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Where is UV?

Posted: Feb 8th, '07, 16:43
by Dug

Where you be? Hell you have been downright silent lately. Hope all is well!


Posted: Feb 8th, '07, 17:02
by In Memory of Vicroy
All is well other than the weather has been crap since Christmas except the last day or two. Me & the Bride spent a week at Miami Beach a couple of weeks ago and got some sun, but just a slow time of year. Been a little busy with the UVI 7 at TSL and the Corrosion X Mini UVI the end of May. The CX-UVI is new, a two day deal right after Memorial Day and its sort of loose right now. Other than the rules, they are the same.

I'm mostly enjoying the lack of business travel for the first time in many, many years. I'll be in Miami at the end of the month on business for a few days, but yankeeland is out.


Posted: Feb 9th, '07, 08:37
by Dug
Good to hear you are well. It just seemed a bit quieter around here lately.

Weather has been darned cold up here. Yesterday topped out at 28 and it seemed warm. Wierd. Today I woke up and it was 18, which also seemed warm as the last few have been around 11...

I saw NO was at about 62 this morning on the news, I am sure that seems a bit chilly!

Sounds like you are spending good quality time.


Posted: Feb 9th, '07, 13:21
by In Memory of Vicroy
At my age all time is quality time....


Posted: Feb 9th, '07, 14:15
by Hal
I would like to know the preferred method of groveling required to win 2nd place at the first UVCX Invitational.

Any suggestions?

Posted: Feb 9th, '07, 14:44
by In Memory of Vicroy
Hal, pure merit will determine 2d. CX will sponsor and there will be give aways to boot.


Posted: Feb 9th, '07, 15:05
by TailhookTom
Does Merit = Bribes?

Posted: Feb 9th, '07, 16:41
by In Memory of Vicroy
Now, now, Tom.......after all this is Looozzzeeeeana. Strictly on merit.


Posted: Feb 9th, '07, 17:12
by thuddddddd
Tom, can't belive you'd mention the B word in conjunction with a hounored member of the bar. Now if it was that Hillery supporting El Presidente' that I could see.

Posted: Feb 9th, '07, 17:25
by neil
uv corrision x donated 6 cans for montauk 07 hope you will be there too win one neil

Posted: Feb 9th, '07, 17:48
by In Memory of Vicroy
Well that was nice of them.....last thing I need is more CX. Being the esteemed senior partner in a law firm, I spent most of the day fixing the ice machine at the office. Damn circulating pump bearings went out after only 26 years. Local appliance parts place had a new one in stock, sent the runner for it, switched out and making ice again. The pump was waaaay up in there, needed arms about a foot longer, but got it done. I'm a hero again, other than the ice sorta tastes like CX, I told the staff its good for their joints.

Now for the bad news, one of the two guys I'm set to depose in Miami in two weeks has moved........I asked the subpeona server where he moved to......."Detroit".......... way.....young lawyers go to Detroit, senior partners go to Miami.......

And so the world turns....