I have been trying to find the source for 2 months. Is this just a reservoir? Does the steering column have a fitting or bolted and sealed to this reservoir? Guess its time to package it up and send it to the hynautic company.
There is no Hydnautic company any more. Purchased by Teleflex (in Canada) with lousy service (no return calls and are never there when you do). Call/send to Charman Enterprises 1-800-247-6324, 107 West Harris Street, Eaton Indiana 47338-0496. Immediate response, fair prices, do a great job. Walter
If you remove the wheel and the 4 bolts holding it to the helm it will drop down to allow you to see the shaft and seal and make sure that is where its leaking.
That is the pump of the system. The tank should be somewhere else. Make sure you relieve the pressure(tire valve) before disconnecting the lines and mark the lines as to their position so they go back to the correct port on the helm unit.
If its been together for awhile, spray everything with Corrosion X first. Makes things alot easier and less likely to break when you take stuff apart. If Charman doesn't work out, there's a place in FLA. recommended by Seastar that was great on the phone when I had questions. I can find the name/number if you want it.
I agree with John spray the hell out of it. when I removed mine it took full day to remove the four machine screws, stainless steel screws into aluminum body.When reinstalling use tef-gel on the threads. it will make it easier next time.
Remove the 4 screws and look at the shaft seal. Get a kit and replace regardless. If it is not the shaft seal then a little pipe dope and a few wrenches should tighten the leak up