corrosion X & Power Boat Reports

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Tony Meola
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corrosion X & Power Boat Reports

Post by Tony Meola »

This months issue of Power Boat Reports did a comparison of rust inhibitors. It ranked Corrision X and Corrosion X HD against a field of others. They gave it poor marks for salt water and rated the CRC and the West Marine product higher. I was very suprised at the out come. I would have thought it would have done better. Tony Meola
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Post by Bruce »

Having been in the business for 30 years and have used everything on the market, cx out performs just about all comparable products.

Even Tony, the marina mechanic who was a CRC fanatic switched over to cx after I cave him a can.

Its not a cure all, but its close.
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Power Boats Report

Post by Capt. Mike Holmes »

I have never trusted those people, not from the beginning. They are in a situation where they can recommend one product over another, supposedly being non-partisan from not selling ads. I don't believe that they can't be influenced to favor one product over another, behind the scenes. Same situation in Consumer Reports, where the auto ratings the last time I looked were heavily slewed towards Toyota. I have owned Toys, and liked them, but they are not as great as these people want to paint them.

Unfortunately, I don't trust hardly anybody, and being sort of in journalism on the marine side, I trust people in that business maybe least of all.

CX is good stuff, we know it, don't need them to rate it for us.
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Post by scooter28 »

I personally like the boeshield best. I know you guys favor the cx the most, but i think they are both pretty even. I don't know if i would have done the test in a different way, i know they were trying to speed up things but it didn;t really match the real world. Not everyone is going to want thick greasy crap all over they're engines just to keep em from rusting. I don't know of any metal on my boat that isn't treated in some way like paint or chemical coating.
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Post by In Memory of Vicroy »

The CX is a totally different product than the others, operates on a different principle - thin film vs. a coating. If they would have tested Max Wax vs. the others the result would have been different. Once you understand how CX works, its uses and advantages become obvious. It is not axle grease......


Post by scooter28 »

boeshield dries to a thin waxy film also
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Post by In Memory of Vicroy »

Guess that was my point. CX works by slowly penetrating the pores of the metal, not by coating the surface with a film. I'd like to see how they did the test because CX takes some time to do its stuff. In short, its a penetrant and not a coating. On the other hand, Max Wax is a coating.

We all have our CX miracle stories, but one of my favorites is my cast iron jointer/planer that my Bride put some pot plants on and watered them......rusty mess. I wire brushed off the surface rust then shot with regular CX and let it sit for a week. All the rust wiped off and the metal looks new. A coating won't do that. CX will, over time, creep under rust and just lift it free.

I don't tout it 'cause I sell it; I sell it 'cause it works, and in an entirely different way than a coating.

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Post by JP Dalik »

potted plants???????

Tony Meola
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Post by Tony Meola »

I also love the stuff. Just saying what they stated. Like aI said, I was suprised by what they found. I think the flaw in their study is that they sprayed it on and then stuck it in the water, rather than letting it sit for a day or so. No one says they are perfiect. Its like consumer reports, if we all listened to their recommendations some company's would be out of business. Tony Meola
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Post by Tony Meola »

JP, Just don't tell the feds. Tony Meola
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Post by In Memory of Vicroy »

The term "pot plant" is an old Southern way of talking about house plants, ivy, and such, been around a lot longer than people smoking manila rope.

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Post by keysdisease »

I hope you guys don't mind a newbie jumping in here.

I believe that often it's the process and conclusions that are off point at PBR.

I remember that in one test they recommended Attwood bilge pumps over Rule because of a dolars to GPH comparison. They also recommended Trim Master trim tabs over Bennett because Trim Master has a "lifetime" warranty over Bennet's 5 year.

It's all good information, but sometimes the conclusions miss the mark

Steve Moyer
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Post by scooter28 »

Boeshield is also a penetrant. you should grab a can and try it out compared to the cx and see how it holds up i'd be interested to see what you come up with. that is as long as you aren't biased.haha
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Post by In Memory of Vicroy »

Scooter, I've used them all, and with respect, give up - you are right.


Post by scooter28 »

with respect you obviously haven't tried them all and don't worry i'll give up

besides i'm not trying to sell a product here
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Post by In Memory of Vicroy »

Scooter, me trying to sell a product to make money is sort of a laugh to those that know me. I became a CX dealer to occupy my time and get the stuff to my friends at a reasonable price. All my profits have gone to support this site. How about you, smart ass?


Post by scooter28 »

haha its funny something so small gets under skin like that. i watched someone do that to you a little while ago. and by the way i did something like that with amsoil, i just didn't know you had to contribute your profit to the website to get the right to tell people to give up and call them smart asses just because you disagree. and i never questioned whether or not you make a profit as i remember i commented on this thread because i questioned pbr's testing. after thinking about it though i think they did an ok job considering. and they did try to explain what kind of coating it was from axel grease to wd-40. everyone has they're own views some are just biased. opinions are like a**holes eveyone's got one.
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Post by In Memory of Vicroy »

Scooter, that is the longest sentence I've ever read. I did have an unfortunate criminal client one time that got a longer one. Now let's get to the crux of what is about. This place was made on respect for all views. That means it is respect for all opinions, no one should trash, even indirectly, another's opinion. That is our rule, period.

If you think your spray stuff is better than CX for example, just state your view without throwing bombs at whoever said otherwise. There are many of us that send money to keep this site free and open to all. All we ask, and I guess, demand, is total respect for all views, no chicken-shit sniping.


Post by scooter28 »

longest sentence ever so sue me and come on man i know your a smart guy read the thread you were the first one to call me out i never directed anything at you and i never said anything about boeshield being the best i specifically stated that I LIKED it best and maybe you should start demanding more from yourself you were the one that called me smart ass dude get a grip make sure you get the facts straight before you start accusing people of something you're guilty of yourself i challenge you to find an example of how i pointed anything at you before you decided to start "dropping bombs" and now you feel the need to comment on how long my sentence is follow you're own advice and just GIVE UP.

periods left out to make sure that i wrote the longest sentence you've ever read.haha
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Post by In Memory of Vicroy »

Well Faithful, guess Scooter is out of here, see ya Scooter. Hope you have a nice life, but you need some coaching. Angry postings are not good for your liver.


Post by scooter28 »

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Post by Rawleigh »

Lighten up Scooter. We all like it here because it is civil. We don't mind who participates or if they have different opinions as long as thye don't make asses of themselves. Obviously we all have different opinions about things, and being strong willed and stubborn (which you have to be to own 40 year old equipment) we often state them. The thing is, even though we often diagree, we state our opinions and then go away friends. We respect each others differences, but also give each other a hard time in a friendly way. Around here you just need to let things roll off your back sometimes!
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Post by Capt. Mike Holmes »

Amen. I'm as hard headed as anybody, and definitely do not always agree with everything - even with my friend, Vic, but if I can't make a joke (that is obviously a joke) out of a comment, I keep it to myself, or share it privately. If I can do it, anybody can.

By the way, there is much more valuable information on this site than in Powerboat Reports, but sharing something from one of their tests is not a bad thing, even if we don't agree with it.
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Post by Rawleigh »

Amen Mike!
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Post by scooter28 »

guys i couldn't agree with you more and you're right i should just let things roll off my back. I just find it annoying that i get accused of something i didn't do. I simply was trying to get the facts straight about what i was talking about. I NEVER said anyone was wrong, or even said that the stuff i liked was the best. I also never singled anyone out and i specifically put a "haha" at the end of my sentence to signal i was joking. I'm not going to waste anymore space with useless replies on this thread. So i hope i made it clear of what my actions were, and i don't have people saying i need to lighten up and making an ass of myself when it was clearly the other who drug this thing out.

p.s. rawleigh giving a hard time was all i was trying to do when i mae the comment

" you should grab a can and try it out compared to the cx and see how it holds up i'd be interested to see what you come up with. that is as long as you aren't biased.haha"

maybe you can let me know were i went wrong sometime. lol
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