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Merry Christmas!

Posted: Dec 17th, '13, 10:22
by SteveM
Thought I would share a little holiday cheer with my friends on the board with our link below.
I don't visit as much as I would like, but I do feel that each of you are my friend, and I am very grateful for the support and camaraderie found here.
This is our personal card, but since I don't have each of your mailing address I thought I would share here.
Sorry, no pictures of the Duchess :(
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Re: Merry Christmas!

Posted: Dec 17th, '13, 10:28
by Mikey
Thanks, Steve.
Considering the current weather in Virginia, wish I were @ your place for Christmas and under your tree, which I assume is a palm.

Re: Merry Christmas!

Posted: Dec 17th, '13, 13:39
by Charlie J
very cool steve
merry x mass to you and your family

Re: Merry Christmas!

Posted: Dec 17th, '13, 18:03
by MarkS
How fun is that! Now go take your Ritalin. :)

Merry Christmas to you as well!

Re: Merry Christmas!

Posted: Dec 17th, '13, 18:35
by Bruce
Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy and safe new year. Great family you have there.

Re: Merry Christmas!

Posted: Dec 17th, '13, 19:59
by Bertramp
Thanks for the Holiday wishes ..... was that a fireplace in the background in the first shot ?

Re: Merry Christmas!

Posted: Dec 17th, '13, 20:50
by SteveM
Bertramp, it still IS a fireplace. The house was built around '58. Terrazzo floors, hand laid trusses. They built them well back then. The backside of the fireplace is another fireplace on the opposite side...which I believe was an outdoor covered patio originally.

Bruce, and others, one of my neighbors in the Bahamas has the bug to get a 31. He currently has a big Bertram 50+ w/full time captain. He's a serious fisherman. He asked me to look around for him. I saw Bluebeard was up for sale. If anyone knows of any other good ones, this fella has the means to do it right and restore/rebuild one properly...and it be great to have another in the marina.


Re: Merry Christmas!

Posted: Dec 17th, '13, 21:04
by Bertramp
Steve ... I know what you are saying about how old Florida houses were built.
My place was built around '62 and I have terrazzo and a concrete roof.
Like a bunker !!

It would be real good for Bluebeard to go to a good home.

Re: Merry Christmas!

Posted: Dec 17th, '13, 22:07
by Pete Fallon
Merry Christmas to you and your family. I just got back from the frozen North, never got above 32 except for 3 hours Sunday morning when the heavy snow turned to rain then it dropped from 36 to 22 in an hour. I was there from Wed to Sun morning, 25 degrees was the normal daytime high with a low of 6 at night. Now I know why I moved here 20 years ago.
Doctor in Mass General found that the top of the implant was loose, but the bottom was okay. I need to have it replaced ASAP but just the femoral component. He can't operate until mid January, then it will be mid March before he can operate again. Away I am on crutches 24/7 and can't do much. Haven't been able to get to the boat for 4 months, it must be real dirty by now, eapecially since they have been burning cane near the Lake O area.
If your friend is looking for an express let me know I am really wanting to sell the old girl. It's listed for a few more weeks with United Yacht Sales. The boat doesn't need much except bottom paint and side and forward deck paint job, gel coat is still in great shape after being redone in the early 90's. Have a happy holiday.
Pete Fallon

Re: Merry Christmas!

Posted: Dec 17th, '13, 22:37
by Harry Babb
Very cool Steve......I admire your family's talent and togetherness.......


Re: Merry Christmas!

Posted: Dec 17th, '13, 23:24
by Tony Meola

Great shots.

Have a Merry Christmas. From the video, I am sure it will be.

Re: Merry Christmas!

Posted: Dec 18th, '13, 06:21
by Charlie J
steve sent you a pm

Re: Merry Christmas!

Posted: Dec 18th, '13, 09:57
by Rocky
Thanks for sharing Steve,
Merry Christmas to you and everyone here, hope it's a great one and a Happy New Year too !!

Re: Merry Christmas!

Posted: Dec 18th, '13, 10:04
by IRGuy
Merry Christmas from our house to each of yours.

While you are enjoying your holiday with family and friends, please take a moment to think about our young men and women away from home in far off places, protecting us from those who would do us harm. We are blessed to have them, and they all volunteered.

Re: Merry Christmas!

Posted: Dec 18th, '13, 16:54
by Tommy
Steve, thanks for the entertaining Christmas greeting! Although we do not have musical talent like your family, we do have a Golden Retriever like yours. Merry Christmas to all on the Board, and Happy Hanukkah to my Jewish Bertram brothers!

Re: Merry Christmas!

Posted: Dec 19th, '13, 14:48
by Hueso
Keeping up with tradition......Feliz Navidad!

Mikey: As usual, your palm tree with a twist






Re: Merry Christmas!

Posted: Dec 19th, '13, 15:03
by PeterPalmieri
Merry Christmas everyone. For those that are not on FB here is a shot of the family
