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Another Darwin Award

Posted: Jun 12th, '14, 01:42
by JohnV8r
This makes the inexperienced sailing family who had to be rescued seem like Mensa candidates... ... ss-pacific

Re: Another Darwin Award

Posted: Jun 12th, '14, 05:01
by Bertramp
So my thought of a circumnavigation by backstroke is a bad idea ??

Re: Another Darwin Award

Posted: Jun 12th, '14, 08:50
by Rocky
Awesome. I'd like to single hand him up side the head!

Re: Another Darwin Award

Posted: Jun 12th, '14, 09:49
by mike ohlstein

Re: Another Darwin Award

Posted: Jun 12th, '14, 10:14
by CaptPatrick
mike ohlstein wrote:Oh, that's nothing.....
Finally! A way to fix stupid!

Re: Another Darwin Award

Posted: Jun 12th, '14, 10:57
by MarkS

Re: Another Darwin Award

Posted: Jun 12th, '14, 11:15
by Rawleigh
I wonder how much that kayaker cost the taxpayer???

As for the wheelchair I agree with Pat!

Re: Another Darwin Award

Posted: Jun 12th, '14, 13:32
by Carl
Somebody should slap their parents for producing such stupid offspring.

If wheel chair guy lived....he sued.
If he didn't...I am sure his family is trying to.

Unless other countries are smart enough not to entertain such stupidity in their court systems.

Re: Another Darwin Award

Posted: Jun 12th, '14, 14:46
by JohnV8r
LOL! That's the ultimate cure for road rage!!!

All the books I've read about extended small craft/life raft/survival experiences in the Pacific - from In the Heart of the Sea (about the whaling ship Essex), to Abandon Ship (about the sinking of the U.S.S. Indianapolis), to Unbroken (the story of downed WWII B24 pilot Louis Zamperini) - or documentaries I've seen on TV - (I Shouldn't Be Alive - 76 Days Adrift) - have one common denominator over the 194 years these stories cover: Big sharks will come and try to knock you out of whatever you are in so they can eat you. Here in Northern California (where this guy started from), our great white sharks are up to 5000 lbs for the males and 7000 lbs for the females. 7000 lbs = a '72 Cadillac El Dorado x 1.5


Re: Another Darwin Award

Posted: Jun 12th, '14, 18:30
by Dug
As much as I think that was pretty dumb, whats the difference between trying to do it in a kayak and rowing? they cross the atlantic in row boats seemingly all the time now...

Re: Another Darwin Award

Posted: Jun 12th, '14, 20:55
by JohnV8r
Here's the difference IMO:

A purposefully built craft based on lifeboat design with shelter, stowage space for a change of speedos every other day and enough beam to keep a great white from flossing it's teeth on the bow...


versus an overloaded off the shelf coastal cruising kayak with a few modifications...


This guy was beyond crazy, had no reasonable expectation that he had a serious chance of making it to Hawaii, and, unfortunately, had in the back of his head the comfort of knowing that he would be rescued by the Coast Guard and/or others if he activated his EPIRB. To me, it's the difference the between an adventurer who seeks to circumnavigate the globe in a custom built expeditionary hot air balloon versus a guy who ties a bunch of helium balloons to his lawn chair.

I hope the Coast Guard bills him for their time and fuel.

Re: Another Darwin Award

Posted: Jun 13th, '14, 01:13
by Pete Fallon
Who is the pitcher and who is the catcher in the British Speedo Special.
Pete Fallon

Re: Another Darwin Award

Posted: Jun 13th, '14, 10:43
by Rawleigh
I had the same thought Pete! Pretty scary! LOL!

Re: Another Darwin Award

Posted: Jun 13th, '14, 11:17
by JohnV8r

True story: When I was in HS we used to surf the Newport (Beach, CA) River Jetties all the time. When you put on a wetsuit outside your car, you would put a towel around your waist so you could drop your shorts and put your wetsuit on without exposing yourself. Well, the Newport Beach Police Department decided they needed rid the town of surfers who were only wearing a towel around their waist while changing into/out of their wetsuits. I happened to be one of the unfortunate kids who got a ticket for "public exposure" when a cop came up and demanded to see what was under my towel. It turned out to be serious business as dozens of us were written up like we had exposed ourselves in the middle of a mall. I was a minor at the time and it was a sex offense - not fun.

After one of the parents hired an attorney to talk some sense into the district attorney and get the tickets dismissed, we all decided the best way to get even was to start wearing Speedos under our shorts/pants so we could "legally" change outside our cars. When the cops would drive by us while we were changing, we would all start dancing around in our Speedos. Those cops hated us and would hardly even look our direction.

When I saw this picture, I started laughing out loud. These guys clearly don't know the repellent power of the Speedo. Not what you want if you need to be rescued or want to get your picture in the paper for accomplishing something.

Re: Another Darwin Award

Posted: Jun 14th, '14, 12:44
by scot
I really want that image of those guys in speedos out of my head. That's just wrong.

Re: Another Darwin Award

Posted: Jun 15th, '14, 15:43
by MarkS
Unacquainted with states rights some POS liberal federal judge declared Wisconsin's state constitutional ban on gay marriage "unconstitutional" last Friday at the end of business, a ruling that was voted for by roughly 2/3 of Wisconsinittes in favor of. Those two in the speedos and piles of others just like them ran like the wind to every county courthouse that would issue marriage licenses. I saw kissing Nancy boys and Butch and her boyfriend Betty as well as Adam and Steve all over the TV all week long. What is it the single girls like to say? All the best looking guys already have boyfriends.

Re: Another Darwin Award

Posted: Jun 15th, '14, 18:39
by Navatech
Just as a friendly reminder, not everybody who wears/owns Speedo's is gay... I got started with them when I was a competitive swimmer... Several decades ago... Even today I prefer a Speedo under my wet suit... However, just for the beach/pool I don't use them anymore... They'd look ridicules under my beer belly...

Re: Another Darwin Award

Posted: Jun 15th, '14, 20:07
by Kevin
Sure....blame the beer belly!

Re: Another Darwin Award

Posted: Jun 16th, '14, 01:45
by MarkS
That is true but without question they are, and you would be included, guilty of bad taste. :)

Re: Another Darwin Award

Posted: Jun 16th, '14, 21:38
by Tony Meola
Not to offend anyone, but when ever I have seen some one in speedo, it reminds me of a Nude beach, the only place that those who should never be nude are nude.

Should have taken the gun safety course

Posted: Aug 6th, '14, 07:04
by Jack

Re: Another Darwin Award

Posted: Aug 6th, '14, 10:36
by mike ohlstein
21-year-old veterinarian? Was it a 6 week course?

Re: Another Darwin Award

Posted: Aug 6th, '14, 11:08
by Rawleigh
Now that is what I call the "Ultimate Selfie"!!! just north of Mexico City. That explains a lot.

Re: Another Darwin Award

Posted: Aug 6th, '14, 12:07
by STraenkle
How can you be a veterinarian at 21? unless you graduated high school at 12 and it does not sound like this guy was that smart. My daughter is studying to be a veterinarian, 4 years at U Miami then vet school....I guess the standards are a little lower in Mexico, maybe they meant to say vegetarian? Lack of protein can make you stupid.

Re: Another Darwin Award

Posted: Aug 6th, '14, 16:28
by IRGuy
My wife and I lived in Europe for about three years. One day she and another woman decided they would go to a nude beach in the Netherlands.. it was a weekday so most of the people there were retirees, most likely in their mid 60s on into their 80s.

When I got home from work I asked her what kind of a time did they have, and what did she learn after seeing all the elderly sunbathers.

She said the main thing that impressed her was that the elderly men and the elderly women all looked the same!

Re: Another Darwin Award

Posted: Aug 6th, '14, 16:34
by Stephan

Re: Another Darwin Award

Posted: Aug 6th, '14, 17:36
by Navatech
IRGuy wrote:they would go to a nude beach in the Netherlands..
A nude beach or a topless beach?!... Back in my time practically every beach was topless (in the Netherlands) to a great degree... And why not?!... Men go topless on beaches all the time ;-)))

Re: Another Darwin Award

Posted: Aug 8th, '14, 13:37
by MarkS
Mike it was a typo. he was a 21 year old "Vegetarian!"

Re: Another Darwin Award

Posted: Aug 8th, '14, 14:09
by Bruce
Forum rules on posting pictures of men in a speedo.

1st rule, hell no.
2nd rule, see rule number one.

1st warning, we understand curiosity just gets the better of some guys who may not measure up and we'll leave it at that.

2nd warning is at a Bertram get together you will no longer be allowed to use the rest room while another male attendee is using the facilities.

3rd warning is Westboro Baptist church will be sent to your home to picket.

Re: Another Darwin Award

Posted: Aug 8th, '14, 15:48
by Tommy
Thank you, Bruce, for your timely reminder!

Re: Another Darwin Award

Posted: Aug 9th, '14, 00:00
by Pete Fallon
Along with British speedo sailors another thing that should be banned from any ones view is a 350 pound woman with in black two piece bathing suit with enough cellulite on the back of her thighs to start a cottage cheese boycott. I tried to get my I phone to take a picture but it refused, I saw it last week in Hobe Sound Beach. Think about it for a second, then run for the barf bag.
Pete Fallon

Re: Another Darwin Award

Posted: Aug 9th, '14, 10:26
by Navatech
Pete Fallon wrote:350 pound woman with in black two piece bathing suit with enough cellulite on the back of her thighs to start a cottage cheese boycott... Think about it for a second, then run for the barf bag.
Thank you but I'll pass... Some images, once in your mind, are hard to erase...

Re: Another Darwin Award

Posted: Aug 9th, '14, 17:37
by MarkS
What has been seen cannot be unseen.