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Posted: Feb 15th, '14, 21:51
by CaptPatrick
First, I want to say a great big THANKS to all of you who have helped keep our site online through your generous donations. You are a very small group, but with very big hearts!

I started something today that may or may not be well received... I've started a group called Donors and will be replacing the standard rank with this image: Image

If anybody thinks that this isn't a good idea, or has other comments, please let me know Either here or in a PM if you'd rather not post publicly.

Best regards,


Re: Donors

Posted: Feb 16th, '14, 01:18
by Todd Pearce
I think its good ,those who contribute should be recognised ,but perhaps there should be an option to remain anonymous ,I for one would be happy to contribute again and would not mind being seen to have,
I once heard this saying " the oldest law of nature is that what doesn't contribute gets eliminated " with out the money the site will cease,and we cant have that,its to valuable
Perhaps also Capt Pat you should let the members know what it cost to run the site and also any upgrades to be done,I am sure that its quite a lot and it would be easy to under estimate for those like myself who have no idea what the costs are,just a thought
speaking of upgrades, How about a list of suppliers ,Like becksons for ports,etc etc, a list of hard to find parts suppliers that the members can recommend ,?
Anyway just some thoughts, but to capt Pat a BIG thanks,my project would have stalled for sure without the help,knowledge,and support of this site and its faithful,so a big thanks to all!!

Re: Donors

Posted: Feb 16th, '14, 09:54
by Preston Burrows

Short of sending cash in the mail to you in Texas how can I send you annual contributions?

I sure would like to.

I gather most donors send you cheques in the mail?

Maybe one of those donors who has credit card facilities could take my credit card contribution and send on to you in the form of a cheque?

Any ideas?

I think the donor recognition is a fine idea..........but maybe replace the star with a Bertram Eagle instead!

An indication as to what the site's annual running costs divided by the core group of donors would allow us to send a more 'meaningful' contribution annually?

Re: Donors

Posted: Feb 16th, '14, 10:22
by Carl
Whatever it takes to get money in the door works for me.
I think it is a good idea.

Advertising and membership fees are valid options as well...

For spontaneous contributions that get grouped in (and lost) with others fees and bills on a monthly statement...a credit card option may be a great option to offer for payment. Today a free App can be had that only requires minimum transaction fees..."Go Payment" & "Square" cost little per transaction ... money is directly deposited to account.
It stinks to lose that % to banks and processors...but you may bring in more contributions. ;-)

Re: Donors

Posted: Feb 16th, '14, 11:58
by Harry Babb
We all know that it cost plenty of money to operate....

I have never been a proponent of the "Electronic" payment world. I say write a check and drop it in the mail.....doesn't get any simplier than that. Has very low "Administration Cost" and in my opinion just a personal, healthy way of taking care of our Good Captian.

Thanks for keeping up our website Pat.........I visit you guys every night! !


___________ CP
Donations and Income Tax
The Internal Revenue Service only classifies income as money received for compensation of duties or through capitalization on an investment. Because donations are neither of these, their value isn't considered taxable income and should not be claimed as such.

Re: Donors

Posted: Feb 16th, '14, 13:17
by PeterPalmieri
I've mentioned this is other donation threads. Set capt as electronic bill pay and click a few buttons when necessary.


Re: Donors

Posted: Feb 16th, '14, 16:22
by Carl
I have a few customers that will just never get around to making a purchase or making a payment by check. Just the way it is...ask them for a CC and they have no issue rattling off the numbers on the phone or handing over their card.

Re: Donors

Posted: Feb 16th, '14, 18:23
by MarkS
I certainly don't need any recognition but if it gets cash in the door it's fine with me. I love it here, that's all.

Re: Donors

Posted: Feb 16th, '14, 21:53
by Chanse
Paypal, Paypal, Paypal!!!!

What should a donation amount be?, I don't have the slightest clue what a site costs???

Is this to be a Jan 1 to Jan1 kind of thing? isn't that more like membership dues than a donation?

This is after all a BERTRAM 31 site I for one don't have a Bertram 31. I do have a B26 with IO's and do feel
sort of out of place here because of that. So if it is more of a membership what would the requirements be?

Re: Donors

Posted: Feb 16th, '14, 22:17
by Tommy
C Hanson, you are as much a member of this "family of faithful" as anyone since the site is devoted to all who enjoy the great Bertram classics. I no longer own a Bertram at all but I still join in on a regular basis. No, it is not a "membership" board; simply a sharing in the cost board!

Re: Donors

Posted: Feb 16th, '14, 22:26
by Joe E
I agree with some type of electronic payment. I would imagine what type of payment type your most comfortable with has to do with what generation you grew up in( not always the case). I have written 1 check in 5 years and that was last month to Doug on this site for the underwater lights. I also had to ask my wife where the check book was lol. It's not the norm for me to write a check. Thanks Capt pat for working so hard on the site it's a wealth of information. Joe

Re: Donors

Posted: Feb 17th, '14, 07:33
by RAWicklund
I'm with MarkS.... Don't need any recognition, just happy to be here. BUT in reality if you want revenues to increase, your business model has to change... I write checks only because I have kids in school....otherwise everything is electronic. Assembling an envelope, stamp and a check at the same time in today's world is rather challenging for most of us sans secretary types.

As for the little yellow pays to procrastinate.....that was my 2013 donation..... I'll get my check in the mail for my 2014 contribution, but first I gotta finish my 2008, 2009 1040's.


Re: Donors

Posted: Feb 17th, '14, 07:58
by Bruce
We all know that it cost plenty of money to operate....
That's some of it but Pat's time is much more involved. Not only in keeping the site running smooth but in his builds and his time preparing and posting his pics and descriptions.

How many here work for free?

How much in the way of dollars has this free web site saved not only Bertram owners but others as well in boat repairs and refits and prevented major mistakes that would have had to be redone had proper advice not been given?

To state it in a well rounded figure, a crap load.

Now add to that the friendships that have resulted not only in local gatherings but people who have flown in from all over the globe to participate in events from meeting thru this site.

I've known Pat a long time, he's a brother to me and I know his heart and he does this because he likes to help people out.(and talk on the phone :-p)

Now enough of the sentiment before Mike bans me and sends a nun over to hit me with a ruler.

BTW I'm changing site donor to brain donor after I die. If anyone wants to access it for continued boat information, it will be in the jar marked "abbi normal".

Re: Donors

Posted: Feb 17th, '14, 08:58
by MarkS
And a horse winnies in the background........

Re: Donors

Posted: Feb 17th, '14, 09:04
by 1962 31
cap set up a PayPal we can send money as a gift with no fees involved I've been using PayPal for years it works very well

Re: Donors

Posted: Feb 17th, '14, 09:06
by CaptPatrick
Ray wrote:I write checks only because I have kids in school....otherwise everything is electronic
It's been at least 10 or 12 years since I wrote a pen and paper check. And maybe only 3 for the 5 years preceeding that...

Online banking is so easy, especially today. As Pete has pointed out several times in the past, it's just a mater of setting up a payment account. I don't think that any bank today doesn't offer bill payment to their customers.

Once set up, (and if set for re-occuring scheduled payment), there is virtually no easier way and it too is electronic. The bank does the envelope stuffing and mailing...



Re: Donors

Posted: Feb 17th, '14, 09:26
by CaptPatrick
I know that several of you have been begging for me to allow for PayPal Donation/Gift...

I have resisted this in the past and still resist it in the present. It just further complicates my life with another 3rd party and administration of funds. PayPal wants to hold the money in account. They will disperse your money through check mailing or wire transfer, but then they want a fee for the disbursement service, and an additional waiting period.

All in all, for the time being, it'll remain either pen & paper check, electronic bank check, or as some have done, (even from outside of the US), stuff some cash in an envelope.

I can't tell you how much it goes against my grain to even be discussing this. It makes me feel like a beggar...

Re: Donors

Posted: Feb 17th, '14, 09:55
by Mikey
Love the idea for multiple reasons, not the least of which is to remind guys like me with ancient and evaporating memories that they need a gentle nudge to get it up so to speak.
I have been involved in fund raising especially for schools for decades and the plaques seen in most schools commemorating donors' gifts are not to aggrandize the donor but to jolt their contemporaries who ask, 'if he got a plaque I should get my butt in gear.' Works every time.
Patrick, you have been a great friend, not only to me on an individual basis but to a whole sandbox full of kids who very often needed a shoulder to lean on as well as your vast expertise.
Bless you my fren'
OOPS, guess I better get out the old check book, huh?

Re: Donors

Posted: Feb 17th, '14, 10:41
by TailhookTom
As a ring leader of the delinquent club -- can your refresh your mailing address?



Re: Donors

Posted: Feb 17th, '14, 11:20
by CaptPatrick

Look right below my avatar.... 834 Scott Dr, LLANO, TX 78643

Re: Donors

Posted: Feb 17th, '14, 11:33
by neil
cash is king

Re: Donors

Posted: Feb 17th, '14, 11:52
by TailhookTom
CaptPatrick wrote:Tom,

Look right below my avatar.... 834 Scott Dr, LLANO, TX 78643
As said by Mrs. Reilly in My Cousin Vinny "I think its time for a thicker pair of glasses."



Re: Donors

Posted: Feb 17th, '14, 14:32
by Dug

I think it is a wonderful idea. I love it.

And I love you for keeping this site up and running. Otherwise I am proud to call you my close and longtime friend.

Without Patrick, I would be uber clueless on my boating ways. Instead I am just mildly clueless. He and others on this board are my friends, and I learn from all every day. I would hate to see this site go away. Its one of at most a half dozen I visit daily.

Gladly I will donate Pat. And the Yellow donor sign is a great idea.

Thank you!!!!


Re: Donors

Posted: Feb 17th, '14, 14:50
by Dug
And the check should be there by 2/21.

Re: Donors

Posted: Feb 17th, '14, 15:09
by TailhookTom
Dug - I can't commit to when the check will get there -- I have to find the checkbook first. Maybe I will just go ahead and set Patrick up as a vendor and make Peoples United write him out a check instead -- been years since I've had to do that.


Re: Donors

Posted: Feb 17th, '14, 15:12
by CaptPatrick

I hope you're just kidding... PLEASE don't ever set me up as a vendor of anything. The last thing I need is a 1099 for operating a website...

Re: Donors

Posted: Feb 17th, '14, 16:10
by TailhookTom
CaptPatrick wrote:Tom,

I hope you're just kidding... PLEASE don't ever set me up as a vendor of anything. The last thing I need is a 1099 for operating a website...

That didn't take too long, lol. Not a chance of that my friend!


Re: Donors

Posted: Feb 17th, '14, 23:39
by DanielM
I agree with what Peter mentioned. Most bank web sites have a 'bill payer' account. I use mine to pay all my re-occurring bills, haven't written a check out in years. I set Capt. Patrick up a few years ago and it's just a few clicks to have a check in the mail to him. Easy as can be.

C Hanson don't feel out of place with your B26. I own a Chris Craft Tournament Sport Fisherman (damn the luck) and it's main purpose the last couple of years is to make sure the boat stands at the shop feel loved. (At least it's a Ray Hunt hull). I found this site years ago when I had a B25 project and have followed it for years. The B31 is a legendary boat, lots of good info here and I've met some really good folks through this site. Pat's site brings all that together.

Capt, don't worry about the little nudge, it's good info to get out in front of folks. Thank you for all your work here on the site and your hospitality when I stopped in on my drive through west Texas. Kind of miss UV's not so subtle nudges from the past, helped me remember.


Re: Donors

Posted: Feb 18th, '14, 00:55
by Rocky
I'm cool with just the check in mail method, kinda old fashioned in that way. It's always been what you can do for the Capt amount as far as how much per year I remember someone saying. And doesn't have to be only once a year, do what you can do!

Re: Donors

Posted: Feb 18th, '14, 08:24
by Dug
Even if the bank pays what I ask them too, a paper check still arrives. It does not have my signature on it, but theirs. Sent on my behalf. Being a talented bean counter you already know that.

That being said, my friend Mike is a very high up guy in a company that facilitates these things. A cable provider shall we say. He won't pay bills online or electronically. He writes checks. Yeah, yeah, yeah, fraud happens everywhere. Target to start. But he says this. "I know too much."

Re: Donors

Posted: Feb 18th, '14, 09:28
by TailhookTom
Donation went out today, Bank says you will get it by 2/24/14. Then again FedEx and UPS said Christmas presents I ordered by 12/8 would absolutely positively be on time for Chrismas, guaranteed. That's worth about as much as an extended warranty on a 1987 Oldsmobile.


Re: Donors

Posted: Feb 18th, '14, 15:07
by Carl
TailhookTom wrote:Donation went out today, Bank says you will get it by 2/24/14. Then again FedEx and UPS said Christmas presents I ordered by 12/8 would absolutely positively be on time for Chrismas, guaranteed. That's worth about as much as an extended warranty on a 1987 Oldsmobile.


Guaranteed for Christmas, yes...but did you inquire as to what year Christmas?

Re: Donors

Posted: Feb 18th, '14, 16:10
by CaptPatrick
I have one donor who sent a company check, but I don't have a name or username to identify him...

Check was from DEP Security

Re: Donors

Posted: Feb 18th, '14, 16:11
by Dug
With no 2013 yellow under my name it appears I completely slipped up last year. Damn. Sorry Pat.

Grrr... I will make up for it this year.


Re: Donors

Posted: Feb 18th, '14, 16:26
by CaptPatrick

No you didn't mess up... I've only worked the graphic for 2014 donors at this time. Still working on the idea, and graphic designs. You last donated on 04/12. And THANKS again.



Re: Donors

Posted: Feb 18th, '14, 16:59
by Dug
Well, that means I missed a 2013 donation either way. Crap.
Sorry my friend.

Re: Donors

Posted: Feb 18th, '14, 17:37
by CaptPatrick

Nope.... That was 4/12/2013

Re: Donors

Posted: Feb 19th, '14, 09:34
by TailhookTom
Carl wrote:

Guaranteed for Christmas, yes...but did you inquire as to what year Christmas?

LOL good one Carl, I need to remember that one!


Re: Donors

Posted: Feb 19th, '14, 09:42
by Jack
Great way to remind us. I had been thinking I was overdue to send something, so now the check is on the way.

Re: Donors

Posted: Feb 19th, '14, 12:10
by Dug
Phew! I thought you meant April of 2012!

Well, either way, this years is on its way. At least this year's so far! Thank you again!!!!!

Re: Donors

Posted: Feb 19th, '14, 13:03
by TailhookTom
Mine left Peoples United yesterday so it should be there soon -- and I put it in as a quarterly payment so I won't forget anymore.


Re: Donors

Posted: Feb 19th, '14, 15:00
by PeterPalmieri
Can we replace Dug's designation with "I'M LOADED" and an arrow pointing up at him?

Re: Donors

Posted: Feb 19th, '14, 16:37
by CaptPatrick
PeterPalmieri wrote:Can we replace Dug's designation with "I'M LOADED" and an arrow pointing up at him?

Re: Donors

Posted: Feb 19th, '14, 18:11
by Bertramp
just sent a 2013 ..... sorry
..... and a 2014 will follow a little later

Re: Donors

Posted: Feb 19th, '14, 21:17
by Dug

Just remember its an allegation.

Everything is relative.


Re: Donors

Posted: Feb 19th, '14, 21:20
by CaptPatrick
That's what Slick Willie said too...

Re: Donors

Posted: Feb 20th, '14, 08:42
by PeterPalmieri
I already forgot ;)

Re: Donors

Posted: Feb 20th, '14, 09:20
by TailhookTom
CaptPatrick wrote:That's what Slick Willie said too...

Knowing Dug as well as anyone on here -- he did not have sex with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky.


Re: Donors

Posted: Feb 20th, '14, 10:05
by Dug
LOL!!! Tom, you nailed it. ;)

More than some, less than others.

Reality is that to have the friends I have here, and have had (some are gone for now) I am as rich as anyone could wish for!

Actually not kidding about that at all.

Re: Donors

Posted: Feb 20th, '14, 10:27
by MarkS
"I'm working as hard as I can to get my life and my cash to run out at the same time. If I can just die after lunch Tuesday, everything will be perfect."
- Doug Sanders, professional golfer