Rawleigh, I have to say those spanish pilots are good. We first landed in Roatan and because some of our group got out of line....we were detained long enough that dark prevented us from fly on out to Guanaja. So we were flown back to LeCeba and spent the night there.Rawleigh wrote:Harry: I was there in '94 or '95. Same strip with the wrecked planes in the weeds.
The next morning we were flown out to Guanaja. From my seat it seemed that we had to fly over a mountain and dive into and on the runway....then brake like hell to stop before running out into the ocean.
From there a "Whole Bunch" of little spanish kids came out of the surounding jungles and loaded our dive gear onto the tractor and then unloaded it onto the boat.
I had 6 or 8 dollars of change in my pocket and decided to give it to the kids. I had to laugh when one of the boys told me "No thanks mister, we want Amedican Dollar". I accepted the change back and gave each one of the kids an "Amedican Dollar"
And holy crap at the junk around the airport.....it was like I had died and gone to heaven......you gotta know how much I love junk.
From there we made our way to Bayman Bay Resort where we stayed for a week of diving and dinning. We dove day and night.....deep and shallow....thru tunnels and on ocean walls.
About 2 weeks after we left Bayman Bay hurricane Mitch came thru and leveled it.
I could sit and talk for hours about that trip.