Mammaw has put up with all of my crap for 42 years tonight......we married in 1972.
Thru thick and thin we have stuck it out and tonight we celebrated with Pork Chop dinner prepared by yours truely on our Gazebo in the seclusion of our front yard.
The ole girl has put up with a lot and probably deserved better......but for whatever reason she stuck with me even in the dark days........and the funny thing is that she does not even care for BOATS at all......
In the last 42 years we have successfully brought 2 wonderful children up thru childhood to the status of very responsible adults.....and now have 5 grandchildren that are an intergral part of our everyday lives...
The ole girl deserves a "Purple Heart" but once again settled for a simple dinner and wine.
So far the Admiral and I have managed only half as many years together as you (21) but we have 4 mates in the crew... The eldest certainly seems to be on a good course heading to responsible adult hood... The younger son will be a HS SR this year and is doing enough for us to be proud of him... The two daughters are only now entering their teens so I reserve any observations on those... Well, other then the older one being a very girly girl and the younger one being somewhat of a tomboy :-)
However, as Tommy points out (however obliquely), it takes two to Tango and I have no doubt, your modesty not withstanding, that you carried your part of the burden...
Congratulations. 42 years says a lot. Rare thing today, even among those our ages. You should both be proud, children, grandchildren all making you proud. WOW.
Harry & Miss Joanne, Congratulations to you both on quite the the run..42 years is something to be proud of. After hanging out with you both you get to see why you have been so successful..Harry and I always say the harder you work the luckier you get and the Babbs are a true example of that..enjoy those chops bet they taste sweet..give Miss Joanne a hug for me. BH
1966 31 Bahia Mar #316-512....8 years later..Resolute is now a reality..Builder to Boater..285 hours on the clocks..enjoying every many days till spring?
Congratulations on 42 years with your lovely wife. I am coming up on 45 years with the same woman, we got married in October of 1970. Sounds like we have the same type girls, no interest in boats, gets sea sick over 2', she's an artist that specializes horses and other animals. No kids just cats and horses, we have been through a lot together especially her putting up with my knee problems for over 30 years. Right now we are both without our favorite things a boat and a horse. Happy anniversary to you and Joanne, many more.
Pete Fallon
Math wasn't one of my favorite things, I guess I spent too much time trying not to get my knuckles whacked by the nuns and not enough attention to the math questions. It's only been 44 years. Check out my wife's web page: www.marilynfallonfine My old boat is leaving for the Virgin Islands someday this week. Again happy anniversary.
Pete Fallon
Happy Anniversary Miss Joanne and Harry!
42 years huh, looks like you built your marriage from great stuff, well engineered and thoughtfully maintained!
42 years...
I love hearing that! You guys are doing something right that many others have not. Any secrets you want to share?
Congratulations on a job well done to you both.
I married my highschool sweetheat and august 5th it will be 47years .like you i put her thru hell with the boat racing / snowmobile/ car racing somehow like you we survive .have a great day she is a wonderful women.
Congratulations to you and your lovely wife! In a time when about 60% of marriages fail in this country long lasting ones are becoming rare. My wife and I have done 44 years.. for many years of our life together my jobs required that I travel a lot.. I always figured we survived as we did because I wasn't around enough for her to get either pissed or bored with me.
As a wise man once told me..
"Marriage is a 60/40 proposition...
You both should give 60% to your partner, and expect 40% in return."
I wish you two many more years together!
Frank B
1983 Bertram 33 FBC "Phoenix"
Trump lied! Washington DC isn't a swamp.. it is a cesspool!
Congrats Harry ur wife's tolerance must be similar to mine . After 38 with me she kinda said its too late to train another one and wrote the check for my 31 fbc My boat ,named MARTHA C x3 is after my mother in law my wife and my daughter whom have identicle names Martha Carolyn , my best wishes for u and ur better half and hope u have many more together in good health and never forget to kiss her goodnight every night