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by Bruce
Feb 13th, '25, 12:56
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Donation Time at
Replies: 17
Views: 3534

Re: Donation Time at

Thankyou Carl and everyone. Glad to keep Pat's dream alive and still going. Special thanks to KTM who rooted thru the old code and updated it to remain alive. I can do a whole lot of things, but that's one area this old dog is not going to learn. Programing performace cars is bad enough. Thank you a...
by Bruce
Feb 3rd, '25, 06:58
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Boat diesel website
Replies: 15
Views: 6236

Re: Boat diesel website

Unfortunately, most don't know the amount of time it takes to answer and update a web site or edit and post videos although it is easier these days than when Pat and I started out in the early 2000's. When we had the mechanical board, pretty much the first of its kind, I'd work 14-hour days to keep ...
by Bruce
Feb 3rd, '25, 06:41
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Bilge Coating
Replies: 14
Views: 4119

Re: Bilge Coating

Bilges have a tendency to accumulate oil and gunk over the years and any fiberglass strands that are completely wet act as a wick and will leach back out when painted over. Careful observation of dry glass and grinding should be considered. I've seen bilges that were big dollar prepped and painted r...
by Bruce
Feb 3rd, '25, 06:32
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: '69 Bahia Mar with Factory Hardtop
Replies: 45
Views: 8229

Re: '69 Bahia Mar with Factory Hardtop

I guess it's my age and the fact I've restored and built planes, boats and automobiles as a living and just worn out doing so. I commend you on your adventure and when you are done will have a great boat to enjoy.

I remember when you could buy a running gas 31 for 5 to 10k.
by Bruce
Oct 27th, '24, 05:37
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Kill Devil Hills
Replies: 2
Views: 1944

Re: Kill Devil Hills

Thanks Tommy. Been a tough two years.
by Bruce
Oct 25th, '24, 11:36
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Kill Devil Hills
Replies: 2
Views: 1944

Kill Devil Hills

The family and extended family are dropping like flies so we decided to have a family reunion next June renting a place in KDH on the beachfront.
Looking for charter fishing and if there is any action fishing from the beach.
by Bruce
Jul 15th, '24, 17:21
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Calling Bruce
Replies: 1
Views: 1039

Re: Calling Bruce

Replied to your PM.
by Bruce
May 27th, '24, 16:32
Forum: General Discussion
Replies: 2
Views: 1586


by Bruce
May 25th, '24, 06:01
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: PayPal Link for Contributions
Replies: 4
Views: 2565

Re: PayPal Link for Contributions

by Bruce
May 21st, '24, 09:22
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Project boat - Triggerfish
Replies: 22
Views: 9323

Re: Project boat - Triggerfish

If you find yourself in the WestPalm area, let me know and I'll sit down with you if you'd like.
Done 18 31s. Cummins, yanmar, cat, gas, styer, gm diesel refits.

Standard hulls and prop pockets.

Pat and I did 5 together.
by Bruce
May 21st, '24, 09:09
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: PayPal Link for Contributions
Replies: 4
Views: 2565

Re: PayPal Link for Contributions

Thanks Tommy.

Just goto PayPal and click send money under friends and enter my link that you posted.
by Bruce
Mar 24th, '24, 05:58
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: TURBOS for Yanmar 240
Replies: 129
Views: 50664

Re: IHI MYDA 119175-18031 TURBOS for Yanmar 240

Still being in the service business just another direction, I find that most shops anymore as a sub-contractor don't want to rebuild or repair anymore, just replace for liability's sake and also finding someone who can repair items is getting more difficult as most of our generation retires or dies ...
by Bruce
Mar 16th, '24, 10:48
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Cummins Mechanic
Replies: 17
Views: 8032

Re: Cummins Mechanic

Sorry for the late reply. I have been soliciting some boaters I still know for recommendations. They don't have any. I have not paid much attention to the marine industry in Palm Beach area since I retired from it. I recommended some people but it wasn't long before those who had my personal phone n...
by Bruce
Feb 29th, '24, 18:11
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Yanmar 4LH 160/170 in B26 or B28
Replies: 16
Views: 8388

Re: Yanmar 4LH 160/170 in B26 or B28

Yanmar changed the ratings by a few HP on most their engine at one time Yannis. I saw that he purchased a 26 which I've never repowered but wanted to share my experience and his enquiry for the 28 with the lower 4lh. Parts between those two engines are not interchangeable even though they have the s...
by Bruce
Feb 29th, '24, 18:03
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Cummins Mechanic
Replies: 17
Views: 8032

Re: Cummins Mechanic

Are you needing service for older engines or newer engines? Looking for independent or dealer person?
by Bruce
Feb 28th, '24, 06:39
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Yanmar 6LP-STP Heat Exchanger
Replies: 76
Views: 42418

Re: Yanmar 6LP-STP Heat Exchanger

Any glycol solution for cooling doesn't really evap like water and there should be puddle or stains.
Isolate and pressure check cooling system as you have done. I've chased some difficult ones.
by Bruce
Feb 28th, '24, 06:31
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Yanmar 4LH 160/170 in B26 or B28
Replies: 16
Views: 8388

Re: Yanmar 4LH 160/170 in B26 or B28

I repowered a few 28's with Yanmar 4 bangers. The 160/170 is workable on a very lightly loaded non wet 28. I always pushed for the 230. One customer insisted on the 170 and I did it, Customers always right? Sea trial came and it did okay, light fuel, 2 guys, not much gear but took a little long to g...
by Bruce
Feb 28th, '24, 06:04
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Bertram31.Com is under attack
Replies: 10
Views: 7983

Re: Bertram31.Com is under attack

Yannis, Read the US news reports. You'll get all the inappropriate content you can handle. I got a group of guys using the signal app down here in Florida. Its pretty secure as a lot of law enforcement uses it. That crap still gets thru. Thanks Mike. If there was ever someone we could trust to hold ...
by Bruce
Feb 1st, '24, 06:04
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Upgraded Alternators
Replies: 13
Views: 5722

Re: Upgraded Alternators

Running high output alternators on V belts is a pain. Two belts minimum. Back when flat belts weren't an option I did custom 3 belt drives.
by Bruce
Jan 30th, '24, 18:24
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Bermuda Project
Replies: 43
Views: 16480

Re: Bermuda Project

I've done so many 31's those pics give me nightmares today.
by Bruce
Jan 30th, '24, 09:00
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Lost in the Gulf Stream
Replies: 10
Views: 6360

Lost in the Gulf Stream

Tommy sent this to me and it quickly reminded me of the incident. Pat and I had been hired to take an Ocean SF to Isla Mujeres. We left WPB for Key West, the jumping point to Mexico with a bunch of other SF for Sail Fish season. We got stuck in Key West for a few days with bad weather and finally de...
by Bruce
Jan 23rd, '24, 06:35
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Shore Power Switch?
Replies: 4
Views: 9867

Re: Shore Power Switch?

Yes Jack you need to put a port/stb transtion switch in to prevent live prongs since the outlets have male connectors. Thats a big safety issue. Not sure how they wired breakers in but usually its a pair of breakers next to each other with a slide stop over top to prevent both sets of breakers being...
by Bruce
Jan 22nd, '24, 07:20
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Yanmar 230 hp Trouble
Replies: 32
Views: 16582

Re: Yanmar 230 hp Trouble

Carl, They had a list of do and don'ts when they came out and inspected a new install for warrantee coverage. We also knew while we could prevent most rouge mishaps, you can't cover them all 100% of the time. Material fails. Yanmar, Cummins and others I did were pretty strict on water line location ...
by Bruce
Jan 22nd, '24, 06:59
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Upgraded Alternators
Replies: 13
Views: 5722

Re: Upgraded Alternators

Long before solar and battery stuff for homes, I did a number of Catamarans who didn't want to use a generator with battery banks and Balmar alternators. They were they only game in town then but I'm sure there are others now. The biggest issue is high output alternators get hot and need a good heav...
by Bruce
Jan 18th, '24, 18:34
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Yanmar 230 hp Trouble
Replies: 32
Views: 16582

Re: Yanmar 230 hp Trouble

Yanmar came out and inspected the exhaust on Steve's boat to qualify for warrantee coverage along with other things.
by Bruce
Jan 15th, '24, 05:31
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: A Toast to Bruce and the Sandbox
Replies: 6
Views: 12472

Re: A Toast to Bruce and the Sandbox

Thankyou all for helping to keep Pat's dream alive. And thank you for the gifts. T shirts with pockets are awesome.
by Bruce
Jan 15th, '24, 05:29
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Eta Beta
Replies: 66
Views: 40383

Re: Eta Beta

I get nightmares from those pics........
by Bruce
Jan 15th, '24, 05:25
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: B31 police boat for sale ebay, not mine
Replies: 27
Views: 26333

Re: B31 police boat for sale ebay, not mine

Remember the days when the refits of the 31 were in high gear, you couldn't buy a bare hull for 40k. Junk gas boats where approaching 100k and old tired diesels 150k and up.
by Bruce
Jan 15th, '24, 05:20
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: propellers rake and attitude
Replies: 61
Views: 34145

Re: propellers rake and attitude

I've rode on a number of 31's over time, most I repowered with a variety of engines and some that I was tasked to survey for a buyer and one where the owner was trying to sell after putting over 400K into it with 440 Yanmar's. The only one that plowed nose down and was uncontrollable at speed was th...
by Bruce
Jan 15th, '24, 05:08
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Yanmar 230 hp Trouble
Replies: 32
Views: 16582

Re: Yanmar 230 hp Trouble

Usually when the blades freeze up on Yanmar turbos its the housing around the blades that expands from rust and stops the blades. If its not bad, you can free them up. Yanmar elbows can be an issue. Best to replace them every 5 to 6 years.
by Bruce
Dec 6th, '23, 05:29
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Bertram Parts
Replies: 40
Views: 68922

Re: Bertram Parts

I have an original panel chrome in really good shape if you are interested. Donation to the site.
I may have the pilaster steps also. I'll look.
by Bruce
Nov 23rd, '23, 14:36
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Shooter Resurrection
Replies: 26
Views: 35186

Re: Shooter Resurrection

Modern interior looks good.
Anything over 370hp in a 31 is wasted.
by Bruce
Nov 23rd, '23, 14:34
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Shooter Resurrection
Replies: 26
Views: 35186

Re: Shooter Resurrection

Modern interior looks good.
by Bruce
Nov 23rd, '23, 14:28
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Cigarette N A Six Pack
Replies: 31
Views: 42582

Re: Cigarette N A Six Pack

HP = Air and fuel.
The more HP, the more air and fuel you consume.
The more air and fuel you consume to produce hp the more stress you put on the engine and heat you have to dissipate.

That my friends is just stupid money doing what it does best......enriching the economy.
by Bruce
Oct 23rd, '23, 18:11
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Deploying and retrieving a dinghy
Replies: 11
Views: 16711

Re: Deploying and retrieving a dinghy

Get a welder to make up a stainless V shape to match your hull and make it long enough to set the hull V on it. Weld that piece to a stainless tube put in one of the rod holders. Lift the bow up and set in the v and pull the dingy on in. Put it in the opposite side rod holder to lift up the bow, set...
by Bruce
Oct 23rd, '23, 18:03
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Any advice?
Replies: 3
Views: 10844

Re: Any advice?

The engine block should be tied into the ground and bonding system but don't run your grounds to the engine block then the block to the bonding or negative terminal on battery. I've seen galvanic action eat up engine blocks doing it this way. A good buss bar as a central tie in point is the way to g...
by Bruce
Sep 30th, '23, 08:09
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: A reflection on those who have passed and still with us
Replies: 14
Views: 26691

Re: A reflection on those who have passed and still with us

Peter, Thanks for posting that about Walters 31. I was privileged along with a few others to have dinner at Walters house at one time. He was someone who came along in life not to often as many of the people here are. A man of many talents not the least of which was his cook book. And BTW, while Pat...
by Bruce
Sep 28th, '23, 17:27
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: A reflection on those who have passed and still with us
Replies: 14
Views: 26691

A reflection on those who have passed and still with us

Tough year health wise for myself and my youngest daughter. Going thru these things and getting older and having a bunch of down time I reflected on a lot of things not the least of these was this web site. I remember when Pat and I talked about doing the internet thing and he said he wanted to make...
by Bruce
Mar 14th, '23, 14:15
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Fell off a ladder
Replies: 11
Views: 13104

Fell off a ladder

Sorry for the absence, fell off a ladder, pinched nerves and rehab with a brace. I think her name was Hilda the Hun, hurt like you know what. Brace is off now and I'm moving around slow. Be back after weekend with auction, sorry. I recieved two donations, wife took care of it, thanks. Wife hid phone...
by Bruce
Jan 20th, '23, 12:01
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Exuma
Replies: 9
Views: 5403

Re: Exuma

You have to go to Staniel Cay to see the swimming pigs.
Been in the Exumas a bunch but not as pleasure, work related. Staniel Cay I would say is the best in the Exumas. Haven't been there in some time though. Exumas are a bunch of Islands.
by Bruce
Jan 17th, '23, 10:06
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Alternator Question: 1 wire vs 3 wire
Replies: 6
Views: 5930

Re: Alternator Question: 1 wire vs 3 wire

A customer broke a alternator bracket over in the Bahamas and called when he got back to have me check. There was a .45 spent brass with a 9mm spent brass inside with a hole drilled thru the centers for a spacer..........
by Bruce
Jan 17th, '23, 10:03
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: The Darwin Award
Replies: 4
Views: 4753

Re: The Darwin Award

"Florida Man" strikes again.
by Bruce
Jan 17th, '23, 10:01
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Stuart show
Replies: 7
Views: 6571

Re: Stuart show

Geebert wrote: Jan 16th, '23, 21:39 Of the 100% you'd want your boat to do, what percentage is just floating?
Having been in the business for 29 years I'd say 85% are just floating.

See: Floating condos.............
by Bruce
Jan 13th, '23, 18:23
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Alternator Question: 1 wire vs 3 wire
Replies: 6
Views: 5930

Re: Alternator Question: 1 wire vs 3 wire

Thats correct Steve.
Disregard the field and ignition wires, Make sure they are taped up. The one output is all you need. Just make sure it goes back to a good battery source like your main lug on the starter.
by Bruce
Jan 11th, '23, 18:24
Forum: Hobbies, Crafts, non Boat projects
Topic: Jeff Beck passed
Replies: 2
Views: 11699

Jeff Beck passed

Sad news today of Becks passing. He didn't have the commercial success of many electric guitar players, but he was in the top 5 of all time. His playing was melodic and so effortless to see and hear. I was fortunate to meet him and Rod Stuart in the 90's in WPB when they came to hear Roger McGuinn w...
by Bruce
Dec 30th, '22, 11:18
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Wireless engine cutoff
Replies: 1
Views: 3928

Re: Wireless engine cutoff

I've been using a similar system on cars where wirelessly if you get a certain distance from your car and its running, it shuts off. The only way to re-energized it is with the fob. Also acts as a theft deterrent. The marine version I never used and always relied on the clip in the shut off switch t...
by Bruce
Dec 19th, '22, 07:29
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Shaft Making
Replies: 3
Views: 4847

Shaft Making

On the latest issue of Acorn to Arabella they go to a prop shop to see their shaft made. As an amature machinist I always liked to go to Bobby Soles when Robert was there so I could see the workings in the shop.
by Bruce
Dec 8th, '22, 12:47
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Any have a spare 4.2 million
Replies: 33
Views: 20521

Re: Any have a spare 4.2 million

The difference between men and boys are the price of their toys.
by Bruce
Dec 5th, '22, 07:47
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Another 31 has perished
Replies: 8
Views: 10935

Re: Another 31 has perished

The following is from an article I found on the fire from the CT Examiner. New ideas maybe included opening a barbeque joint........... "The waterfront property was the site of “Smiler’s Wharf,” a redevelopment project proposed in 2019 for the 11.5-acre site that included a 6-story apartment buildin...