Search found 11 matches

by GEO
Feb 17th, '09, 11:50
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Key West inshore guides...
Replies: 4
Views: 2024

Give Capt. Kenny Harris a call. He's a double for Danny DeVito and has the wit to match not to mention he holds a bunch of IGFA world records. One of my favorite trips with him is light tackle shark fishing in the Marquesas....your daughter would love the scenery. Also consider any of the Delphs or ...
by GEO
Dec 3rd, '08, 09:10
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: fisherman dies off montauk
Replies: 9
Views: 2911

Here is an account from his son Cody which he posted on How many times have all of us tempted fate offshore doing what we thought was a simple task? My thoughts and prayers go out to the family and my hope is that one day his son's nightmare of living thru that ordeal will be replaced ...
by GEO
Mar 16th, '08, 13:30
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: boat haulers
Replies: 6
Views: 3103

Ask for Dana at J&J Marine in Somerset Mass. Good guy, owns the rig and fair price...800.838.3996 Also call Joule Yacht Transport. They are nationwide but have a storage yard in Flemington NJ where they change loads. They moved a bunch of molds and a hull I designed last year...on time and on budget...
by GEO
Feb 28th, '08, 13:03
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Anyone know this 31 on Ebay?
Replies: 7
Views: 4458

I went to see the boat this past September in Dennis Mass. Took about 100 pixs. Fuel is pretty accurate. He has a main center tank and 2 stainless saddle tanks. Interior is spotless and well done. Don't think the boat was ever fished. Mercs were mid to late 1990s. Let me know what questions you have...
by GEO
Jan 3rd, '08, 20:34
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Key West Fishing Guides
Replies: 4
Views: 2532

I've fished with each of these...these the most experienced guides. All hardcore fisherman, not tourist boat rides.

Anyone of the Delph Captains

Capt Kenny Harris

Capt Bob RT Trosset

Can't go wrong with any one of early
by GEO
Dec 14th, '07, 16:46
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Well I guess it's over
Replies: 8
Views: 3981

This buddy or ours who has the Tides (it's for sale) has been putting the strong arm on me for months now to buy his boat (knowing that I've been shopping for a B31). He tells me often "why do you want to own a boat where you're steering up over the bow cleat?" snicker-snicker. All it took for me wa...
by GEO
Dec 13th, '07, 17:14
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Well I guess it's over
Replies: 8
Views: 3981

Sounds to me like you'll be ready to come over next week, raid my liquor cabinet, stare at the River and tell some fishing stories. Our buddy with the Tides 27 is coming...hope you can make it!
by GEO
Dec 12th, '07, 09:36
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Just Dropped In To Say Howdy
Replies: 57
Views: 25243


Go get em' JP!
by GEO
Dec 2nd, '07, 16:07
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Boat lost off Atlantic City
Replies: 4
Views: 3133

We fished last week for stripers 5-7 miles down the beach from the inlet in stiff 20-30 kt NW winds. Saw a 14' and a 16' Lund each with 2 idiots on-board. Overheard the 2 boats joking with each other about "no need for a fancy boat to catch bass". A couple of times they we both nearly swamped by 75'...
by GEO
Nov 12th, '07, 17:13
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: May have to give up on my B31 project
Replies: 25
Views: 11797

I'm new to this site but not to your situation...I went thru the same thing back in 1991. My first wife hated everything to do with my boats and fishing. I had to sell the boat that she hated and split the proceeds with her. She went so far as to sell all my offshore tackle at a garage sale without ...
by GEO
Oct 4th, '07, 17:49
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Insurance Question
Replies: 14
Views: 6665

I just moved mine from USAA to Travelers and saved almost $400 from the quote I received from Boat US...and that was for a 25 Contender.

I'm still shopping for a 31 Sportfish and now can't sleep after seeing the shots of Tennessee's interior...WOW!