Search found 35 matches

by auguste
Apr 27th, '10, 12:31
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Miss Cecile Home and no Longer a Tuna Virgin (Pictures)
Replies: 10
Views: 2890

Thanks everyone

Ed . . . yup, the posting whore from THT . . . thanks for the compliment
by auguste
Apr 26th, '10, 10:26
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Miss Cecile Home and no Longer a Tuna Virgin (Pictures)
Replies: 10
Views: 2890

Miss Cecile Home and no Longer a Tuna Virgin (Pictures)

Here is the post but with pictures. In getting prepared for fishing season Paul Buske and I stripped the line off of 10 Shimano 50 LRS reels and respooled the braid that was on the reels. The only corrosion we found was next to the little stainless steel pin that is issued to stop the line from spin...
by auguste
Apr 14th, '10, 20:06
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Morse MT-3 Controls - - - Need Technical Info
Replies: 11
Views: 7022

Re: Kobelt

Cecile - have you looked at Kobelt engine controls? They appear well made - same principle as the morse/teleflex, but perhaps better service. I live within 3 miles of Teleflex, in Limerick PA...i've heard their service leaves something to be desired...but if you think having someone show up at thei...
by auguste
Apr 10th, '10, 05:24
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Picked up Dad's new toy this weekend
Replies: 15
Views: 4113


Truly impressed with the quality of the work
by auguste
Apr 6th, '10, 09:50
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Morse MT-3 Controls - - - Need Technical Info
Replies: 11
Views: 7022

Just got an e-mail from Jim Conway at Morse

This is the set-up I need but disregard the picture of the controls

by auguste
Apr 6th, '10, 01:17
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Fighting Chair Pros & Cons
Replies: 43
Views: 15487

Pics of the chair (bottom pic is the boat prior to buying it) . . . thats me sitting down (I'm 60) , Pierre my son on the right, and Ed on the left
by auguste
Apr 5th, '10, 10:14
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Fighting Chair Pros & Cons
Replies: 43
Views: 15487

i have a step stool with grip feet that i use when women enter the boat . that same stool goes against trasom panel and you push against when fighting fish. now you can use entire lenth of trasom for bottom fish,stripe bass and stand up because there is nothing in your way both in back of you in th...
by auguste
Apr 5th, '10, 08:37
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Fighting Chair Pros & Cons
Replies: 43
Views: 15487

vince you can go for a slight variation and that is chair with no foot rest .plenty of room all around chair that way . we even fight fish in space between chair and trasom like the chair is not there. When you went to this configuation did you have to lower the chair so that you could have your fe...
by auguste
Apr 4th, '10, 20:29
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Morse MT-3 Controls - - - Need Technical Info
Replies: 11
Views: 7022


Thank you

I will carefully go through the document and see if I can find the part numbers

Thanks again :)
by auguste
Apr 4th, '10, 17:35
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Morse MT-3 Controls - - - Need Technical Info
Replies: 11
Views: 7022

do you have the shifters ?? No I do not have the shifters yet I am not "married" to the MT-3s but I do want something very similar Auguste... I recently bought a used Morse MT-3 shifter and needed some info on installation, plus the neutral safety switch was damaged in shipping so I needed to order...
by auguste
Apr 3rd, '10, 21:03
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Morse MT-3 Controls - - - Need Technical Info
Replies: 11
Views: 7022

Morse MT-3 Controls - - - Need Technical Info

I need tech info on the Morse Mt-3 Twin (308602) engine controls which I want to install at the helm and in the cockpit I picked this style because it fits with the boat's age (built in 1963) and I can control both engines with one hand I called Morse twice and they said they would e-mail me the par...
by auguste
Apr 3rd, '10, 20:52
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Hull #s in our signatures
Replies: 12
Views: 2918

As requested

1963 38111 (38ft hull #11 of 13)
by auguste
Dec 15th, '09, 14:14
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Christmas and Season's Wishes to a Boater's Best Friends
Replies: 2
Views: 1402

Christmas and Season's Wishes to a Boater's Best Friends

Canada and the United States have the best Coast Guards, bar none. During storms and emergencies they are they to help us. Canada and the United States' men and women of the Coast Guard train and work together in bordering waters, and they back-up each other in times of emergency. May God bless and ...
by auguste
Nov 27th, '09, 06:45
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: 1963 Betram Found in Malta
Replies: 2
Views: 1848

1963 Betram Found in Malta

Power Yacht was kind enough to send me this picture of an 38 footer like mine that he saw in Malta . . . there were only 13 made While I do not like what the owner did to the aft bulkhead of the salon, we all have different t...
by auguste
Nov 25th, '09, 08:55
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Pics of Miss Cecile
Replies: 19
Views: 6598

Tony Meola wrote:Lets see 7 Virgins, I know there is a joke in this someplace.
The seven virgins are part of a very old tale on what you should do when you rename a boat . . . nothing more . . . nothing less
by auguste
Nov 25th, '09, 08:53
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Pics of Miss Cecile
Replies: 19
Views: 6598

Auguste, Looks like a Nunn and Son name is that correct? If so you got the best. He's done all our boats How did your Captain work out? Yup, J Nunn did the sign . . . nice guy and very meticulous about his work Ed who helped me bring the boat south is a long time friend. He helped me as a friend, I...
by auguste
Nov 22nd, '09, 10:51
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Pics of Miss Cecile
Replies: 19
Views: 6598

bob lico . . . I agree, these days finding 7 virgins is no easy trick

sim . . . only if the bottle was empty, and would only break it against the anchor :)
by auguste
Nov 21st, '09, 16:24
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Pics of Miss Cecile
Replies: 19
Views: 6598

Harv I asked my wife permission to name the boat after her . . . that is all the denaming and renaming ceremony I had . . . well a couple / few beers added a bit of fun to the process :-D :-D :-D coolair Thanks for the compliment . . . just waiting on the weather to get her home :-D
by auguste
Nov 19th, '09, 18:42
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Cabo - October - Blind Guy catches Defective Striped Marlin
Replies: 9
Views: 2146

Best wishes for a speedy recovery

Oh, nice fish :)
by auguste
Nov 19th, '09, 18:39
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: SeaNile is gone
Replies: 13
Views: 10368

I have been following your story closely and I am very glad that you were able to sell your boat.

I echo the others in saying that your work on that boat was incredible
by auguste
Nov 19th, '09, 18:37
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Pics of Miss Cecile
Replies: 19
Views: 6598

Thank you for all of the compliments

I will post pics and story of the next leg of the trip to NC . . . once the weather decides to cooperate

by auguste
Nov 19th, '09, 14:09
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Pics of Miss Cecile
Replies: 19
Views: 6598

Pics of Miss Cecile

I got the files off of the broken camera and with some of the earlier pics, here is a photo story for you about Miss Cécile and the first part of its trip to Pirates Cove, OBX, NC This is an advertisement that appeared in Life magazine . . . 1963 Bertram, 38 ft, 13 were made, this is #11 http://i24...
by auguste
Nov 13th, '09, 11:00
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: New Grill
Replies: 16
Views: 3942

Where is the turbo-charger for when you are in a rush ? :)
by auguste
Nov 9th, '09, 20:52
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: New Member - - - 1963 38ft Bertram #11 of 13
Replies: 33
Views: 12059

Auguste: Have you heard of this B38 ? FYI there's one here too in Nassau,Bahamas that is pretty much a stock boat still and has been in charter fishing forever.......... Thanks for the link . Will do a search on the ...
by auguste
Nov 9th, '09, 20:48
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: New Member - - - 1963 38ft Bertram #11 of 13
Replies: 33
Views: 12059

Took possession of the boat last Thursday and provisioned it Friday. Plan was to get to OBX Sunday evening. Left Saturday morning and didn't get 2 miles when we wrapped a rope around the prop. Had to go back and get the boat pulled. I cut the rope, 3/4 poly. Luckly no damage. By noon we were back on...
by auguste
Nov 2nd, '09, 21:06
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: New Member - - - 1963 38ft Bertram #11 of 13
Replies: 33
Views: 12059

Charlie wrote:Good luck with her Gus. maybe I will see at PC sometime soon.
Glad you found Spray Daze.
Thanks Charlie . . . and Morehead City chasing the big girls :) BFT :)
by auguste
Nov 2nd, '09, 19:05
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: New Member - - - 1963 38ft Bertram #11 of 13
Replies: 33
Views: 12059

The oil tests came out first class

I am supposed to be in NJ Thursday AM to finish the deal

Buju Ride . . . the sea conditions were relatively flat . . . went through some wakes and didn't even notice them (well almost :) )
by auguste
Oct 21st, '09, 20:11
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Cockpit Controls?
Replies: 19
Views: 12040


JK wrote:Should be a pic somewhere on that shows where I put them. I have them outboard of the starboard engine box.

So I finally see Seanile (THT) in person (your pic)

Mighty nice looking boat
by auguste
Oct 19th, '09, 09:54
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: New Member - - - 1963 38ft Bertram #11 of 13
Replies: 33
Views: 12059


Hull survey went first class and initial engine survey looks great

Engine oil samples taken and waiting for results

Hope to pick up theboat around 4th of November, weather permitting
by auguste
Oct 12th, '09, 10:00
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: New Member - - - 1963 38ft Bertram #11 of 13
Replies: 33
Views: 12059

Here are a bunch of pics that were taken during the hull survey, plus a bit of history
by auguste
Oct 12th, '09, 09:45
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: New Member - - - 1963 38ft Bertram #11 of 13
Replies: 33
Views: 12059

The above pic was taken recently after many upgrades

She still retains her classic lines
by auguste
Oct 12th, '09, 09:38
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: New Member - - - 1963 38ft Bertram #11 of 13
Replies: 33
Views: 12059

Thanks everyone

Figured out how to post a picture


More to come when I pick up the boat
by auguste
Oct 12th, '09, 09:02
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: New Member - - - 1963 38ft Bertram #11 of 13
Replies: 33
Views: 12059

dougl33 Thanks. I have (officially) been looking (with money in bank) for a boat that fits both my fishing needs and within my budget for about a year and a half. Only waiting for the engine survey to be completed by a Cat specialist . . . but they run like a charm (I am an old diesel mechanic). Th...
by auguste
Oct 12th, '09, 06:02
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: New Member - - - 1963 38ft Bertram #11 of 13
Replies: 33
Views: 12059

I am not an very knowledgeable about the evolution of Bertram hulls but Ed Riverio (previous Bertram owner) and CB Hawes (current Bertram owner) out of NJ have been helping me along. The 38 (1963 version) is essentially a 31 hull but 7 ft longer and with a 14 ft 6 in wide beam . . . only 13 were bui...
by auguste
Oct 11th, '09, 11:54
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: New Member - - - 1963 38ft Bertram #11 of 13
Replies: 33
Views: 12059

New Member - - - 1963 38ft Bertram #11 of 13

Let me introduce myself I am a Canadian but we spend quite a few months a year in the Outer Banks of North Carolina . . . we have a slip at Pirates Cove Marina there. We just purchased the Bertram and should be picking it up on the first week of November The Bert has been updated in the last five ye...