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Redneck Coffee Table

Posted: Feb 6th, '07, 21:03
by CaptPatrick

Found the perfect redneck coffee table for your TV room...


Now ya' know what to do with that next big block you can't unload...



Posted: Feb 6th, '07, 21:22
by Harry Babb
That looks like a high class redneck table............notice the 4 wine bottles in the in Alabama that same table would be accented with Budweiser cans.
Harry Babb


Posted: Feb 6th, '07, 22:24
by Capt. Mike Holmes
Absolutely A-1!

Posted: Feb 7th, '07, 07:52
by Bruce
I do have a nice 454 block in the shop.

I much prefer this one,


Posted: Feb 7th, '07, 10:15
by Chiles
Those radial engines are the only thing I know of that leak oil more then Timmy's Tubbbbbb

Well, when I bought my 82 Harley from my dad he closed the deal by saying "if you don't see oil undneath it, don't start it. It's empty"

(Timmy started it)

Leaky Harley

Posted: Feb 8th, '07, 17:03
by Doug Crowther
The only time a drop of anything has leaked out of mine was when it was lying grip to pavement (!@#$% non-looking mini van driving soccer mom) What do you have stewmaster ?

Posted: Feb 8th, '07, 17:07
by thuddddddd
stew nazi.

and BTW that weren't oil leaking on the ground, it was that big old piece of your ass that you ground down, leaking blood.

Call that guy with the doors right now. uh deleated that email send the # again

Posted: Feb 8th, '07, 17:38
by Doug Crowther
Timmy- if they weren't attached.....
I'll dig his number up and email it again

Posted: Feb 8th, '07, 18:44
by Chiles
It was an 82 low rider. Nice bike but in the two years I had it I ony put a few hundred miles on her. I sold her on E-bay to a guy in California. He paid cach an I took it to Maryland for it to be crated and shipped. I just could not get used to not cringing every time I saw a car pulling out in front of me.


I do miss the ride though.

Timmy, get your mind off of male body parts and back on your boat. It needs all the help it can get. At least I had enough sense to get rid of my oil leaking toys. You went out and upgraded to a set of high performance set of squirt cans.


Posted: Feb 8th, '07, 19:45
by Doug Crowther
I know the feeling you describe well. It's very similar to riding up a very large, backless, wave in my rldt. Feeling your wheels come out of the water, cavitate, and then that interminable period as the entire 7 tons free falls into the trough and hits with a force that feels like you and the boat were dropped from a crane into a concrete parking lot. And then it happens again, and again. And that's @ 7 knots/950 rpms, just enough to keep the nose into the waves.

An old biker once said to me there are only two types of bikers in the world (the whole yuppy scum thing aside): those that have been down, and those that are going down.

Aside from marriage's, spining out a 911 turbo @ triple digit speed in a tree lined turn, and laying down a harley @ 40+ (August no leather) are the two most horrifying things I have ever done.


Posted: Feb 8th, '07, 20:09
by thuddddddd
Your both sissy's . I got rid of my street bike, a race spec built duacatti 888 in your basic black, with cool carbon fiber pipes, after one night leaving th condo, making the turn onto the on ramp, and started twisting and shifting. Looked down(stillon the ramp) 135 . Knew then if it didn't go I'd be done. At that time I was still racing bigbore bikes and had skills. Thankfully the proff took me shark fishing and I had a revealation, loved big game fishing and hated RLDT's, so while Chiles says"timmy started it" it was really Mike.

Posted: Feb 8th, '07, 20:34
by Bruce
and those that are going down
Load of crap.................

Posted: Feb 8th, '07, 20:37
by thuddddddd
Bruce, Doug was at a gay biker leather bar, so yes it probably was true.
"those that have been down, and those that are going to go down"


Posted: Feb 8th, '07, 20:38
by Doug Crowther
YOU- have been shark fishing ? And it changed your life ?

I remember you chickening out of my crew days before the S. Jersey Shark Tournament in 2005 and thought you were afraid of Mako's. Guess it was just fear of waves, (bigger than those in the Merrimack River oil slick that lapped against the sides of the Tubbb in her former slip) as seen from the very rolling/drifting deck of an rldt while assigned to ladleing the chum.


A girl went in your stead. Now who's the sissy ?


PS: what are we drinking weekend ?

Posted: Feb 8th, '07, 20:50
by thuddddddd
I met that girl, she makes Arnold S look like a girly man. And didn't you meet her/him at that gay leather bar???

Same thing as usual, booze...........
hopefully the hot tubb is back, so bring a suit

Posted: Feb 8th, '07, 20:54
by AndreF
You hit the nail, cringing when someone pulls out in front of you gets real tiring. I'm selling mine soon, after Doug rides it. Timmy too. I want to see wheelies and a smoking tire.

Posted: Feb 8th, '07, 21:05
by Doug Crowther
The last "GAY" bar I was in was that lesbian martini bar you took me to in Portsmouth, NH. Think that was the night I got/left you that love note from the Portsmouth Police in your F250. But I don't remember so good. Glad you found it since I didn't tell you about it !
Didn't we look at some big 54 ft Hatteras somewhere in there ? Damn- mid 40's and crs is setting in

Posted: Feb 8th, '07, 21:09
by thuddddddd
I was hoping th women would bring you back to team your supposed to play for. 1girl+1girl+ doug equals, errrrrrrrrrrrrrr Capt junior might be looking in so we'll keep it pg

Posted: Feb 8th, '07, 21:35
by Doug Crowther
Let's see where Andre' takes us St Patty's weekend- his taste in bars is better than yours.

Posted: Feb 8th, '07, 21:44
by thuddddddd
based on ?????

Posted: Feb 8th, '07, 22:12
by Doug Crowther
he doesn't own a hatt.

Posted: Feb 9th, '07, 08:49
by thuddddddd
No he doesn't, which isn't a bad thing, for the rest of us hatt owners, but he does hang out with us, which once again leads back to , based on what?

Posted: Feb 9th, '07, 09:56
by randall
bruce....never been down?'s amazing how much the road resembles 40 grit sand paper when you slidin across it at 50-60 miles an hour....and i still hung in for six years after that....than ,like timmy, the light bulb came on...went surfing and skiing for ten years to get it out of my system...just not enough personal restraint for bikes

Posted: Feb 9th, '07, 19:58
by AndreF
I thought you hung out with US ?

Posted: Feb 10th, '07, 09:58
by thuddddddd
Andre, every thing depends on your perspective. Mine is that this is really a 41 hatt site, that I let you guys spend time on. big doug got big boat envy, so he's kinda like a junior hatt guy, hense you hanging out with us