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Global warming.. no?

Posted: Dec 11th, '13, 20:46
by IRGuy
A good read, originally posted by Doug33 in the B33 forum.

Capt.. if this should be in the Political Forum pls feel free to move. ... aporating/" onclick=";return false;

Re: Global warming.. no?

Posted: Dec 12th, '13, 01:46
by Yannis
Poor polar bears; it's a pity that articles defending or promoting "no global warming", appear almost solely in the biggest polluter's turf. What's at stake?
Similarly, if you ask a mentally disturbed person if they are crazy, the answer is almost certainly "no"!

Re: Global warming.. no?

Posted: Dec 12th, '13, 04:59
by Navatech
IRGuy wrote:A good read, originally posted by Doug33 in the B33 forum.
AND it was posted here earlier under "Politics"...

Re: Global warming.. no?

Posted: Dec 12th, '13, 09:04
by dougl33
Which is where I got the idea from!

Re: Global warming.. no?

Posted: Dec 12th, '13, 20:09
by IRGuy
Great minds think alike!