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31 model

Posted: May 2nd, '14, 15:17
by Charlie J
any update or progress on the model

Re: 31 model

Posted: May 3rd, '14, 18:43
by Bob H.
I spoke with Tom kellenbeck at ocean innovations on LI, NY. He made the deck molds for Resolute, he has
Experience making everything fiberglass. Good filler job for him, I will gladly follow up with him if we can provide
solid orders and $$$. BH

Re: 31 model

Posted: May 5th, '14, 06:45
by Charlie J
that would be great, steve is on the island, and could drop it off
just looks like we hit another dead end with this project

Re: 31 model

Posted: May 5th, '14, 22:06
by Tony Meola

Not a dead end, but it is hard to find some one who can do reasonably. I don't remember how many guys bought in, but that will be the number who should order one, but I bet we only get 10 orders.

But if we had a rough pricing Idea, if we could get 5 or 10 then maybe we could kick this up again if Bob has a guy.

Re: 31 model

Posted: May 6th, '14, 06:05
by Charlie J
if I was back on the island I would pick up the ball

Re: 31 model

Posted: May 29th, '14, 19:17
by Bob H.
I found a glass shop not far from my house that will do the half model for us. Need to get the mold sent up this way or I can pick it up in Greenport at the rendezvous. Need a rough count to help with pricing, once we get to that point a firm price with white gel coat will follow.
I will take the lead on this if you guys give me the go ahead. BH

Re: 31 model

Posted: May 29th, '14, 19:21
by ianupton
Bob - if you can take the lead, that would be great.


Re: 31 model

Posted: May 29th, '14, 22:11
by Tony Meola

I think the best way of pricing is to go with 10 models and then ask what happens if we get to 15. We should make 10 easy.

Re: 31 model

Posted: May 29th, '14, 23:57
by Rocket
I would be in for a half model depending on budget. I think we should build in some margin so we can make a healthy donation to Patrick on top of all costs. I can't remember what the acquisition cost of the plug was, those guys would need to have that discounted out of the price. I would think that $150 to $200 for a nice half model would make sense. Am I out in left field or is that about right?

Re: 31 model

Posted: May 30th, '14, 05:28
by Charlie J
bob theres a list of people that donated to purchase the model
I am sure its over 10 people
steve should have the list, and the # that was donated
thanks bob and steve
as rocket said

Re: 31 model

Posted: May 30th, '14, 08:08
by Bertramp
Bob ... please give name and contact info for the guy on the Island that can do them.
I have the mold here on LI and will gladly contact him, let him check out the mold and we can go from there.

Re: 31 model

Posted: May 31st, '14, 18:50
by Bob H.
Steve, sent you a pm, Tom is a great guy and I spoke with him a month ago about this project. If he is too busy and or can't get to it let me know. Have a local guy who builds dinghies and is also interested. Not trying to step on your toes just trying to help. BH

Re: 31 model

Posted: May 31st, '14, 20:39
by Bertramp
No offense taken,I was just the guy close to the mold in Lauderdale.
I will gladly contact and try to get ball rolling.