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New Bertram plant already shut down

Posted: Jul 12th, '14, 20:52
by Sean B
Well that sure didn't take long. I have it on good authority that they have ceased building boats. Report I got was because of "flat sales due to no new product line" but I have my own suspicions. I guess they wiped themselves out with their recent hull build mistakes. Just a couple buyers backing out of deals for boats as big as they were selling has got to hurt a company during this recession. Still, a sad day. I hope the Italians sell the name to somebody who knows how to bring Bertrams back to their glory days.

Re: New Bertram plant already shut down

Posted: Jul 13th, '14, 16:47
by IRGuy
Sad to see, but money problems can destroy almost any business. The 62' hull delamination failures (I know of only two.. were there more?) would give any prospective buyer the willies.. I know someone who was involved in one of them, and he says there was a failure in manufacturing that caused layers of the hull to not bond properly, he says the initial claim by Bertram that the boat hit something is BS.

One is left to wonder if Bertram can ever come back, and if so, how. Maybe go back to making smaller boats? Who would buy another large hull with the 62's history staring them in the face. Maybe concentrate in the 40-50 foot range for a couple of years to build up loyalty and confidence again, if that is even possible. Both loyalty and confidence require a lot of time and positive customer experience.. neither can be earned easily.. possibly not at all with the company's recent history. It would seem to me Bertram, with the right PR, boat size, and pricing could restore customer confidence in a few years. Maybe another investor with a new name, some new ideas in manufacturing, product offerings, and price incentives could bring Bertram back, but it would take time and deep pockets, both of which are probably in short supply with today's market.

I sure hate to see the name disappear!

Re: New Bertram plant already shut down

Posted: Jul 13th, '14, 17:32
by Navatech
IRGuy wrote:I sure hate to see the name disappear!
The brand might disappear from the market but the name will always be remembered...

Re: New Bertram plant already shut down

Posted: Jul 13th, '14, 20:27
by Harry Babb
I came by the "Wharf" in Orange Beach Alabama this weekend during a fishing tournment..........from what I can tell, here in Alabama, Viking is the favorite flavor in yachts.

Saw a couple of Hatt's, a few older vessels, several Cabos.......and a "Whole Bunch" (Alabama terminology) of Vikings

And not one single Bertram.......


Re: New Bertram plant already shut down

Posted: Jul 13th, '14, 22:30
by Pete Fallon
I saw the 62 that was hauled at Hinckley in Stuart. The entire side where it delaminated was completely resin starved, dry as a bone. I hate to say it but the market share of Bertram has been going down hill since the first bankruptcy in the early 90's. The attitude was build a big fancy looking yacht that would please the wives or girl friends. They got away from the fishing aspect that made the name for them in the 60's thru the mid 80's, after that they started building Howdy Boats as UV would say. If you've been around the water for a while all you saw at tournaments in the late 60's,70's and early 80's was battlewagon 54's biggest they made, 46'6's I ran one for a while, 42's, 38's, 35's ran them also and a lot of 31's I owned one for 36 years. The 54 and the 46's were proven fish raising machines they were built like tanks but they weren't speed boats. The entire aspect of fishing boats changed in the late 80's everyone wanted a 50' machine that would go 35 knots or more. The industry was ruined by the hiring of automotive gurus (unemployed executives that didn't have a clue how to build a decent boat) all they cared about was their performance bonus's and how to cheapen up the product. After being in the business for almost 40 years I have seen some of the best products go under because of the bean counters and lack of experience of the needs head honchos. It's time to get back to basics, someone with deep pockets to step up and start building a pocket fisherman in the 31 to 38 foot range that can catch fish. I have fished over a hundred tournaments since the early 70's and almost every one had a hotel or motel close by, just build a fish raising machine with a big cockpit that goes 30 in good sea conditions, low 20's in the crap. Who really needs some big fancy barge that goes 45 but shakes you fillings out of your teeth. All you need is a 31 Bertram day boat, a big bag of cash to keep it running and someone who knows how to tie a Bimini Twist. Enough of my ranting for now, I hate to see the company go away but they have brought it on themselves.
Pete Fallon

Re: New Bertram plant already shut down

Posted: Jul 14th, '14, 09:16
by Stephan
John Lennon had it wrong...
Pete Fallon wrote:All you need is a 31 Bertram day boat, a big bag of cash to keep it running and someone who knows how to tie a Bimini Twist.
Pete Fallon
I'm getting back to work with just that thought in my head.
Thanks Pete.

Re: New Bertram plant already shut down

Posted: Jul 14th, '14, 09:33
by Carl
When your buying a name with nothing behind it, what are you buying?

I think Bertram died years ago.

Re: New Bertram plant already shut down

Posted: Jul 14th, '14, 09:53
by CaptPatrick
I think Bertram died years ago.
Both of them... R.I.P.

Re: New Bertram plant already shut down

Posted: Jul 14th, '14, 10:02
by Bruce
Bean counters run the world. Minimizing quality while maximizing profit. Bertram isn't the first company to fall to its death under the bean counter rule.

Only this time its already questionable reputation, which is everything in the marine business, has suffered great harm. Nobody wants a boat that peels itself like a banana while cruising along while paying top dollar for its name.

If they did they would just buy an Ocean and at least get a better price.

Wonder if the Chinese capital and controlling interest in Ferretti group had anything to do with this?

Glad Dick Bertram ain't alive to see it.

Re: New Bertram plant already shut down

Posted: Jul 14th, '14, 10:34
by Dug
Sad. Viking makes a hell of a boat. I fish a 45' and its a tank. Not a shake, shimmy or other issue. Yeah, its a boat, its not perfect, and the biggest issue right now are 1st generation Glendenning electronic engine controls which SUCK, but otherwise its a hell of a machine.

I can only imagine the bigger boats are even more impressive.

That being said, the market for big sportfisherman is absolutely not what it was in the past. Center consoles rule the docks, and big sportfish burn too much fuel and there are not enough fish out there to drive that part of the sport for multiple production companies.

Too bad Bertram was not able to stay in the forefront if this news is indeed true. Very sad.

But it is the circle of life...

Glad I have my 31.


Re: New Bertram plant already shut down

Posted: Jul 14th, '14, 12:08
by Carl
My dads friend loves Vikings...has had one pretty much since I knew him...along with other toys...whalers hyda-sport etc.

Say what you will, when he has had issues...and its a boat he has issues like every other boat builder...the company stands behind their boat and has always taken care of the hush hush, not our fault BS...they just take care of it and make customer happy.

Its a great make your customer happy and they buy more of your product. It also doesn't hurt they seem to take pride in their boats.

For years, going to Boat shows...Bertram didn't want to give me the time of day when I mentioned I had a much for building customer loyalty. Wasn't till the last couple years someone smartened up and at least made you fell like you are part of ...but, too little too late.

Re: New Bertram plant already shut down

Posted: Jul 14th, '14, 12:29
by Bertramp
I agree with Dug ... the big bucks center consoles are what folks are buying and putting 2 or 3 big outboards on the back. Blast out, fish, blast back.

Re: New Bertram plant already shut down

Posted: Jul 14th, '14, 13:49
by Navatech
Carl wrote:For years, going to Boat shows...Bertram didn't want to give me the time of day when I mentioned I had a much for building customer loyalty. Wasn't till the last couple years someone smartened up and at least made you fell like you are part of ...but, too little too late.
I willingly profess that I have no idea what happened in the past... FWIW, during the last Miami boat show as soon as I mentioned I owned a Berty they had me check wether I was in their database (I was as I had previously requested some information regarding my Berty), then they gave me a VIP card and let me loose... Basically, the VIP card meant that you had preference (no line) in boarding show boats...

Re: New Bertram plant already shut down

Posted: Jul 14th, '14, 16:23
by Bruce
That better treatment was impart due to the efforts of some like UV and Pat who when at one of the first get togethers at the Lauderdale show, Bertram didn't want to know any of us. That UV southern charm went a long way to change that.

Everything is social media now and everybody glad hands like Dr. Kevorkian at an old folks home.

Re: New Bertram plant already shut down

Posted: Jul 14th, '14, 16:52
by Navatech
Bertramp wrote:I agree with Dug ... the big bucks center consoles are what folks are buying and putting 2 or 3 big outboards on the back. Blast out, fish, blast back.
Yes, the center consoles "rule" what used to be the SF market... However, no CC in the world will provide me with what I need (an A/C'd salon for the Admiral, overnight accommodations for me, the Admiral and 4 mates when on an overnight trip)... If I have to pay in fuel for those "luxuries" then so be it... Boating would be a lot less fun (for me) if I couldn't get every member of the family into it...

Re: New Bertram plant already shut down

Posted: Jul 14th, '14, 17:05
by scot
Very sad.
I agree that the big CC's rule the game now. 60+mph gasoline outboard powered rockets and ANY boat beats the crap out of you at 60, no thanks. Too old for the pounding and they typically suck when at rest. BUT there seems to be no shortage of guys paying upwards of $250K for those things. Leave the dock.. pound your knees and back for 2-1/2 hours and you are in Marlin water down here. Fish 2-3 hours and start the punishment again for the 2-1/2 hour ride home.... at 50+ mph.

They will spend $40K on a custom dock with boat lift that will lift their 35-40 footers out of the water and think bottom jobs cost too much. I suppose that makes sense as the OB's can't be left in the water.

The point is that there appears to be NO shortage of people with $300K+ to spend on a sport fishing boat, just few interested in one that goes 30 mph and stays in the water. The new marina at Pleasure Island in Port Arthur is basically empty. But if they would put lifts in, the place would fill up. Sign of the times I suppose.

Re: New Bertram plant already shut down

Posted: Jul 15th, '14, 06:09
by SteveM
The CC popularity is puzzling to me as well. I just got this spam from Boston Whaler today which shows a family enjoying their CC boat. My family spends a lot of time out on the water just like the pretend family in the video. They don't sit out in the sun on the foredeck or cockpit in our case for very long, nor would they want to sit at a table in the open sun. Crossing with a family for 8-12 hours would royally suck if they had to sit in the open elements that long and fry like bacon. I think the CC boat is sold the guy to fulfill his fishing fantasies, the amenities are snuck in there. The irony of this video and marketing is they don't show anyone fishing!
Here's a real life recent example: When we cleared customs in Marsh Harbour the other day, it took the officers 5 hours to come to our boat. (On weekends they only have one crew and the airport takes precedence over private craft). We turned on the AC and sat in the cabin. The OB guy in the other thread just might sell his boat to someone considering a CC.

Re: New Bertram plant already shut down

Posted: Jul 15th, '14, 08:18
by Navatech
SteveM wrote:The CC popularity is puzzling to me as well.
I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that quite a few fishing charterers have started using them (reduced costs = higher profit & they get faster to where the fish are)...
SteveM wrote:The irony of this video and marketing is they don't show anyone fishing!
To be fair, I didn't see this video advertisement as having been created to attract the fishing crowd... Quite the opposite in fact... The one good spot IMHO was that they made sure to hoist the diving flag when they had snorkelers in the water...

Re: New Bertram plant already shut down

Posted: Jul 15th, '14, 12:33
by Carl
The new CC Rocket Cruisers are a way to keep from having a laid back cruise to the grounds, a nice layover and return trip. Now its hurry out, catch and hurry back...whats next!

Even a dock and dine...some leave and go full bore, eat and are back at the dock in 2 hours. We meander on board, nice cruise to the restaurant...18-19 knots, takes a 1/2 hr to 45 minutes. Eat, have a couple drinks...meander around and putt putt home at just over idle in the dark..could be a good hour or two depending on wind and tide. Complete relaxation by the time we pull in.

Re: New Bertram plant already shut down

Posted: Aug 10th, '14, 08:34
by Charlie
I could write a book on dealing with Bertram during the 7 or so years I ran the Mid-Atlantic Rendezvous.
Lots of promises, but only a few kept.
We had a great venue, large turnouts, and good foot traffic. Bertram never did any advertisement. Marine Max did even less. They had a great place to attract new boat buyers.
We did have fun running the new 57 in big seas one year. What a day for a seatrial.

Maybe next year we need to get the Mid-Atlantic Rendezvous back in the game.

Bertram, I hope they make a comeback, but they lost their way years ago. There is no easy answer on how to make a rebound.

Re: New Bertram plant already shut down

Posted: Sep 14th, '14, 20:44
by Sean B ... /15636847/

Well it's official. And a damn shame.