasionally fly ANA so I guess I have a good chance to find out sooner rather then later...

Nevertheless, very impressive... It's definitely going to be interesting... What with Boeing gambling on smaller, high efficiency aircraft and Airbus gambling on their 380's...

Re: Boeing 787-9

Posted: Jul 24th, '14, 09:23
by Stephan
The Legend of Tex Johnston and the old Boeing lives...

I knew nobody would believe what they just saw so I turned around and did it again...

What the hell did you think you were doing?
...Selling airplanes

Re: Boeing 787-9

Posted: Jul 24th, '14, 13:40
by jspiezio
Super cool plane, but the carbon fiber construction scares the piss out of me. CF is strong as hell, until it isn't.

Re: Boeing 787-9

Posted: Jul 24th, '14, 22:38
by Navatech
jspiezio wrote:Super cool plane, but the carbon fiber construction scares the piss out of me. CF is strong as hell, until it isn't.
Same is true for steel... I wish I had my late father's pictures... I could show you stress cracks in ships' hulls... And I'm talking about Panamax bulk and container carriers...

Re: Boeing 787-9

Posted: Jul 25th, '14, 06:51
by TailhookTom
My dad did the same maneuvers all the time -- in a P-51 Mustang!

Truly amazing!


Re: Boeing 787-9

Posted: Jul 28th, '14, 09:16
by Kevind767
I have flown both Boeing and Airbus aircraft.
Not flown the 787. She really is a beautiful A/C.
I think Boeing has really done well with this airframe, and we should be seeing quite a few of these flying around the world.

Been flying Airbus now for the last 12 years, and other than just a different philosophy of "how" they fly, I have no complaints.
Presently flying the 380 and it is a lovely A/C.
I have to admit it is the nicest Airliner I have yet flown.

(Don't want to go back to school to learn another one, getting too old for that shit)

We call the 380 the flying "Vagina"
Ugly on the out side......... But......

I'll let you figure out what it's like on the inside. ;-))

Re: Boeing 787-9

Posted: Jul 30th, '14, 12:15
by Rawleigh
Kevin: I almost spit my drink on the keyboard! Now that is funny!!!

Re: Boeing 787-9

Posted: Aug 1st, '14, 00:54
by jackryan
Great video! I currently fly the Boeing 777, but am going to training on the 787 in a couple of months. I'll initially be flying the 787-8, but we have the -9's coming later this year and the -10's shortly there after. I rode the 787-8 cockpit jumpseat from Denver to Houston last week. Amazingly quiet aircraft and the cockpit layout is something to behold. The avionics are beautiful and both the captain and F/O have HUD's. The guys I've talked to that are flying the 787 love it. Sure would be fun to take one up and yank and bank like the pilots in the video.


Re: Boeing 787-9

Posted: Aug 1st, '14, 06:25
by Bruce
Lets us know how it performs once you get your hands on one.

Try one of those noise abatement lift offs :-)