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Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project

Posted: Mar 7th, '21, 20:21
by micky
Finally the side windows are DONE and primed. Plan for next weekend is to sand the primer around the windows and fill out any scratches, finish sanding the awlfair on the stern and prime the whole boat with the 545. Hope it doesn't rain so we can finish with all of this.




Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project

Posted: Mar 13th, '21, 20:40
by micky
Hull sides are primed with 545!!!!!. We mixed white 545 with gray 545 and matched the Whisper Gray I'm going with so if there's a scratch it won't be noticed that easily. By next weekend we should have white primer from the rub rail up. Still need to sand some awlfair on the back deck area first. Hoping to be painted in the next 3 weeks - 1 month.




Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project

Posted: Mar 13th, '21, 21:34
by DanielM
Looking good. Looks like you can start to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project

Posted: Mar 14th, '21, 10:10
by Carl
That is a big step forward.
Great to see it coming together for you and I can't wait to see the end results.

Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project

Posted: Mar 14th, '21, 14:00
by micky
Better day shots.







Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project

Posted: Mar 28th, '21, 19:40
by micky
BAD NEWS!!!!!! Painter didn't come on friday neither saturday. On saturday at about 10:30am I sent him a text asking him if he was coming to which he replies...NO. I sent him a msg back telling him that we had an agreement that he would work on the boat friday, saturday and sunday and in the last 2 months there have been 5 times where he hasn't shown up and next friday he had told me already that he wasn't coming. That we needed to sit down and talk about it because I needed to finish the boat. Two minutes went by and he called me OUTRAGED asking me how I dare to send him a text like that, that he wasn't coming back and to get someone else to paint the boat and that I don't have to pay him anything. For the record, our agreement was that I would pay him when he finished the boat so I haven't given him a single dollar. He was coming today to get his tools and that didn't happen either.

So, when I hung up I started sanding, filling some pin holes and priming around the windows. Today spent 11 hours sanding everything that pas primed yesterday, finished fixing some limber holes on the deck support, sanded the back wall, etc. I thought I would finish and would prime next weekend but still need to sand the front visor, the front and back deck and the air intakes, so the plan is to do that on friday and prime from the rub rail up on saturday.





Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project

Posted: Mar 28th, '21, 19:44
by Tony Meola

Sometimes I think the paint and fiberglass guys inhaled too many fumes. I have yet to meet one that was not a Flake and some what unreliable.

Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project

Posted: Mar 29th, '21, 06:21
by Carl
How dare you remind him what the agreement was, what were your thinking?? Oh you weren't thinking...

As someone who gets to deal with this all too often all I can offer is step back a bit and talk with the person. Find out why they have their back hairs up not wanting to complete the job. Why did they jump in and help on window project then just halt, could it be they feel they already put in way more hours then they think they will be compensated for? In a case like that its is sometimes better to cut ties, lose what was invested and walk away instead of getting deeper into it. Maybe break project into parts...modifications, prep and paint with payments at each step.

Just so you know, my success rate of this approach is not very good. But it is how I like to be treated...

But as Tony said...maybe he's just been breathing in too many fumes.

As a last thought about unreliable painters breathing in too many fumes...

Last marina I was in a guy hires someone to paint his trawler in the Spring. It's now Spring and weeks go by and nothing, guys don't show and do not return calls. So by summer he launching the boat. One day he walks down the dock and his boat is masked with paper and the guys were spraying primer on one side of the the water. I never got the details but I recall the rest of the season most of one side of his boat remained green prime.

Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project

Posted: Mar 29th, '21, 07:08
by micky
My plan is to finish the primer myself and then paint the hull sides. After that is done, I need to sit down and think how I’m going to do the upper part and non-skid and I’ll pay someone to polish it.

Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project

Posted: Mar 29th, '21, 07:20
by Yannis
The main reason, beside cost, why I will never change my boat is that I cannot go through the same issues again, deadlines not met, appointments burned, calls not returned, jobs done half way and wait for the other half,...

And, Carl, no, I am not Mary Poppins, I don’t give a flying damn about what they think and why they misunderstood and the like.
No one of them has ever thought any of that about me, why should I? And Im the client, you know, the one who is supposed to always be right!

Oh, the worst clan is the blacksmiths, the inox guys, they know that you don't have the tools and they blackmail you big time.

My naval architect cousin says it right: if you don't have it it cant break...his boat has one light, one manual head and I think one fresh water pump and one compass.

Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project

Posted: Mar 29th, '21, 09:09
by Carl
Yannis wrote: Mar 29th, '21, 07:20
And, Carl, no, I am not Mary Poppins, I don’t give a flying damn about what they think and why they misunderstood and the like.
No one of them has ever thought any of that about me, why should I? And Im the client, you know, the one who is supposed to always be right!
Yannis- - While I agree with you...sometimes I do whats needed to get the job done and over with.

Yannis wrote: Mar 29th, '21, 07:20 My naval architect cousin says it right: if you don't have it it cant break...his boat has one light, one manual head and I think one fresh water pump and one compass.
I bought my boat from someone very like minded. VHF radio, compass, motors, hull running lights, horn and a manual bilge pump. He cut out the fresh water system painted over the fill and removing the tank. Removed the toilet, removed the shore power receptacle and cut the electric lines. One helm seat and two pole holders with one fighting chair. The icebox was used for storage. If it could break and wasn't needed it was removed...sorta.
Rear extra fuel tank he didn't want to carry extra fuel, especially not in the stern. He could not get tank out so he emptied, "shut" valve and painted over the fill. Only the valves must have leaked as when I went to remove it, the tank was full of old rancid fuel.

Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project

Posted: Apr 2nd, '21, 17:59
by micky
Spent the day sanding from the rub rail up with 220 grit. Plan is to prime with 545 tomorrow. Pics tomorrow. New painter is coming on Sunday to see the boat and give me an estimate.

Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project

Posted: Apr 2nd, '21, 18:25
by Carl
Crossing my fingers for you Micky...

Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project

Posted: Apr 2nd, '21, 23:46
by Rocky
I know we do it all the time and it seems to work on a pleasure basis, but I was thinking when it comes to business, there is a danger of misconstrued words on the receiving end of this phone messaging thing. I have an otherwise good neighbor who I talk to and we get along great, but one day he said "how dare you say that"!
And it was a very innocent remark on my part that I thought "in good humor". So my point is always talk to the person or see in person with business arrangements. That's just been my experience, and sounds like Micky, yours lately too!

Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project

Posted: Apr 3rd, '21, 06:22
by Yannis
You’re right.
After the 10th time, I kill these good approach methods.

Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project

Posted: Apr 3rd, '21, 18:54
by micky
Primed everything today except the floors, continuous spraying from 9am-2pm, overspray was so much that I need to sand them before priming them. Also the primer brought out some details that need fixing, and I had like 6 runs towards the end of the day as I couldn't feel my arms but will start working with those tomorrow.














Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project

Posted: Apr 3rd, '21, 19:19
by scenarioL113
If you gone this far doing it yourself than I dont see any reason you cant spray the final coat yourself...

Give it a shot! you obviously are not an average guy and are capable.


call the guy and tell him his tools are on the sidewalk and to get them before the garbage gets picked up on tuesday...

Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project

Posted: Apr 4th, '21, 20:11
by micky
Spent the day filling out the majority of pin holes and scratches that the primer brought out. After that was done I re-primed all the areas worked on. The new painter went to see the boat, we agreed that I would finish priming the boat (floors still need primer) and he will take it from there. He should start next monday (not tomorrow) sanding the hull sides to paint them. He was impressed with all the work done. Just needs sanding, painting and non skid.




Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project

Posted: Apr 9th, '21, 21:15
by micky
Went to work on the boat after work today, removed all the pipe work, grinded down all the places where it was attached to the hull and put fiberglass in all those areas. Tomorrow some sanding and awlfair. She looks weird without the pipe work.


Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project

Posted: Apr 11th, '21, 17:26
by micky
Primed all the decks today. The back decks has a lot of pin holes. I'll be working with those, the front hatch and the 2 back deck hatches and drain channels while the new painter works on the boat. He's starting tomorrow.








Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project

Posted: Apr 15th, '21, 19:15
by micky
Hull has been painted!!!!













Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project

Posted: Apr 15th, '21, 20:44
by Tony Meola
She looks good. Did you shoot the paint? If you did, it looks like you hit perfectly.

Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project

Posted: Apr 15th, '21, 21:40
by micky
It wasn’t me. I know my limits 😂😂

Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project

Posted: Apr 15th, '21, 22:28
by DanielM
Outstanding. Glad you’re getting to the shiny work. It looks nice.

Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project

Posted: Apr 16th, '21, 05:19
by micky

Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project

Posted: Apr 16th, '21, 05:50
by Carl
Congratulations, that is one huge step forward!

Looking good, keep the updates coming.

Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project

Posted: Apr 16th, '21, 20:28
It"s Medalla time .
Looks great

Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project

Posted: Apr 17th, '21, 13:53
by micky
Finally went and saw the boat with my own eyes and with the paint dry. It looks BEAUTIFUL.



Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project

Posted: Apr 22nd, '21, 19:58
by micky
We have WHITE!!!
He only applied 1 coat as a few imperfections came out with the paint brightness and it was going to rain. He will fix those imperfections and will give it 2 more coats.








Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project

Posted: Apr 22nd, '21, 21:01
by Tony Meola
Holly cow she looks great.

Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project

Posted: Apr 22nd, '21, 21:08
by scenarioL113
This baby is really coming along! Looking great

Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project

Posted: Apr 23rd, '21, 07:34
by John F.
Beautiful. You clearly have a lot of talent. Congratulations

Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project

Posted: Apr 24th, '21, 17:51
by micky
Today I was able to cut and install the inside wood frame around the starboard window. What a mess of resin with cabosil, thankfully I covered everything. The plan is to do the other side on tuesday. Tomorrow I want to install all the thru hulls on the hull to connect all the hoses that I have laying around.




Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project

Posted: Apr 25th, '21, 19:50
by micky
SS thru hulls were installed today.




Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project

Posted: May 8th, '21, 19:18
by micky
Painter applied 1 coat of paint around the windows and noticed that everything was uneven so he spent a day this week sanding, then putting the awlfair and fairing everything. On the cockpit he took care of all the small details. He asked me if I could sand and prime so that he can paint this next week so today I sanded everything with 220 grit and gave it 3 coats of 545. A lot of pinholes came out around the windows and tomorrow I'll go early in the morning to fill, sand and prime them so that he can sand everything with 320 grit and paint. This is a SLOWWWWW process and I'm getting desperate as the welder is supposed to start next week and this guy hasn't painted anything but the flybridge. I can't move the date for the welder because it would be 2 more months waiting for him.
Also gave the first coats of 545 to the platform. I'm going to start working with it next weekend.












Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project

Posted: May 9th, '21, 15:49
by micky
Today I filled out and sanded all the pinholes around the side windows, then re-primed both sides. After that was done put some Awlfair all around the platform as the edge is uneven. Also put some awlfair under the front hatch.






Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project

Posted: May 12th, '21, 19:59
by micky
Everything has been painted but the floor and the stern.








Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project

Posted: May 16th, '21, 16:41
by micky
Spent the weekend working with the swim platform (it was worst than I imagined), the front hatch and 2 clam shells for the blowers exhaust. Yesterday sanded all the awlfair around the platform and filled out a few pin holes, gave it 1 coat of primer and 100 pin holes came out so left it with putty last night, today sanded the putty and gave it 3 coats of 545. With the hatch, sanded everything yesterday, filled out the pin holes, 1 coat of primer and 100 new pin holes so filled those this morning and left it with 3 coats of 545. The clam shells were already primed so gave them a light sanding with 400 grit and gave them 3 coats of gray.








Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project

Posted: May 22nd, '21, 18:10
by micky
Started the day sanding the swim platform, front hatch and second station door. Swim platform and second station door came out perfect but for some reason the paint for the front hatch ran down completely, tomorrow I'll sand it and shoot it again. After that was done, sanded the back door on both sides and gave it 2 coats of 545. Plan for tomorrow is to do the non skid on the swim platform, re-paint the front hatch and see if I can sand and paint the door.

Painter should paint what's left this week except for the nonskid on the floors.










Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project

Posted: May 23rd, '21, 15:45
by micky
Today sanded the swim platform, taped the edges, gave it 2 coats of paint and covered it with the nonskid sand. Also sanded the hatch and re-sprayed it.


Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project

Posted: May 23rd, '21, 21:02
by Yannis
Micky, beautiful.

The dogs, however, don't seem to be paying the appropriate attention!

Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project

Posted: May 24th, '21, 10:45
by micky
They were eating. :)

Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project

Posted: May 24th, '21, 20:59
by micky
All covered up for paint tomorrow.





Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project

Posted: May 25th, '21, 21:40
by micky
Painter painted all around the boat today, and the cockpit, all is left now is the nonskid on the floors. Don't know what I'm going to do but the welder starts on monday and both of them can't work at the same time so I think the nonskid will have to wait and the painter will need to cover all the pipework. He's only working on my boat 2 days a week as he takes more work than he can handle. Another option is for me to do it over the weekend, but we'll see. I had asked him to paint over the nonskid on the platform and to re-spray the front hatch as it had some pin holes. He gave me 5 different excuses of why he didn't do that, for me its that he's stretching the work hours so after work I went there, cleaned everything and shot 3 coats of paint on the platform and the hatch. They came out perfect. I used the additive for the paint so that it wouldn't be so shiny in the platform to make it less slippery. Over the weekend I'll paint the back door. Also want to install the platform to get it out of the way.














Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project

Posted: May 26th, '21, 20:44
by micky
I continued with the bridge nonskid. Taped the edges and the lines that define the nonskid pattern, sanded everything with 220 and 320 grit, cleaned everything gave it 2 coats of paint and left the sand in place. Plan for tomorrow is to remove the excess sand and apply 2-3 coats of paint. Also want to tape, paint and leave the sand on the deck around the side windows and the back. Unfortunately for the painter, when he comes back on monday he won't have too much work.




Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project

Posted: May 27th, '21, 22:30
by micky
Finished with the non skid on the bridge, gave it 2 coats of paint over the sand. Then taped, sanded, painted and left with sand the walkway under the side glasses and in the back. Plan for tomorrow is just to remove the excess sand and paint over it. On saturday I want to do the front deck, that way the only thing left to do will be the back deck.








Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project

Posted: May 28th, '21, 20:28
by micky
Finished the nonskid on the walkway. Plan for tomorrow is to install the swim platform and sand, paint and put sand on the front deck.






Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project

Posted: May 29th, '21, 17:06
by micky
Started the day installing the swim platform. Had a friend give me a hand as one had to be outside and the other one inside. Came out nice. Then taped all the edges on the front deck, sanded the deck and sprayed 2 coats of paint and left the sand in place. Plan for tomorrow is to give it 2 coats of paint and start in the back deck to leave it with the sand.







Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project

Posted: May 30th, '21, 20:14
by micky
11 hour day today working on the boat. Started the day sanding the chanels where the back deck hatches go, that took me almost 4 hours as they were in bad condition. Then applied 1 coat of paint to the front deck, then came back and primed the chanels on the back deck, then to the front again to give it the second coat of paint, then back to sanding the back deck, cleaned everything, 2 coats of paint and left the sand poured. Plan for tomorrow is 1 more coat of paint on the front and 2 in the back and start working with the deck hatches which are pretty rough.

Its white but it looks gray in the pic.





Re: 1968 Hatteras 34 project

Posted: May 31st, '21, 19:09
by micky
Today gave the 2 coats of paint to the back deck, need to give it 1 more tomorrow, also gave the front deck the last coat of paint. In the afternoon, painted the back door and a pvc cable cover I made. Plan for this week's afternoons is to work on both cockpit deck hatches.


