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Posted: Dec 22nd, '09, 16:23
by neil
tom the more help we get the better the party,your job is to talk capt patrick in to attending.we will be there

capt patrick

Posted: Dec 22nd, '09, 16:38
by tjhartsr
well you heard um capt patrick,we'll pick u up and there a great hotel that overlooks your fleet,I will even provide for your first night.tom

Posted: Dec 22nd, '09, 16:50
by neil
i got the first hundred bucks for his plane ticket

Posted: Dec 22nd, '09, 17:51
by randall
as always he's welcome to stay at my house...bruce too. its about the same run as ill commute.

Posted: Dec 22nd, '09, 18:13
by bob lico
randall you and 5 -31 bertrams could dock at the shelter island house actually the canal on west brander parkway . we would have to be creative like bow to stern along the bulkhead . 5' deep and very little movement but no facillities other then a garden hose for is 350' long right on brander parkway owned by my son`s mother in law and they have no boat.this is the south side of shelter island .

Posted: Dec 22nd, '09, 18:43
by Charlie J
well looks like we have somthing to go on here , just got off the phone with ed and ill call tom tommorro . if greenport shows enough interest ill start another thread for a list of boats interested, if someone else has a idea of some other location please chime in.

Posted: Dec 22nd, '09, 19:56
by randall
thanks bob. that might work for a day but thats not to far from where the boat lives. i.ll probably run to greenport for a day and drive the other days.

Posted: Dec 23rd, '09, 00:12
by Whaler1777
Pat, I will get you a buddy pass to fly here and a return flight home....

Posted: Dec 23rd, '09, 06:11
by CaptPatrick
Thanks for the support, Guys... I look forward to next year as being more socially open. Planning on being there at this point.



Posted: Dec 23rd, '09, 08:59
by randall

Posted: Dec 23rd, '09, 19:31
by gplume
Not sure who the point person is....

Doug and I ran last years event, and i have all of the contact info for who attended last year, sponser info.....ect. Just let me know who is in charge and i can send everything to them. Walter did the same for me, and it was a HUGE help. Walter was also a good advisor, so I feel the least i can do is to do the same for this years chairman. I would also be glad to share my experience on what worked and what did not, as well as advice of the set up. PJ marina gave us a discount if we guarenteed 10 boats or more, you may want to approach your marina with the discount for volume request.

I was flat out of gas by the time we got to the dinner last year and could not deal with collecting $$ ect anymore and keeping the accounting straight and therefore did the raffle as part of the dinner cost loosing out on that fundraising potential..... that said, a well run raffle can most certainly cover plane tickets for some "special guests".

Posted: Dec 23rd, '09, 20:43
by Whaler1777
Spoke to Capt. Pat this afternoon... I definitely have the airfare covered...

Posted: Dec 24th, '09, 09:35
by Charlie J
just got off the phone with tom hart, hes going to due some leg work. and after the holidays tom, ed,brewster if avalible and myself will get together and start tighting this event up. and start getting a head and boat count. have a happy holiday and new year to all.

Posted: Dec 24th, '09, 09:45
by In Memory Walter K
Charlie-As Giff stated earlier, I'll be glad to be of help. Merry Christmas! Walter

Posted: Dec 24th, '09, 10:02
by randall
hey walter....that was me that honked at you the other day at the end of spring close by the bank...i was in my rental (automatic) kia. i can help too....not workin much.

Posted: Dec 24th, '09, 10:26
by Charlie J
the more the merrier thanks, ill keep you posted

Posted: Dec 24th, '09, 10:43
by In Memory of Vicroy
Put me down for a case of CX and a bunch of CX hats for give-aways I probably can't make it, taking my son and son in law to TSL mid August to celebrate not dying this year.


Posted: Dec 24th, '09, 10:58
by Charlie J
as always you the man, thanks, it would be great to see you guys again, if you can make it up here as you did years ago in montauk, ill send you a shipping address, anyone else thats thinking of coming start throwing the hooks out for raffle prizes

Posted: Dec 24th, '09, 12:04
by JohnCranston
Let us know the dates and where to find a hotel after things are firmed up.
Need airport info also.
Much thanks.

Posted: Dec 24th, '09, 12:33
by Charlie J
i will try and have all that info sometime after the holidays, hope you can make it

Posted: Dec 24th, '09, 14:19
by In Memory Walter K
Charlie- I will give you my list of who did and who didn't respond. If this materializes, I will make up the Rendezvous stationery so the letters you send out will look "official". It does make a difference. For starters, I donate six of my cookbooks. Walter

Posted: Dec 24th, '09, 14:31
by Charlie J
thank you walter, it will materialize we just need dates, i still have you cell #ill call you for the stationary or if you like you can join in on the meeting at a later date

Posted: Dec 25th, '09, 01:37
by Whaler1777
Wish I had more time.. Work keeps me on a leash... If theres anything that I can do to help, let me know...

Posted: Dec 25th, '09, 14:17
by Capt Dick Dean
Greenport is like just down the street. But that and Shelter Is. --- where is Shelter Is anyway? Does the Shinnecock Canal come into play? How much clearance is there under the rr bridge? Which way does the tide run on August 6th, 2010 @1300hours. Will the Shinecock Indians have a toll tax (they may own it by then)? Will the same Indians be the owner/operators of Brewster's sea side restaurant?

These questions should be answered before anybody commits.

Posted: Dec 25th, '09, 20:15
by bob lico
john or capt.patrick would be using southwest airlines directly into islip airport .about 11/2hour ride to greenport by car .
dick if you have outriggers you will have to drop them to clear railroad bridge on south side of canal . i have a 19' antenna so i have to drop that as well.out the canal into peconic deep water beautiful sight seeing and wot. to greenport.

Posted: Dec 26th, '09, 10:20
by Brewster Minton
The railroad bridge is 19' . Anyone who wants a chart sent to them with Nav aids for the inlet and bay to locks I will get one to you. I dont fit under and will have to go around the lighthouse.

Posted: Dec 26th, '09, 10:41
by bob lico
brewster is that because of the greenstick height . i assume you get break that down to easily.i put a U mount on the radar arch to hole that huge antenna then i put a U cap over with one thumb screw .comes apart easily but someone has to hold the antenna from the cockpit while i go under bridge then put it back up.the rupp riggers are easy just press a button and they slide back up .they are a very good option from year i will be a captain on a 51' bertram with tuna tower and that will be a hold new experiance getting that out of the great south bay i am pretty shore that doesn`t even clear the causeway bridge ! i drove the 45' cabo under it but this is real high. i have to take the owner to the canyon every few weeks.this should be a busy summer . i will be calling you for bad weather days.

Posted: Dec 26th, '09, 23:43
by Kurt
If you could, keep the details posted. If able I'd like to try and get in on the festivities if time and funds allow. Seem to be around NY once a month or so at this point.

Posted: Dec 31st, '09, 06:18
by Charlie J
tom hart called me and hes been putting some #s together, will meet in a few weeks to go over the pros and cons and should have a answer of dates and marina in greenport

Posted: Dec 31st, '09, 12:27
by White Bear
Charlie, Tom, et al.: We should probably meet in G'port some time early next year to eyeball the facilities and make sure everything is covered.

Posted: Dec 31st, '09, 13:14
by Charlie J
thats exactly what we had planned, happy new year to all


Posted: Jan 1st, '10, 23:49
by Rumrunner
I think Newport is a great Idea. my whole crew loves Newport and it is a good jumping of spot. I would be happy to help this year to make up for Not bringing the Big Boy last Year. Dug did do a great job with Newport.

Capt Tom

Posted: Jan 2nd, '10, 07:31
by Charlie J
i thought the majority was for greenport this year, if its some other location please let tom, ed ,brewster, and myself know where we stand, since we have started the leg work for this event already.

Posted: Jan 2nd, '10, 07:52
by Whaler1777
Im in for greenport... Need any help let me know!

Posted: Jan 2nd, '10, 07:54
by Charlie J
will do, thanks john, but lets see where we are going with this

Posted: Jan 2nd, '10, 09:21
by Bertramp
As for airport ... I would recommend flying into ISLIP (MacArthur) airport on Southwest. The east end of Long Island is an extra hour away if you fly into Kennedy or LaGuardia. And because Islip is smaller, it tends to have fewer delays. You will need a ride or a car rental from ISLIP.
Other side is ... if you fly into Kennedy, you can take the air-train and get the Long Island Railroad all the way to Greenport and never need a car.

for you out of towners ..... ISLIP is pronounced ( ice - lip )

Posted: Jan 2nd, '10, 11:19
by Harry Woods
I am also nearby. Happy to help.

Posted: Jan 2nd, '10, 12:08
by In Memory Walter K
Last time he had to fly in to JFK. Randall picked him up and took him home (where he stayed). I drove him back. If I am not mistaken, Randall and his wife have offered the same hospitality for this event. If he will actually stay in Greenport, that's another story.

Posted: Jan 2nd, '10, 12:21
by Whaler1777
Again I have the airfare taken care of... Deltas major hubs are either J f k or laguardia.. I work right near laguardia so pickup from there will not be a problem if he needs a lift..

Posted: Jan 2nd, '10, 13:29
by White Bear
The Long Island Rail Road offers all of two trains per day to Greenport, one arriving around 1100 hours and the other approximately 2000 hours. I would not suggest the LIRR as a viable means of transportation from Islip-McArthur to Greenport unless one enjoys unexplained delays, urine soaked rest rooms and other social treats such as found in the New York City subways during the '70s and '80s.

Posted: Jan 2nd, '10, 16:44
by randall
if its patrick we're talking about ill pick him up and im sure there is someone to pick up anyone who comes. public transport is not needed.

Posted: Jan 2nd, '10, 20:46
by Ken Hudson
This will be my first rendezvous. I hope it will be scheduled for any weekend other than the weekend of July 31/August 1.

I am looking forward to it.

Rumrunner is in for greenport

Posted: Jan 6th, '10, 22:28
by Rumrunner
We are ok for Greenport. Any problems with size and 40 foot tower?


Posted: Jan 6th, '10, 22:35
by bob lico
brother ward one of the tall ships for 1976 celabration docked there 212' with 80' mast . that bark took something like a 20' some odd draft.still can`t belive it came to the mouth of the harbor under sail perhaps showing off but still a feat like the huge tall ship from norway that went all the way to the dock under sail to show the world who`s boss.

Posted: Jan 7th, '10, 09:01
by randall
when the "Eagle" was there i ran under the transom overhang. anything short of an ocean liner can navigate in there.

Posted: Jan 7th, '10, 09:15
by Charlie J
as a kid i remmeber jackie onases yacht coming in,like a mini oceanliner, and if memory serves me i think the life boats were 31 bertrams on both sides.

Posted: Jan 7th, '10, 10:26
by Brewster Minton
Tom, that tower will not fit under the railroad bridge. You will have to go around.

Posted: Jan 7th, '10, 11:14
by bob lico
tom coming from NJ you will go around montauk and pick up shagwong reef bell buoy then northeast to gong buoy g "1" on north side of gardiners island from that point to greenport deep water very well marked with aids to navigation all the way to greenport harbor .

Posted: Jan 7th, '10, 14:57
by Whaler1777
So Greenpoint is where its at?

Posted: Jan 7th, '10, 15:05
by Charlie J
looks like it, we are going to meet in the next week hopefully and go over our options, at that time we should have the marina and dates