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Posted: Jan 20th, '10, 23:21
by JohnCranston
Fluke? What that is? One of them there Yankee flounders?

Posted: Jan 21st, '10, 06:09
by Charlie J
there a little bigger then the yankee flounders, in fact i belive the flounder season is shut down so i hear

Posted: Jan 21st, '10, 06:42
by neil
Bob just to clear this up it was me who caught that bass on a spro in Point Judith, Jp's kid is my gaff man. Jr.

Posted: Jan 21st, '10, 08:40
by bob lico
yea neil but he was instructing you all the way.

Posted: Jan 21st, '10, 08:43
by randall
john....summer flounder. we'll catch one and you'll "see" . for the rest........


Posted: Jan 21st, '10, 09:39
by Charlie J
nice fish randall, how did you get all them in your canoe

Posted: Jan 21st, '10, 10:29
by neil
bob you are missing the point here ,it was jr who wrote that post, i think you have jr and jps kid mixed up

Posted: Jan 21st, '10, 21:56
by 34Hatt
bob lico wrote:just throwing a idea out.that first week in august coincides with the large influx of fluke . within sight of green port is the greenlawn area of shelter island about 60' of water
Sorry Bob but they are out of there by then it is late June for Greenlawns, Gardiners is better for end of July.

Posted: Jan 21st, '10, 23:20
by bob lico
dan that close enough .in and around greeport is what we all looking for.

Posted: Jan 22nd, '10, 06:08
by Charlie J
out by the ruins

Posted: Jan 22nd, '10, 09:03
by randall
northeast of the ruins.........but with the new regs you stand a much better chance of keepers off the point and along the south (ocean) side. still pretty close to greenport.

Posted: Jan 25th, '10, 18:16
by Charlie J
mitchells marina discounts, i dont think this was brought up, recive one night free when you book 3 consecutive nights. the free night must be a weekday night mon _ thur and not a weekend fri, sat, sun, the free night must be used at the same time as your 3 consecutive nights. a maximum of one free night is allowed per 7 day stay.
iam taking advantage of this offer and coming in on that wed.
also i asked jeff at the marina to scan in a copy of the map that shows all the docking space and where we will be located and e mail it to me ,ill try and put it up for all to see when i get it. this turning out to be a big event, and running very smoothly thanks to all thous envolved, brewster , walter , ed, tom , john.
ill also be sending out letters to are sponcers in the next few weeks, if anyone has a connection let me know, or secure it your self, the more raffle prizes the better. i already have commtitments , when some more come in i will start a new thead that will list them all, lets keep the momentom up
again any question pm me or shoot me a e mail
or call my cell # 516 852 6766
thanks charlie

Posted: Jan 25th, '10, 19:14
by In Memory Walter K
Charlie- That's 516 isn't it? Also, if you are a Sea Tow member, show your card when you pay up and get a 10% discount on your dockage.

Posted: Jan 25th, '10, 19:26
by Charlie J
thanks walter hit the wrong key, has been corrected

Posted: Jan 26th, '10, 17:46
by Harv
Here's the Marina layout......


Posted: Jan 26th, '10, 18:12
by Charlie J
thanks harv for the pic,
we have 18 boats as of now, that are showing interest, that would mean that dock c is filled up and we are working on dock b, however i spoke to jeff today at the marina and he said he only has 5 reservations so far.i know its early but it would be nice to confirm the slips in case we need more.

Posted: Jan 26th, '10, 18:30
by randall
how far is the marina from the north ferry?

Posted: Jan 26th, '10, 18:52
by Charlie J
right next to the marina, 3 minute walk

Posted: Jan 26th, '10, 19:04
by randall
thanks...thats what i thought. i only need to drive to the north ferry and walk on when i take the car.

Posted: Jan 26th, '10, 20:04
by Charlie J
thats it just leave your car on shelter island n side

Posted: Jan 27th, '10, 07:41
by White Bear
If one stops at the Chowder Pot Pub which is between North Ferry and the Marina it can take considerably longer than three minutes - sometimes that walk is measured in hours.

Posted: Feb 21st, '10, 15:14
by Charlie J
spoke to jeff yeasterday at michells marina we have 9 boats officaly signed up , i know its early but i would like to see more signed up since we have alloted a certain # of slips, if we need more and there available there ours. the marina is not open yet, leave a message and jeff will get back to you within that week.
the sponserships are coming along real nice with some nice raffle prizes this year, give me another month and ill start posting the sponsers and a list of items. ive sent out appox 50 mailing alot of these co. were at the miami show are are just getting back to me now, bad timing on my part but will follow up with phone calls.

Posted: Mar 10th, '10, 22:51
by Harry Babb
Is the airport in Islip called MacArthur airport?

Jo Ann is building a fire under me to get everything firmed up for August.....apparently she don't want to sleep on a park bench...LOL


Posted: Mar 11th, '10, 06:18
by Charlie J
thats it, islip macather airport, appox 1 hr drive to greenport. are you comming in on southwest

Posted: Mar 11th, '10, 15:47
by Harry Babb
Thanks Charlie

I will get back to ya after I look on (spelling??) tonight....

We are planning Greenport in August then IMTS in Chicago in September....gonna be a busy fall.....

I may just stay over at your house after the rendezvous until the show in Chicago.....I don't take up much space....


Posted: Mar 31st, '10, 11:22
by Bob H.
Made my reservation yesterday, slip C15.

Posted: Mar 31st, '10, 11:33
by Brewster Minton
my slip is C 3

Posted: Mar 31st, '10, 13:25
by Charlie J
iam c 11

Posted: Apr 3rd, '10, 19:02
by bob lico
i ask to be put in the non drinking section so they put me in slip c-2 next to brewster (non- drinking section)-ha,ha,ha my wife is going to love this!!!

Posted: Apr 3rd, '10, 20:50
by Harry Babb
I'll see ya there Mr Lico......we have a couple of unfinished conversations to continue........but I have to tell ya that after the stories of last year my daughter insist that she will chaperone her dad.....just to keep me on my best behavior...LOL


Posted: Apr 5th, '10, 10:16
by Whaler1777
Trying my hardest to be done by then! Charlie, when is the deadline to reserve a slip?

Posted: Apr 5th, '10, 10:38
by Charlie J
ill call jeff at mitchels, and get back to you.

bob your in deep doo doo

Posted: Apr 5th, '10, 17:09
by bob lico
i know charlie i know. compare to puting your head in a hungry lions mouth and hoping you don`t get hurt!!!!

Posted: Apr 9th, '10, 08:50
by Charlie J
just got off the phone with donna at michells marina, we have 14 boats sighed up as of today, C dock is full, we will now be moving to B dock, please try and make your reservation as early as possible the weekends fill up fast, it would be great if we could fill up B dock as well.
sponcerships coming along nicely, we are going to have some great raffle prizes. i belive brewster will be doing the shirts in the next month or 2. iam sure he will keep us up to date.

Posted: Apr 9th, '10, 09:08
by bob lico
glad i sugested greeport this year little did i know 1st week in august is the big feast by greenport.charlie there will be thousands of people on the streets ,a business consortium purchase the old greenport fire house and turn it into a micro brewery. there grand opening is that week .the beer taste very similar to boston beer (not that any of us drink)ha,ha, but it makes us blend in!!!.they are bringing the pirate ship from the movie into the harbor that first week in august. those of you who have never put up the sails and work in the riggings this is a fantastic advanture.ship will sail every morning (i could see captain patrick with eyepatch at the helm-agh)and the tourist will set sails heading to the atlantic .ship will then be open for inspection from afternoon on.this is a don`t miss week even if you cannot bring your boat be there!!!

Posted: Apr 9th, '10, 09:37
by Charlie J
great info bob, but you being docked next brewster, i dont think youll need the micro brew, you will have the hi test

Posted: Apr 9th, '10, 09:59
by bob lico
brewster turn over a new leaf he will behave. i was told a keg would be available but i have no experiance other then seeing the setup at our volunteer fireman activity. i know after putting the keg in that barrel with ice you have to let it set for some time before you tap the keg .i am willing to help friday if somebody knows what there doing . i imagine the tent will be set up earlier in the week and we can have the keg available friday night.what do think charle?? greenport will make this the first year of "octoberfest".

Posted: Apr 9th, '10, 12:33
by Whaler1777
Reservations are made... Got on the outside of C-Dock...

Posted: Apr 9th, '10, 12:37
by Charlie J
did you get my pm

Posted: Apr 9th, '10, 15:55
by bob lico
boston beer on tap will prolong the sanity of people that get zonk by just smelling patron.seriously nice to have for the dinner and hanging out what do the rest of you think.

Posted: Apr 10th, '10, 14:42
by Ken Hudson
I made my reservation yesterday.

We will be the 15th boat and in C 1.


Posted: Apr 10th, '10, 17:15
by Harry Woods
Made my reservation this morning for the crew of the Zip. I guess I am number 16 on the C dock.

Posted: Apr 24th, '10, 17:53
by Harv
Is there a spot close by for the land yacht???

Posted: Apr 25th, '10, 07:39
by Charlie J
i dont remember, call the marina and ask for jeff, or maybe tom hart or ed boyd will chime in. there is a small lot behind the office

Posted: Apr 25th, '10, 09:19
by White Bear
How big is the land yacht? Should be no problem for cars, pick-ups, vans, etc., but a large motor home will require some planning.

Posted: Apr 25th, '10, 09:25
by Charlie J
harv has a custon van

post subject

Posted: Apr 26th, '10, 13:26
by Mike Moran
made my reservations today

Posted: Apr 27th, '10, 19:16
by tjhartsr
harv there is a parking lot near the marina behind the train.i will check if there are time restraints and get back to you ,should not be any problem

Posted: May 4th, '10, 14:15
by Charlie J
spoke to jeff today at the marina, we have 17 boats committed as of today
12 -- 31s
1-- 28
1-- 33
1-- 48
1-- 54
will list the names tonight when i get home, i belive we had appox 25 committed on the thread

Posted: May 4th, '10, 15:17
by Harv
tjhartsr wrote:harv there is a parking lot near the marina behind the train.i will check if there are time restraints and get back to you ,should not be any problem
As Charlie mentioned, the land yacht is a custom van.
Here it is at the Newport Rendezvous several years ago, with Capt. Pat riding shotgun....
