Seatrial Bertram 570 @ Capemay
Moderators: CaptPatrick, mike ohlstein, Bruce
Seatrial Bertram 570 @ Capemay
Hello, Just wandering if anyone else will be seatrialing Bertrams new 570 @ the Cape May 500 Tourn. I entered on Shiptv web site and they notified me about taking a sea trial on it along with host John Grevitas.
Hope to see some of you there.
Hope to see some of you there.
seatrial 570
Sorry for the typo its shipshape tv
I agree whole heartedly with that comment. That show could be so much better if the writing (if there is any) didn't assume that the audience were a bunch of retards.Then give him a slap in the head and tell him to cut down on the commercials and to stop dumbing down the show.
Typical scene:
(obviously very competent guest): starts trying to discuss in detail how the boat's hydraulic steering system is put together and works.
(Fat guy): Wait! Stop! Hold up, back up there a minute. SOOOO..... the nut goes on this threaded part here, and then you use this other device here to tighten that nut?
(Guest): yes.
(Fat guy): And this other device here is called aaaaaa......
(Guest): Socket wrench.
(Fat guy): Okay. And now you use this {making quotation marks in the air with his fingers} socket wrench , as you call it, to tighten the nut on this shaft. And that is what keeps the steering wheel from coming off the dashboard?
(Guest): <sigh> Yes.
(Fat guy): Okay. Well folks that's all the time we have today....
I don't know how some of his technical expert guests don't smack him right there when he rudely interrupts what we're all waiting for them to say. I can't even watch it anymore.
Yeah tell him that
bertram fuel
I sure hope not, we would not leave the dock. I imagine they burn close to 100 gallons /hr at cruise I would guess. Too rich for my blood.
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