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Quad copter picture

Posted: Apr 6th, '14, 11:28
by Kevin

My buddy was the first in our group to fly from a moving platform. He took some cool photos and video on the way home from the sandbar today. This was the first time the boat has been out in a long time due to all the projects I had going. We had a great time and now have a whole new way of taking photos. Talk about a game changer on perspective.

Re: Quad copter picture

Posted: Apr 6th, '14, 11:33
by Harry Babb
That's some cool pics Kevin.

Just this weekend, one of Chris's friends brought home a Quad for them to play with. At work George uses the Quad to check on Crops growing and not having to drive out in the field.

Your post opens new doors for uses of a Go Pro and a Quad................


Re: Quad copter picture

Posted: Apr 6th, '14, 15:31
by mike ohlstein
Gotta get one of those to film this years pheasant hunt…...

Re: Quad copter picture

Posted: Apr 6th, '14, 16:37
by Capt.Frank
I have heard of guys planning on using them white Marlin fishing this summer. Can you get live video from them? How far a range?

Re: Quad copter picture

Posted: Apr 6th, '14, 17:59
by CaptPatrick

Yes the video is a live feed back to an Ipad, Iphone, or similar devices.

The transmission range is generally less than 300 ft and conditions can reduce that even more... As a spotter plane, I don't think that a quad copter would be much of a tool. Too much distortion in a wide angle lens and far less resolution than the human eye. Might work though, for fish within that 200 - 300 ft range. Salty air, at low altitudes, will reak havock on the motors and servos in no time at all.

Re: Quad copter picture

Posted: Apr 6th, '14, 18:10
by Kevin
Wifi live video feed. Good for around 1000 feet or so depending on obstacles/radio interference. Use Iphone, droid or tablet type for control of photos, video and flight information.
Stock flight control good for right around 1/4 mile.
Lots of quads out there to choose from. We did not want to mess around with building system so we bought ready to fly systems. Now that we know how to fly we want bigger ones that can carry beer.

Re: Quad copter picture

Posted: Apr 7th, '14, 07:07
by Bruce
FCC has radio controlled aircraft transmitters work on the 2.4ghz(13 cm) band and are good like Kevin said for up to 1/4mile with no RFI interference or structure obstacles.
Off shore, not much chance of that.

My problem is as long as everyone that is being filmed gives their permission, go for it. But flying over and filming others either in their yards or out on a boat without their knowledge or permission is a violation of privacy.
I've seen video with HD cameras that give very clear definition and quality.

It doesn't take much to cause interference and crash or take over some quad coptor snooper with a little modification of a transmitter and antenna.

Re: Quad copter picture

Posted: Apr 7th, '14, 15:20
by Kevin
The debates are endless on that. Ironic as it is when we were on our way to the sand bar the Boatpix helicopter flew over us and took photos. We though it would be funny to take pictures of them and see if we could sell them photos! I have been in the paper on an occasion or two with a photo included. I never signed a waiver nor did I even know that I was being photographed. It did not bother me. I think the line gets drawn with intent and then it can get a little blurry as to privacy rights and so forth. There are probably hundreds if not thousands of photographs on this website alone and there are people in the background that did not sign waivers or consent forms as to if their photo could be taken, nor did they know their photo was being taken. It's all about context in my opinion. No doubt that with technology becoming more advanced that these RC devices can be used for the wrong reasons. Every phone has fairly high end camera on it these days and capture everything and everyone on video. 10 years ago folks were causing a stir with privacy rights and phone cameras with all the pervs bringing them into locker rooms and bathrooms etc. Flying cameras just took the heat off the camera phones.

Re: Quad copter picture

Posted: Apr 7th, '14, 16:29
by Navatech
Kevin wrote:10 years ago folks were causing a stir with privacy rights and phone cameras with all the pervs bringing them into locker rooms and bathrooms etc. Flying cameras just took the heat off the camera phones.
It's all about the reasonable expectation of privacy... You DO have a reasonable expectation of privacy when you're lounging next to your backyard pool... Regardless of how skimpy your bikini (if you're of the female persuasion) or trunks (if you're a male) may be... However, when you're out in public (e.g. on the beach, in the cockpit of your boat or on the front deck) I would say you do NOT have a reasonable expectation of privacy...

Re: Quad copter picture

Posted: Apr 7th, '14, 17:27
by Bruce
We no longer crave what we've given up freely....

Besides all that, they are great pics. Hope those are easier to fly than my helo.

Re: Quad copter picture

Posted: Apr 7th, '14, 19:28
by Navatech
Bruce wrote:We no longer crave what we've given up freely....
I beg to differ... Being out in public completely negates the expectation of privacy... Nothing to do with giving up anything...

Re: Quad copter picture

Posted: Apr 7th, '14, 22:02
by Kevin
I never got the hang of my helicopter. As soon as I made progress with tweaking controls the battery would get low and flight characteristics would change. Got tired of fixing it, mainly the blades.
We started off with 50 dollar micro quads to learn flying in the house. This quad with GPS hovers where you leave it, even in the wind. I would have to say very easy to fly.
Flying over the ocean is risky to say the least since every thing that goes up must come down.