turning over 20 bahia hull

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turning over 20 bahia hull

Post by CaptMarkB »

20 bahia project is asleep for the winter, contemplating how I could turn boat upside down to work on damage to lower stem/bottom/strakes/ ect. from prior owner come spring. Boat washed up on rocks during a noreaster. Media blasting exposed prior repairs which I will grind down and replace/repair.

Here's the thing, boat is completely stripped of all hardware, mechanicals, bolt on fiberglass parts and fuel tank. A friend suggested that I use a heavy duty engine stand fastened to stearn "keyhole" from removed mercruiser outdrive to pivot boat 180', supporting bow eye while doing same. The boat could then be set on stands at the transom corners and just forward of the windshield area. Been looking at engine stands with ratings up to 2000#, pretty economical. The hull can't weigh more than 1800-2000# stripped. Any feedback, sugestions. Beats laying upside down on cold ground.

Additional-not concerned about bi#*%ing up outdrive holes a little, transom core is also going to be replaced.
Thanks, Mark
Last edited by CaptMarkB on Jan 10th, '09, 15:05, edited 3 times in total.
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In Memory of Vicroy
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Post by In Memory of Vicroy »

The Bahia was the heaviest of the B20s.....Memory is cruising wt. 3200# so you are probably spot on with the estimated hull #. Sounds like a good plan to me, maybe put a chain hoist or come a long on the bow eye to put most of the weight on it before spinning with the engine stand.

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Post by CaptMarkB »

Thanks, looking for reassurance! It sounded like a good idea on paper. Enjoy your weather, our's sucks this week.
Raybo Marine NY
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Post by Raybo Marine NY »

question is how high can those engine stands go?
To turn the boat over means it has to be fairly high, stands are rated for its max. capacity at its lowest or strongest setting, once you have it extended to its max the capacity drops greatly.
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Post by Rocket »

We rolled my 20' baron to work on the bottom and it was a nice way to do it. We took a 8" Pipe and welded a plate to the top, drilled holes the same pattern as the outdrive and bolted it on. Picture a bertram with a big stinger sticking out where the drive should be. we then supported the pipe with a forklift.

Now for the ffront end. We suspended a very long lifting strap from a bull block haging from a chainfall. We picked the boat up and rolled it over manualy. It was a bit like rolling over a sailboat though, those bertrams REALLY want to be right side up, we really had to muscle it over and stop it from wanting to keep going. These boats have a really low centr of gravity.

Our system worked but was not that conrtroled (read into that what you like, but we had to do a lot of brow mopping and beer drinking after it was over) There is probably a better way although the stern end worked pretty well.
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Post by CaptMarkB »

Good points from both raybo and rocket, maybe using rocket's experience, if I fabricate something similar and weld the pipe towards the bottom of the keyhole opening in the transom, the boat will want to stay inverted after rolled until I'm able to sure up with stands. Got about two months to wait and keep scratching my head, any other input greatly appreciated.

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Post by In Memory of Vicroy »

Everytime you think you have seen it all....along comes the "capsizer" - a device for one man to pick a boat up from a trailer and turn it over for work on the underside.....just what we have been talking about. Handles a boat up to 8,000#. www.capsizer.com and 800 424 0656.

Great idea.

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Post by CaptMarkB »

Looks great but costly if you're not in the repair business. I'm thinking I could fabricate something similar out of 2" box stock for the transom pretty cheap, and support the bow for the swing. Thanks

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