Recognized pieces of this catasrophe after a fishing trip in Acapulco last week.
1 for 2 with the Sails, Saw a couple free jumpers and some on the surface. Beautiful water and weather. Buisness trip with 1 free day, and yeah you guys know where I spent it.
Nice tire bumber array, must have been done by a coonass. But on the other hand, we use white wall tires on yachts, save the black walls for the work boats.
It's a commercial tire fishing boat.
You can tell because he has his catch hanging over the rails.
The lines are not right for a 31 Bertram.
Looks more like a 70's Luhrs 32 footer.
Look how she sits at the waterline.
No upward shear, no hard chine at the waterline, and no strakes visible above the water.
I think Harv is right. The lines just are not quite right, but that bridge. Sure makes it look like a 31. I think they stole that bridge off of a 31 and stuck it on another hull. Tony Meola
There is a mold for the 31 flybridge in Acapulco, and it is quite normal to see the flybridge on that type boat all over mexico.
They are people haulers, I think 20-30 at a time that service the cruise ships and tourist trade to haul people out to beaches for day trips. They usually have a single 200hp Yamaha in the back with a platform built around the motor.
I think the sparckly Lightningshack bridge, and the ability to spot that bridge style from miles away... maybe worthwhile benefits of spending a month getting overwhelmingly intimate with a sander and all of the curves on that boat!
Sure wish I had the time and resources to spend a winter like you did.
It's taken me 10 years to get 1/3 as far you did in one winter!... But, like you I really enjoy doing some of the work... so spreading it out isn't so horrible.
Almost got frost bite wiring up a new servo-spotlight last weekend.