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by Forrest
Apr 24th, '10, 11:52
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Hull numbers again
Replies: 9
Views: 2600

After examining the transom number in the light of day, I have discovered that the number is as previously stated, then followed by 315. Confirmed flybridge cruiser. I plead Aggie.
For those of you who know about Texas Aggies, you know what I mean.
by Forrest
Apr 23rd, '10, 15:17
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Hull numbers again
Replies: 9
Views: 2600

No lower helm now. I'll be getting into the cabinetry this weekend to see if there was evidence of one. Did the SF all have them?
by Forrest
Apr 23rd, '10, 11:10
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Hull numbers again
Replies: 9
Views: 2600

Hull numbers again

Well I am sorry to start this again for the faithful, but I can't find the answer in the post history. I bought the '79 B31 in Pensacola. The serial number stamped into the exterior of the transom is: BERG1763M79D. BER - Bertram G - 31' 1763 - hull number 1663 M - ? (13th month?) 79 - 1979 D - ??? M...
by Forrest
Apr 19th, '10, 11:48
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: New member - New boat
Replies: 50
Views: 14815

Thanks Capt. Pat, I will endeavor to spend time posting this evening.

by Forrest
Apr 19th, '10, 10:22
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: New member - New boat
Replies: 50
Views: 14815

Bought the boat, shipping to Kemah in a couple of weeks. Had to dismantle the radar arch, and canvas structures to lower the height for low boy transport. Cut my hand pretty good with a razor knife and spent some time in the Santa Rosa Clinic in Pensacola. I can recommend them. I am not shy about gi...
by Forrest
Apr 15th, '10, 14:28
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: New member - New boat
Replies: 50
Views: 14815

Gentlemen, again I appreciate the perspectives. Mac, I am taking your number on the road with me, and if time permits I will call.......There's a mother-in-law in Mobile visit in there somewhere, so I'm not optimistic about spare time.

by Forrest
Apr 14th, '10, 22:53
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: New member - New boat
Replies: 50
Views: 14815

Walter, great advice. This is the kind of information I need to negotiate with. My experience with boats this size have been I/O, and they obviously had the advantage of directional propulsion. The rudders appear stock. Equipment value? It just has a lot. Radios, Radar, GPS, full canvas, trim tabs, ...
by Forrest
Apr 14th, '10, 22:14
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: New member - New boat
Replies: 50
Views: 14815

A good market evaluation. My numbers were straight from Yachtworld listings.
Will the 31 not steer well at under 5 knots on one engine power? Rudders not enough surface area?
This boat is not the Capt. Al.
by Forrest
Apr 14th, '10, 17:00
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: New member - New boat
Replies: 50
Views: 14815

Great replies and confims what I expect from this boat. It will come very inexpensive, and makes it the 31 I can afford. The one 504 has about 300 hrs. on a reputable rebuild, so my plan is to idle around the lake for the summer on one, and bank for the fall repower. But its a later model, all kinds...
by Forrest
Apr 14th, '10, 13:54
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: New member - New boat
Replies: 50
Views: 14815

New member - New boat

I am a new member, former 25' owner, that boat sold today. Still addicted, I am traveling to Pensacola this weekend to make a deal on a 31 FBC, and wanted to see if anyone here knew the boat. It is at Patti's boatyard, 1979 FBC, Cummins 504's, its been on yachtworld for a while now. Port engine runs...