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More Pictures of the Tubbbbbb.

Posted: Feb 2nd, '07, 14:56
by 34Hatt
Added a few pictures of the Tubbbbs new power. You know the ones you will need seat belts to stay in the boat...

If you don't like the blurry picture don't blame me Timmy did it!!![/url]

Posted: Feb 2nd, '07, 15:17
by Brewster Minton
need a seatbelt so you cant jump overboard to try and swim for your life

Posted: Feb 2nd, '07, 15:21
by Bruce
Hard to tell from those pics but they look like 6V53 rocker covers, could they be the 400hp engines?


Posted: Feb 2nd, '07, 15:41
by offshore31

You've got a good eye. From talking to Thudd, you're correct.


Posted: Feb 2nd, '07, 15:48
by scot
Sweet little howlers....I'm diggin it Timmy.

Posted: Feb 2nd, '07, 15:51
by Chiles

You see son, first you have to sell them the boat. Later they will come back and buy the engines. Just wait, in a few months they will be buying oil by the barrels.

You think I can sell him this as a cleat or ski pole? Well, how about as an anchor?

Posted: Feb 2nd, '07, 15:52
by thuddddddd
K Bruce, I'm way to retarded to google(let alone spell) whatever your signature is this time. what is it and what does it mean.
And yes you got your usual well trained mech eye working. And yes I know some of the issues with them (cube's to hp) but it made the most economical sense.

Posted: Feb 2nd, '07, 16:05
by Bruce
I bow to your greatness............Thats funny.

Started reading some old latin books the other night, not much to do since Pat left and race season ain't started yet.

legum servi sumus ut liberi esse possimus
We are slaves of the laws in order that we may be free

dulce bellum inexpertis
war is sweet to the inexperienced

Deo duce, ferro comitante
God my guide, and my sword my companion

Posted: Feb 2nd, '07, 16:07
by mike ohlstein
Hate to say it, but that pile of crap actually looked pretty good as a hard top cruiser.....

Posted: Feb 2nd, '07, 16:08
by 34Hatt
Bruce what is up with that Sick cartoon????
Got to amit that I like it wonder what that means!!!

Posted: Feb 2nd, '07, 16:11
by thuddddddd
pile of crap, whatever. just make sure your up here to direct it's rebirth.

Posted: Feb 2nd, '07, 17:01
by Capt. DQ

I agree that's a ***** comeback on that. Fred is DA' MAN when comes to selling JUNK!


Posted: Feb 2nd, '07, 17:14
by thuddddddd
BTW Stew, that red thing looks like the bow chock Mikey got his panties all in a twist over, and I thought I saw it on the front of the hyundi powered 26's picture site

Posted: Feb 2nd, '07, 17:19
by bob lico
ok bruce my old army beret insignia de oppresso liber. never figure
that out to this day!

Posted: Feb 2nd, '07, 17:20
by 34Hatt
O.K Timmmy just sent BETTER ones so if you want to, go back to the link to SEEE.... Don't miss Page two!!!

Posted: Feb 2nd, '07, 17:44
by Charlie J
its hard to belive thos came out of a 31

Posted: Feb 2nd, '07, 17:46
by Mikey
Timmy, That's the one. It looks a lot better since rechroming but, damn it's tall.
Like your guard dog. Probably as effective as mine. We have a year-old airedale. The Bride just came in and the dumb Dora ran to the office and hid behind me and barked for five minutes, even when she identified herself. I just pray that huge bark scares off the bad guys or we're in deeeeeeeeeep D** D**.

Posted: Feb 2nd, '07, 17:47
by thuddddddd
there you go charlie, doing a crowther. back in the big one you could have been tried for treason. loose lipppppppps sink ships.

Posted: Feb 2nd, '07, 17:47
by CaptPatrick

"to free from oppression" or "to free the oppressed"...




Posted: Feb 2nd, '07, 17:55
by Charlie J
you have to clue me in on this stuff, i dont want you to sic cmp on my butt

Posted: Feb 2nd, '07, 18:32
by Bruce
Also associated with Mac V Sog.


It means no matter how many times you tell your kids not to touch the hot stove, they still do.
All you can do is put a helmet on them and watch them lick the bus windows as they go down the road.

Posted: Feb 2nd, '07, 19:39
by Doug Crowther
I love this site !

Charlie- Timmy try's to keep the strangest things secrets. Never have figured that out.

Tim- not much alpine green left on those.....

Bruce thanks- I had a flashback to seventh grade latin class for a minute. Thank god it passed !

Posted: Feb 2nd, '07, 20:08
by bob lico
capt patrick , bruce thank you but it was sort of a pun right now with the political leaders i felt we are the oppressed (the white middle class)serving with the unit you would know what the latin words meant.yesterday the congress put forth a law to punish anybody using th"n" word actually banning the word.what about mother f--ker.shouldn`t we ban that first!!!

Posted: Feb 2nd, '07, 20:58
by bob lico
bruce mac v sog were a real wild bunch, cia attactments all the way .there motto was not latin just kill them all and let god sort them out.they would have love to have you or anybody with a twisted mind.lets see two behind so and so`s ear tonight and sunday two rounds behind the ear of this guy.certainly instilled fear in the hearts of the viet-cong---------amen