I've got the interior pretty much all apart on Crows Nest. I want to close off the bilge from the engine box. I've seen the pics of how to do it. Should I also close off the limberholes that are outside of the stringers? She has DD 8.2s, and I figure that if I do, it'll help keep some of the diesel stink out of the cabin.
Next question. This is the little bulkhead that sits just forward of the water tank (the water tank is gone). Do she need this bulkhead, or can I remove it and just leave it out?
Wow John your really making that quite a project! I glassed in my outside limberholes to satisfy the Coast Guard's requirement of engine spaces as separate compartments. I made all new bulkheads including forward of engines and was going to follow Capt Pats advice about the Beckson plate at bottom center so you can remove to have water flow if needed there. On bulkhead FORWARD of water tank doesn't that support the framework of the floor inside cabin or do you have other plans for framing in deck work inside there?
Thanks for the limber hole advice. The bulkhead pictured, by the way its built and 'glass in, seems to support the deck/hatches--that's it. If that's all its there for, I may do something else to support the beams.
Another thought that occurred to me- bilge pumps including high water pumps were a big discussion I recall especially when closing off bulkheads for safety. You want to be able to get the water out of those closed spaces should they somehow fill!
Some believe keeping the "flow" bow to stern could be better in some instances, I'm all for the less stink and closing off with pumps every compartment. Maybe those who stick with the "flow idea" will chime in why they are adiment about keeping it that way.