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For you jet pilots out there. Off topic but interesting!

Posted: Mar 21st, '14, 13:43
by IRGuy
Some of you might remember my mentioning a long while ago that my son-in-law was a Navy F/A-18 pilot (and later an instructor). He now flies Boeing 777s for FedEx. (So far they have never lost one).

He sent this link to an interesting article written by another F/A-18 pilot.....

Any of you who were pilots should find this interesting. BTW.. he has one ejection to his credit. When he was looking for a flying job post Navy he had to explain why he had one more takeoffs than landings in his log book. ... p-gun.html

Re: For you jet pilots out there. Off topic but interesting!

Posted: Mar 21st, '14, 15:29
by Charlie J
I give them a lot of credit frank

Re: For you jet pilots out there. Off topic but interesting!

Posted: Apr 5th, '14, 22:32
by Craig G
He can pull a lot more Gs in the 777 at FedEx though. Gs as in thousands of dollars. :)

Re: For you jet pilots out there. Off topic but interesting!

Posted: Apr 7th, '14, 11:46
by IRGuy

He has carried lots of valuable stuff, but his most expensive load (as far as he knows, because some stuff he carries he can't place a meaningful value on) was about 40 race horses.. all prime winners.. from one city to another in Asia.