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A reason to love dogs...

Posted: Feb 20th, '14, 10:39
by Dug

Re: A reason to love dogs...

Posted: Feb 20th, '14, 18:48
by Tommy
Good one, Dug; I'm 60 and I still do that with my golden!

Re: A reason to love dogs...

Posted: Feb 25th, '14, 16:21
by Stuart Cooperrider
Dog unrelated: Do we have a mutual friend in Trevor Nardini?

Re: A reason to love dogs...

Posted: Feb 27th, '14, 12:37
by Dug
Yes. Trevor and I both went to Kent. He was a couple years after me. Cool!

Re: A reason to love dogs...

Posted: Feb 27th, '14, 13:01
by Stuart Cooperrider
I recognized your name on a FB thread following one of his recent posts. How many Dug Stowes can there be? He and I worked together for years in Boston Advertising.

Re: A reason to love dogs...

Posted: Feb 27th, '14, 13:28
by CaptPatrick
6 Degrees of Separtation proven again...

Six degrees of separation is the theory that everyone and everything is six or fewer steps away, by way of introduction, from any other person in the world, so that a chain of "a friend of a friend" statements can be made to connect any two people in a maximum of six steps. It was originally set out by Frigyes Karinthy

Re: A reason to love dogs...

Posted: Feb 27th, '14, 18:54
by Bob H.
True meaning of PALs for life. BH