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Greenport friday welcoming party

Posted: Jul 22nd, '14, 17:46
by tjhartsr
michelle and i will host the friday get together as in years past.we will drum up some tables and provide the clam and oyster bar.This is a pot luck ,so bring what ever your able to add to the fest.Hopefully Neil will bring the crabs .The spot will be on the green in front of the marina offices for those of you who are coming for the first time.we should have a grill of some kind going .And some local corn .The weather this year has been great . Hopefully that will continue.Extra chairs will be helpful.we will be setting up around 4 feel free to help out . If anyone has some ideas to add to the welcoming event .Jump in. While there has been some talk on having dinner sat at bbq bills ,i don't know if anyone has made arrangements with them?

Re: Greenport friday welcoming party

Posted: Jul 22nd, '14, 17:49
by tjhartsr
530 kickoff

Re: Greenport friday welcoming party

Posted: Jul 22nd, '14, 20:02
by Bob H.
Will be there Tom, Mom H. Will sure have a dish to need any lil necks for the raw bar? BH

Re: Greenport friday welcoming party

Posted: Jul 23rd, '14, 07:38
by tjhartsr
i usually pick up 150 or so necks and 100 oysters. but sure bring what you can

Re: Greenport friday welcoming party

Posted: Jul 23rd, '14, 20:41
by gplume
Tom- you can count on our help. Be there sometime friday...chasing that Resolute (BH) up from ri .


Re: Greenport friday welcoming party

Posted: Jul 24th, '14, 05:41
by Bob H.
Tom if you have the necks covered I will get some swimps n sauce..BH

Re: Greenport friday welcoming party

Posted: Jul 24th, '14, 07:25
by tjhartsr

Re: Greenport friday welcoming party

Posted: Jul 24th, '14, 23:16
by gplume
I'm in when we going?

Re: Greenport friday welcoming party

Posted: Jul 29th, '14, 07:36
by Bob H.
Gif, I'm all fueled up and ready to roll..probably leave by 9 at the latest..give you a head start..BH

Re: Greenport friday welcoming party

Posted: Jul 29th, '14, 16:15
by neil
We will be there Thursday and look forward to seeing everyone Friday, we don't have crabs this year but will have tuna pokey and smoked fish dip for Friday afternoon.

Re: Greenport friday welcoming party

Posted: Jul 30th, '14, 09:18
by 1962 31
I have a few pounds of mahi ill bring up if there will be a grill

Re: Greenport friday welcoming party

Posted: Jul 31st, '14, 20:13
by tjhartsr
there will be a grill setup ,the marina doesn't allow grilling so we will set it up just behind the coffee shop . well show you tomorrow safe trip

Re: Greenport friday welcoming party

Posted: Aug 1st, '14, 23:01
by Bertramp
It was great to see some old faces and
some new first timers, now "family" too.
By land, sea and air. My visit was short,
but VERY much fun. My best to all!!
...... and Neil, you need to check out
Sag Harbor, half hour, dock to dock .... I
know someone that wants to go!!

Re: Greenport friday welcoming party

Posted: Aug 8th, '14, 07:31
by bob lico
Tom i just want to thank you and Michelle for going out of your way to make this welcome party a success, lugging the BBQ and everything else out to Greenport was a task in itself.i speak from the brotherhood "well done "!another thank you to misses Higgins for the delicious shrimp meal.

Re: Greenport friday welcoming party

Posted: Aug 8th, '14, 08:02
by wlbsr
I want to 2nd that. it was a great party and the food was unbelievable. Tom took it from parking lot to party in about 45 minutes. awesome feat to pull off. Thanks

Re: Greenport friday welcoming party

Posted: Aug 8th, '14, 08:43
by Bertramp
I agree !!

Re: Greenport friday welcoming party

Posted: Aug 12th, '14, 16:38
by tjhartsr
your welcome ,sorry i was a bit jambed up for the remainder of the weekend with a planned family event. i wanted to thank the gentleman for the reels and rods that were sent to me as raffle gifts.hopefully they found a good home . Bimini Bay Outfitters . jerry .thank you

Re: Greenport friday welcoming party

Posted: Aug 12th, '14, 19:17
by Bob H.
Tom, one reel ended up on Resolute, thank the sponsor for his generous contribution, I will put it to good use. A big thank you to you and Michelle for the great raw bar..those necks were sure sweet. BH