Search found 31 matches

by DavidDW
May 15th, '13, 08:10
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Ole girl with a new dress
Replies: 71
Views: 31440

Re: Ole girl with a new dress

Looks fantastic Bob - congratulations.
by DavidDW
Oct 24th, '12, 02:04
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Radiused Gunwale
Replies: 15
Views: 3087

Re: Radiused Gunwale

Fantastic work Bob.

She is going to be an amzing machine.
by DavidDW
Oct 7th, '12, 19:05
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Saloon door lockset
Replies: 9
Views: 1986

Re: Saloon door lockset

Thanks Capt. Patrick - not easy when you come down to these small finish off pieces. Who would have thought I would stuggle to work out a lockset!
by DavidDW
Oct 5th, '12, 00:32
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Saloon door lockset
Replies: 9
Views: 1986

Saloon door lockset

Hi Guys,

I am in the process of installing a new set of saloon doors on my boat and I was wondering if anybody has any advice as to what lockset I should go with?

I know I know, not as interesting as some topics, but security is a big deal!

Thanks for your help.
by DavidDW
Dec 6th, '11, 01:01
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Tuna tube installation
Replies: 11
Views: 4752

Good point Walter - this was another reason why I prefered to stay away from the transom. I would give careful consideration as to serviceability when considering placement. The other option might be to make them semi permanent with an ability to remove down the track if needs be. On larger boats, t...
by DavidDW
Dec 5th, '11, 22:43
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Engine air
Replies: 9
Views: 3475

Thanks Harry. I found this thread : and saw some of the pics of Bob's cockpit. I have a similar type setup in my boat but don't have any engine boxes. I am going to encase the area under the gunwale in an equivalent area to where I think Bob has done h...
by DavidDW
Dec 5th, '11, 21:45
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Engine air
Replies: 9
Views: 3475

Thanks Harry - I remember reading a post that went through what Bob had done but found it difficult to work out exactly how it worked. In essence, I think I am trying to do something fairly similar and am hoping to draw air in from the cockpit. I'll take another look at the thread as a starting point.
by DavidDW
Dec 5th, '11, 20:36
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Engine air
Replies: 9
Views: 3475

Has anybody had any experience with forced engine room induction using something like this? I guess I am trying to determine how much extra air over and above the traditional unassisted air vent. It might be the case that it's possible t...
by DavidDW
Dec 5th, '11, 20:12
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Tuna tube installation
Replies: 11
Views: 4752

I would use the biggest holesaw I could find and then a drum sander to adjust the hole size. I am in the process of installing 2 x 8" tubes in my gunnel as my transom was too narrow. In my case I made my tubes completely out of glass and will be glassing them into the boat (they will be flush with t...
by DavidDW
Dec 5th, '11, 17:28
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Engine air
Replies: 9
Views: 3475

Whoops - Thanks Patrick.

Doing things late at night can be dangerous. Back to the drawing board! :wink:
by DavidDW
Dec 5th, '11, 02:43
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Engine air
Replies: 9
Views: 3475

Engine air

Hi Guys, I am just doing some thinking around the engine air supply on my boat. Instead of using a dorade in the side of the boat, I am considering mounting a pair of 8" ID GRP pipes that are mounted under the combings (one each side) just rear of the saloon bulkhead. The engines in this case are 24...
by DavidDW
Nov 20th, '11, 18:06
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Almost B31 - cresta 32
Replies: 8
Views: 2536

Thanks Guys - I'll be pushing to try and get her operational as soon as possible from this point and will be completing some of the finishing touches once she is on the water. It's nice to not be completely responsible to finishing her off at this stage, but, I always manage to find heaps of jobs to...
by DavidDW
Nov 15th, '11, 03:40
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Almost B31 - cresta 32
Replies: 8
Views: 2536

Almost B31 - cresta 32

Hi Guys, I thought I would share my project with you. I live in Sydney Australia and am heavily into gamefishing (or I used to be before I started on my project boat!) I have always thought B31s looked great but there are only 4 or so in the country, and when I started my project (6 years ago) there...
by DavidDW
Oct 9th, '11, 23:11
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Doing the right thing
Replies: 9
Views: 2423

How good is that! I think you can be content in knowing that you will be included in the story from that trip as follows: "We went out on a B31 that ran into some mechanical problems. Just as the disapointment set in, capt. Brewster was able to help us arrange fishing on another boat and we got a st...
by DavidDW
Sep 29th, '11, 20:29
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Side Air Intakes
Replies: 36
Views: 13863

Firstly, I need to apologise for my horrendous artistic ability. Initially I was going to fit intakes in the sides of the hull much like Capt. Patricks but I preferred not to cut holes in the hull if I didn’t need to. The diagram below shows what I ended up doing for air induction when installing ...
by DavidDW
Sep 29th, '11, 19:10
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Scuppers
Replies: 7
Views: 2650

Looks great Bob H. In Australia, flooding cockpits can be a big problem when fighting fish and I am yet to see a transom scupper setup that doesn't let water in. Typically, guys will pull up and open the transom door to let the water out when the deck gets very green. Some of the custom gameboat bui...
by DavidDW
Sep 29th, '11, 18:41
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Side Air Intakes
Replies: 36
Views: 13863

Thanks Bob - I get it now!

Neat setup.
by DavidDW
Sep 27th, '11, 01:59
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Side Air Intakes
Replies: 36
Views: 13863

Hi Bob - every time I see your boat I am blown away. With regard to the engine air intake, can you please confirm that the air is being sucked through the teak grilles on the outside of the engine boxes? If so, how do you avoid saltwater splash and how do the grilles drain out (It looks like there i...
by DavidDW
Oct 12th, '10, 03:16
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Side mount single lever control handles for Pod
Replies: 11
Views: 4222

Thanks for the feedback Thums Up. I appreciate the tip on the morse controls. Hopefully it is fairly straight forward!

by DavidDW
Oct 11th, '10, 20:19
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Side mount single lever control handles for Pod
Replies: 11
Views: 4222

Thanks Patrick. The control handles in your picture look exactly like the ones I have. Was there much work in changing the Telflex controls on Hancock to fit the release marine handles? Do you know what controls (model number) they were? If I can make the morse controls work, it might be easier to d...
by DavidDW
Oct 11th, '10, 17:19
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Side mount single lever control handles for Pod
Replies: 11
Views: 4222

Thanks guys. Capt Patrick - I have a new set of Release Marine control handles but have been having trouble working out what to actually mount them onto (I guess this would be the stainless keyed collar you referred to). I have been trying to talk to release marine about this but I think they are a ...
by DavidDW
Oct 10th, '10, 20:50
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Side mount single lever control handles for Pod
Replies: 11
Views: 4222

Side mount single lever control handles for Pod

Hi Guys, I am looking to install a Console pod/bubble on as part of my gameboat rebuild project similar to what Capt Patrick has done here: I'll be doing mine in GRP. I am looking to use single lever side mount controls like in the first picture. Does an...
by DavidDW
Feb 14th, '10, 18:19
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Thought You Might Want To See Some Pictures Of The Helm
Replies: 8
Views: 5157

That looks fantastic - well done.

Where did you go to get the custom instument panel made?

I have been trying to find somebody who does this sort of thing but have been struggling.
by DavidDW
Jan 9th, '10, 17:51
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Shaft Installation tips and tricks?‏
Replies: 2
Views: 1849

Shaft Installation tips and tricks?‏

Happy New Year everyone, I am interested in peoples opinions on the following. I am about to put a pair of shafts into a boat that has never had shafts before – a quick background. I bought an old 32 flybridge cruiser that was twin sterndrive powered with the aim of converting it to shaft drive co...
by DavidDW
Nov 28th, '09, 22:42
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: flexiteek
Replies: 6
Views: 3766

Hi Charlie, I am based in Sydney Australia and have spent a fair bit of time researching the product for use throughout my boat. I have a friend that took his 40'er to Cairns to fish the marlin season living onboard for 4 months. They used it in the head and are very happy with the performance of it...
by DavidDW
Sep 28th, '09, 17:16
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Temporary Boat Shelters
Replies: 20
Views: 10394

I would second making it yourself out of pvc pipe. What a great structure! (above) Depending on how much room you have (or are allowed to take up :wink: ) the you could build a rough timber frame shelter I have found light weight blue coloured/colored tarps last better than heavier tarps, are easier...
by DavidDW
Sep 26th, '09, 23:14
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Imbedded Footings for Half Tower
Replies: 10
Views: 3173

Thanks for putting the photos up Patrick. It will be a great help to me. For us guys who aren't boat builders, this sort of tutorial really helps.
by DavidDW
Sep 7th, '09, 04:53
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Exhaust Take Two
Replies: 22
Views: 6712

Well done - that looks great. Very mean looking piece of bronze!

Has anybody had any experience with punching the exhaust through hull out through the corners of the transom?
by DavidDW
Aug 26th, '09, 22:42
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Hancock's Half Tower
Replies: 29
Views: 10605

Looks great Patrick.

How is flybridge access going to be achieved with the half tower rocket launcher spanning the width of the bridge?

I'm trying to decide the best way to accomplish this on my boat.

She looks very nice.
by DavidDW
Aug 26th, '09, 21:54
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: 453 detroit diesel
Replies: 5
Views: 5443

Hi Guys - thanks for your replies. I'll reply to each as there are a lot of good points that I think are worth addressing and putting into context in my situation. Hi Carl, Thanks for the reply and the welcome. I am in a similar position to where you were but I don't have any running gear in the boa...
by DavidDW
Aug 23rd, '09, 21:16
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: 453 detroit diesel
Replies: 5
Views: 5443

453 detroit diesel

Hi Guys, This is my first post on the site. I have spent many hours looking around the forums and navigating the betram31 site generally. What a great place and what a useful resource. I live in Australia and don't have a 31 bertram. In fact, there are only 3 B31s in Australia that I know of. I am c...