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A peek at 15000+ years ago

Posted: Apr 14th, '14, 20:41
by Harry Babb
I believe I posted something about this discovery a year ago or so......but now we have actual footage.

My friend and dive instructor, Chas, has been so tight lipped about this discovery that he only told me about his involvment in the project a couple of weeks ago.

This discovery is less than 50 miles (as the crow flys) from where I am siting right now.

Take a look.....Myself as well as the dive/fishing community of our area will certainly appreciate a donation to the production of a "Documentary" about the "Underwater Forest"...... your help will be deeply appreciated

The link below will take you to the "Kickstarter" website and there you can enjoy the video ... ter-forest


Re: A peek at 15000+ years ago

Posted: Apr 15th, '14, 10:34
by Tommy
Harry, no luck connecting to the link.

Re: A peek at 15000+ years ago

Posted: Apr 15th, '14, 11:49
by Harry Babb
Tommy wrote:Harry, no luck connecting to the link.
Tommy, when I click the link a suspicious page comes up that indicates that the website must be opened in a new that the way it show up when you try to access the link?

Then I click open in a new window and it then works....


Re: A peek at 15000+ years ago

Posted: Apr 15th, '14, 13:03
by Tommy
Thanks Harry, I got it to play this time when I clicked on the second site. Now that is very interesting. I'm not sure what the humans did 15,000 years ago to cause the sea to rise by 60 feet, but they'd better quit doing it!

Re: A peek at 15000+ years ago

Posted: Apr 15th, '14, 13:29
by Harry Babb
Tommy wrote: I'm not sure what the humans did 15,000 years ago to cause the sea to rise by 60 feet
I am sure that its now under control Tommy.......15,000 years ago the only long distance communication was smoke signals.....and the fires used for sending smoke signals caused "Global Warming" which melted the Ice Caps......but thankfully Mr. Gore invented the internet and now we don't have all of those fires overheating our planet........

Hopefully I can dive the "Underwater Forest" this summer.......and funny thing.......the area where the forest is located is exactly the same area where we liked to fish back in the late 70's and early 80's.....of course it was still covered by sand back then.


Re: A peek at 15000+ years ago

Posted: Apr 15th, '14, 14:00
by mike ohlstein
Where I'm sitting here in Queens, the ice was once one mile thick. As I look out the window, I don't see any ice.

Clearly the earth is warming.

On the other hand, it was 70 degrees on Sunday and it will be 35 tonight.

Clearly the earth is cooling.

Any questions?

Re: A peek at 15000+ years ago

Posted: Apr 15th, '14, 20:46
by Harry Babb
Mike wrote:Any questions?
Rereading my smart ARSS description of "Global Warming" and your Witty sounding like Mrs Pelosi has warpped our can that bee???


Re: A peek at 15000+ years ago

Posted: Apr 16th, '14, 06:49
by Bruce
There is so much we don't know about our under water world. Scientists and researchers can argue and theorize when and how things happened or will happen till the end of time but there are many things we just don't know and will never know.

One thing is certain, the world has changed over the course of time and gone thru weather cycles long before the tree huggers started blaming climate change on man's use of green house gasses and carbon foot prints. That they can't argue with.

This discovery is just another amazing opportunity this world has to offer to explore and enjoy and accept without trying to mud it up with scientific garbage.

If you don't dive, get into it. The under water world is awesome.