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Screw identification

Posted: Jul 3rd, '14, 06:02
by Navatech
The electrical panels on my boat are secured to their frames by a peculiar screw. Some are missing but I have no idea what these are called or where to get them.




Anybody know what these screws are called or where to get them?

These screws are stainless.

Re: Screw identification

Posted: Jul 3rd, '14, 06:10
by CaptPatrick

Most probably a proprietary screw design by the panel manufacturer. If you can identify the manufacturer, you should be able to get replacements from them. Otherwise you're possibly SOL...

Re: Screw identification

Posted: Jul 3rd, '14, 06:13
by Navatech
CaptPatrick wrote:Most probably a proprietary screw design by the panel manufacturer. If you can identify the manufacturer, you should be able to get replacements from them.
There's no manufacturer noted on the panels. These are Bertram OEM panels. Possibly they were made by Bertram?
CaptPatrick wrote:Otherwise you're possibly SOL...
I have no idea what that means...

Re: Screw identification

Posted: Jul 3rd, '14, 06:25
by CaptPatrick
LOL, now you know how we feel when you use obscure letter combinations as short cuts to typing... SOL = Sh!t Outta' Luck

Re: Screw identification

Posted: Jul 3rd, '14, 09:59
by Bruce
Do a net search on "captive panel screws" which is what they are. You'll have to wade thru the nonsense to see if those exact ones are still available.

You can also call Bertram to see if they still have them or know who the manufacturer was/is.

Re: Screw identification

Posted: Jul 3rd, '14, 13:19
by Harry Babb
Navatech wrote:I have no idea what that means...
Funny thing......several months ago I employed a very difficult young man. I would give him a task to do and a little while later he would be off doing something else totally different. Soooooo.....I would direct him back to the original task. Then a little while later he would be off doing something totally different than the task assigned to him.....sooooo.....we had a little chat that was quite uncomfortable for both of that point I told him that I have already "Fired 2 shots across his bow" and the third would be a direct hit.

Well guess what happened.........I sent the 3rd shot right down the smoke stack.

As he was leaving he stopped me and asked "Just what in the hell does, 2 shots across the bow, mean" so I explained. He told me that he had never heard that expression before.......he was only 26 years old.......guess he was to young to know......but he knows now! ! !


Re: Screw identification

Posted: Jul 3rd, '14, 13:38
by Bruce
Just think at 26 he's already well past his "sell by" date.

Re: Screw identification

Posted: Jul 3rd, '14, 20:26
by scot
Doubt you will find it, but a definition of that screw would be a slotted pan head, ACME thread. Not sure I have ever seen an ACME thread that small. BTW ACME threads are STRONG lol. Capable of withstanding very high loads without stripping.

Re: Screw identification

Posted: Jul 4th, '14, 10:01
by jspiezio
scot wrote:Doubt you will find it, but a definition of that screw would be a slotted pan head, ACME thread. Not sure I have ever seen an ACME thread that small. BTW ACME threads are STRONG lol. Capable of withstanding very high loads without stripping.
Exactly. McMaster Carr might have it. If not then Google is your friend.

Re: Screw identification

Posted: Jul 4th, '14, 10:44
by Bruce

Re: Screw identification

Posted: Jul 4th, '14, 22:47
by Navatech
Bruce wrote:Try this link,

You're the man!... That looks exactly like what I have and the measurements work out too... I'll be contacting them ASAP (basically that means after the holiday <grin>)... Thanks a million... I've been looking and looking to no avail...