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We need more speed...

Posted: Apr 24th, '14, 22:06
by CaptPatrick
In many places in Texas, pickup trucks out number cars. Around here it's about 2:1... We love our PUs because they do so much hard work for us and sometimes even help us do stupid redneck stuff like act as a tow vehicle to get us going fast enough to do a full loop on a home made water slide.

These guys may have failed geometry and physics, but they do know their trucks...

Re: We need more speed...

Posted: Apr 24th, '14, 22:33
by Capt.Frank
They put a lot of time into making that mouse trap work.

Re: We need more speed...

Posted: Apr 25th, '14, 05:19
by ianupton
The first failed attempt hurt me just watching it!

Re: We need more speed...

Posted: Apr 25th, '14, 08:10
by Bruce
I think they over compensated their thrust vector victor.

Re: We need more speed...

Posted: Apr 26th, '14, 21:15
by scot
Red necks last words... "Hey ya'll watch this"
I'm betting there were adult beverages involved in the loop-de-loop, or at least in the germination of the idea.

Re: We need more speed...

Posted: Apr 26th, '14, 23:56
by IRGuy
I think I would do a couple of test runs with sacks of potatos first.

Re: We need more speed...

Posted: Apr 28th, '14, 08:24
by Rawleigh
Scot: That is "Hey ya'll, hold my beer and watch this. . . "!!