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Tower set-up question

Posted: Feb 5th, '07, 09:19
by John F.
Friend is having a boat built with new diesels (electronic) and with a tower. The builder says that they've had problems with the smart gauges up in the tower, so he is installing only tachs. and audible alarms--no oil pressure, water temp., kill switches, etc.

What do you guys install for gauges up in your towers? Is putting in tachs only the standard?


John F.

Posted: Feb 5th, '07, 09:50
by CaptPatrick

Every tower boat that ever ran only had RPM & alarms. Most had sync switches also... Towers do put a beating on gauges and other do-dads.



Posted: Feb 5th, '07, 17:53
by Bruce
There should be no problem with either the install or the display itself.

Depending on the manufacturer, some may be simpler to install than others but in most cases you can get a 4x4 electronic display as an extension to the main display for the tower. This will read both engines and all functions.

Very easy and simple.

They are no more vulnerable than a gps or radio.

Posted: Feb 5th, '07, 22:08
by John F.

Thanks for the replies. My friend who is buying the boat was told that not having gauges in a tower was common, and that the display unit they've tried has fogged up, so they're going to install a tach only. I personally can't imagine being at the controls and not being able to monitor engine temp and oil pressure, but that's evidently just me (and I still like analog gauges with dials). I'll pass both of your comments along. Appreciate it.

John F.

Posted: Feb 6th, '07, 07:47
by Bruce
Having a guage cluster in a tower is not common due to the amount of wires needed and the possible problem with resistance from the wire length which can make gauges read off.

I've worked on all the new stuf and havn't seen a diplay fog up yet. They are built and designed like all other electronics anymore. Pretty water tight.

Posted: Feb 6th, '07, 09:51
by scot
I was reading last month about a new system that uses 1 cable for everything. Basically you place "T" connections anywhere on the cable and ALL instrument, engine, etc systems communicate via the single cable. One of the big plus' touted by the new system was for a full gauge custers in towers.

Our internets in our homes are wireless....why should we have to run little wires everywhere on our boats...just to read a few milli-amp signals?

Wireless internet?

Posted: Feb 6th, '07, 12:02
by Capt. Mike Holmes
We don't have wireless internet down here in Freeport, TX. We still have propane fueled TV sets!