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Posted: Dec 28th, '10, 18:23
by randall
classic....and very well done!!

Posted: Dec 28th, '10, 19:52
by In Memory Walter K
JP- If you're lucky, one (or more) of your kids will want to become Vets! Thought those Mountain dogs loved snow. My Lab sure as hell does! Walter

Posted: Dec 28th, '10, 22:49
by Tony Meola

Looks like Randel was out carving snow again.

Posted: Dec 29th, '10, 02:45
by coolair
sorry coming back into this late, that is one bad ass van! i don think you can get with a diesel any more. I was sun bathin its been in the 60s 70s whatever hear. hope yalls nuts dont freeze off

Posted: Dec 29th, '10, 08:49
by randall
tony...heres my latest snow carving. all you need is the right tool.


Posted: Dec 29th, '10, 10:05
by Carl
Randall...I think I'll send that to Bloomberg.

"All will be plowed and back to normal in 24 hours, please don't drive and take Mass Transit if you have to get somewhere."

Okay lets see, I had 30" of snow on my dead end block, so me and a neighbor dug our way out to a secondary street...only to find those where impassable. Tuesday rolls around and still no plow so to get to work I walk a mile to a main bus stop and the bus that's supposed to run every 15 minutes is a "no show" after more then an hour....actually not one of several bus lines showed...not one bus in either direction...I was going to hike another mile to the train...but it wasn't running either from what I was told by people who came to teh bus stop after waiting at the train back home I went. ( I should mention our 17 mile Island just spent 8 million dollars on 4 diesel locomotives in case they had problems with the electric trains, we have two tracks and the train just goes back and forth....4 New Locomotives as backups) By afternoon more neighbors started clearing paths to get out and I finally was able to get my truck to a main road and head to which the street where my business is wasn't plowed...but every person tossed their snow into the middle of a one way street as cars are parked bumper to bumper from beginning to end. Walked up and cleared my driveway.

Today the one way street is plowed to the top of the block ...where they we have a one lane street with 4-5' walls of snow on both sides that you have to back down after it's realized you can't go thru...

Yeah Randall, that goes out to our Mayor and his budget cuts. Wait till we don't pay taxs and see how fast they react...

Posted: Dec 29th, '10, 19:18
by JP Dalik

Been drinking beer for 2 days and still don't have enough material to duplicate your Pee version of the Mona Lisa in 30"s of snow. I'm still given her hell though.

Posted: Dec 29th, '10, 21:45
by gplume

That is a true "classic'....Now "Who's Next"

Posted: Dec 29th, '10, 21:49
by Tony Meola

I hope the neighbors didn't see you. Cool though.

Posted: Dec 30th, '10, 03:36
by randall
tony....i would never live anywhere you had to pee indoors. plumbing in the shop.

Posted: Dec 30th, '10, 09:15
by Bruce
I've been reading the headlines of "pitiful emergency" response during and after the storm.

Guess what. People survived a 100 years ago with no emergency response, plows or any government help what so ever.

People get pissed when gov't doesn't do enough, and they get pissed when government charges high taxes to do more.

How the American spirit of adventure has gotten the Lorena Bobitt treatment.

I saw it during and after our hurricanes and sat backed and laughed at all the helpless and useless people.

Somewhere my wife has a pic of me and the dog next to each other in the back yard pissing in the grass, A daily morning ritual.

Horrified at such barbaric behaviour I told her I just saved 3 gallons of drinking water for a flush and was bonding with the dog and the most important, because I can.

Posted: Dec 30th, '10, 09:22
by randall
every time i go to the city i imagine what those people would do without electricity. wouldn't be pretty. but the whole city mentality is let someone else do the menial jobs.

we had no juice for 14 days after hurricane gloria....caren bailed after four days but i kinda enjoyed it. you figure it out.

Posted: Dec 30th, '10, 10:05
by In Memory Walter K
Cripple America? Knock out the power grids. Fuel will no longer be the energy problem because you wouldn't be able to pump it. In 48 hours all the batteries will have run down on cell phones, laptops, etc. Then, let the games begin!

Posted: Dec 30th, '10, 11:36
by Rawleigh
Walter: I might get some peace and quiet if that happens!!

Posted: Dec 30th, '10, 12:31
by randall
my radio and flashlights are wind up...and i have 100 gallons of gas for the generator. should be ok for awhile. of course they will have to blow up the two bridges to keep out the hoards. people lived through the depression out here with NO outside help. bet the deer population would thin pretty fast.

Posted: Dec 30th, '10, 13:11
by Hueso
Certainly, I cannot live in the cold!




Posted: Dec 30th, '10, 16:33
by Dug
David, Do I know that beach in the middle picture? Still lovely...

Posted: Dec 30th, '10, 17:05
by In Memory of Vicroy
Counsellor, hope a frickin' coconut falls on yo' gloatin' head.....altho it is in the 70s and sunny here in Coonassland today so I'm not too disgusted with ya.

yo Fren'


Posted: Dec 30th, '10, 17:10
by Brewster Minton
David if they ever dig the airport out we might all come and stay at your house and use your boat.

Posted: Dec 30th, '10, 21:06
by Bob H.
19 inches of snow had to plow for 26 hours straight to keep the roads em down to bare asphalt within one a call from my States Attorney disgruntled resident out of 300+ called and complained about my plowing...My response roads are in better shape then most state and local storm Ive got a spare loader you can run...gotta love the Govt...who works for who?
JP... I had to snow blow a path for my Newfoundland to take a dump as well...go figure thought they were born in the snow...BH

Posted: Dec 30th, '10, 21:44
by In Memory Walter K
Bob- You live in Massachusetts. The quality of your elected officials are only matched or exceeded by those in California and New York. They know how to complain, not compliment.

Posted: Dec 31st, '10, 02:01
by coolair
But if we all lost power... how could we all bitc i mean have fun on here :)

Posted: Jan 3rd, '11, 14:06
by Hueso

Yes, you do....and you know her ugly side.


If I could only send you a coconut and some Don Q gold and white rum....lots of rain in the last couple of days...and a bit cold too.....What the hell Al Gore was talking about?


No problem with me. However, the wife.....she will kill me first...don't know how ya'll do..