Search found 2580 matches

by randall
Sep 26th, '07, 11:54
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Father McCrary, please help! In need of forgiveness!
Replies: 13
Views: 6673

dont blame you mike...fished on one a bunch of times and its a to pass almost everyone on the way in when its over six
by randall
Sep 25th, '07, 15:55
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Father McCrary, please help! In need of forgiveness!
Replies: 13
Views: 6673

i owned a mid 90's sea ray for a few years.....hey one bats 1000
by randall
Sep 24th, '07, 07:46
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: trim tabs ?
Replies: 40
Views: 18438

the summer i ran with no steering i used em to change course at up and one down turns the boat bout the same as the rudders on plane
by randall
Sep 23rd, '07, 09:27
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: makes new freinds.
Replies: 7
Views: 4489

and because of this place i met walter...even though he only lives a few miles away.....last night walter took my neice and nephew (12 year old twins from the city) fishing in 3 mile was a little slow but they eventually caught some fish and went home all excited........what a great plac...
by randall
Sep 21st, '07, 14:57
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Yo, Capt Pat
Replies: 20
Views: 6622

caren and i wish you a happy birthday....and wish you were here...that was fun!
by randall
Sep 20th, '07, 12:12
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: The reason we do this
Replies: 9
Views: 2361

by randall
Sep 20th, '07, 08:31
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Just Dropped In To Say Howdy
Replies: 57
Views: 23953

mark......when can we expect to hear a splash....or at least see some progress photos....timmys boat not yours....i know you're making progress
by randall
Sep 18th, '07, 18:05
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Northeast Canyon reports
Replies: 150
Views: 133085

brewster......good luck buddy...
by randall
Sep 18th, '07, 13:16
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: crazy day at oakdale yacth.
Replies: 17
Views: 5912

looking for a trailer for my inflatable....cant be too small...anything would work........tell me more
by randall
Sep 18th, '07, 13:10
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Tennessee
Replies: 21
Views: 7779

Harv wrote: Was wondering how long it would take for you to comment on that one.

i let patrick pick mine but if i had to choose i would go with this...utah back country...1976....homemade board.....NO BINDINGS

by randall
Sep 17th, '07, 19:37
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: The Blue "My 4 Girls"
Replies: 21
Views: 10750

charlie.....i kinda likethe black on black...its unusual and super clean.....maybe experiment with a quarter inch whitw stripe between the two or....i'd just leave it
by randall
Sep 17th, '07, 18:43
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Tennessee
Replies: 21
Views: 7779

nic...though i doubt he would remember it i spoke to george greenough a number of times in the early 70's when i lived in santa barbara and surfed rincon , the ranch, and the channel had a little whaler with a home made cabin to surf offshore......a very interesting and inovative...
by randall
Sep 17th, '07, 18:00
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Tennessee
Replies: 21
Views: 7779

nic...really nice!!....and BTW you have by far the best avatar on the site...
by randall
Sep 17th, '07, 15:46
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: crazy day at oakdale yacth.
Replies: 17
Views: 5912

brewster.....let me know when....looking for a mini trailer...and who knows what
by randall
Sep 16th, '07, 01:10
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: 25 Bertram repower
Replies: 13
Views: 6832

david...might want to look at these....i have......its all about the$$$$

for what its 25 has 1984 chrysler 360's and id be happy with them for as long as they run..(true 40 MPH boat).....
by randall
Sep 15th, '07, 08:57
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: The Blue "My 4 Girls"
Replies: 21
Views: 10750

good job charlie.....looks great
by randall
Sep 15th, '07, 08:54
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: 25 Bertram repower
Replies: 13
Views: 6832 it straight shaft or v drives?......
by randall
Sep 14th, '07, 08:21
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: From the eye wall
Replies: 18
Views: 8097

to sorta quote pascoe.......worst place to be docked in a to a bertram!
by randall
Sep 13th, '07, 21:22
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: From the eye wall
Replies: 18
Views: 8097

scot...glad you OK
by randall
Sep 12th, '07, 08:25
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: 1970 B31 Listing Price
Replies: 20
Views: 8575

harv....i spent some time at that one also......but look at the 25K boat in san tenth the price......whats wrong with this picture?
by randall
Sep 11th, '07, 19:02
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: 1970 B31 Listing Price
Replies: 20
Views: 8575

thanks for the link...thats pretty interesting reading....31s from one really worth 10 times the other...the 25K boat looks nice.....wish they had a picture of the one in kansas.....and amazing how many are overseas
by randall
Sep 11th, '07, 18:51
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Winter window project
Replies: 14
Views: 6957 familiar with the concept ... 70,00.html
by randall
Sep 11th, '07, 15:38
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Winter window project
Replies: 14
Views: 6957

when all those yankees and canadians show up
by randall
Sep 10th, '07, 18:20
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Bahia Mar Colors
Replies: 39
Views: 16116

oh...i thought the link was gonna be you actually puking on mikes boat.......
by randall
Sep 9th, '07, 22:23
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: boot stripe
Replies: 8
Views: 4003

think it looks better if it follows the chine
by randall
Sep 9th, '07, 08:32
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Northeast Rendevous 08
Replies: 18
Views: 7400

hampton bays would be great for the LI west contingent...maybe even the NJ guys.....and really isnt much further from new england than montauk if you go thru the gut and peconic bay......
by randall
Sep 8th, '07, 16:20
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: ocean fishing in a kayak
Replies: 26
Views: 10804

thanks patrick....largest waves i ever surfed on the east coast were compliments of hurricane" gabrielle"...sept 1989.....started out with 30 guys and overhead started to build and i told myself i would stay out till i either wiped out or straigened off making paddleing back a risk.........
by randall
Sep 8th, '07, 12:19
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Bahia Mar Colors
Replies: 39
Views: 16116

yeah, thats the ticket...maybe i could be a yacht decorator......yes darling....maybe something in a mauve?
by randall
Sep 7th, '07, 17:21
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: heres a good lesson
Replies: 10
Views: 2902

like i said.......i dont have a clue why its true....but it is......BTW andre...i stole your line and use it all the time at volleyball....and im pretty sure the fraznoids have a lot to do with it
by randall
Sep 7th, '07, 15:02
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: heres a good lesson
Replies: 10
Views: 2902

my friend rattled off a formula....said it was couner intuative watch this...............stuck a phillips head screwdriver in the coil terminal on the distributor cap......took the wire and moved it closer and further from the screwdriver while the engine was running.......the spark got hotter as he...
by randall
Sep 7th, '07, 13:26
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: heres a good lesson
Replies: 10
Views: 2902

heres a good lesson

spent two hours at the boat last night with my friend the mechanic..... and what i accomplished was i learned some new tricks for testing continuity...i learned how to increase voltage by increasing distance....i learned lots about my carb ... i learned my engines will run all day on 5 cylinders.......
by randall
Sep 6th, '07, 22:39
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Bahia Mar Colors
Replies: 39
Views: 16116

pam...ive met john...he's cool at the dock....if you like a yellow hull you might look at "buddy boy" on this site...ive seen it in person also and photos dont do it justice......good luck
by randall
Sep 6th, '07, 13:32
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Nice Over the Transom Shot
Replies: 15
Views: 4353

thanks scott...i would encourage everyone to look at the site and this boat in particular.......AWESOME!!!!
by randall
Sep 6th, '07, 12:14
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Randalls engine problem
Replies: 1
Views: 858

harry....i know exactly why.....engine has no risers....generally not a problem but on this particular day it was very rough and i must have gotten a surge back up the manifold on one bank of cylinders......if it happend now i could be running again in half an and learn.....also now i ...
by randall
Sep 6th, '07, 12:07
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Nice Over the Transom Shot
Replies: 15
Views: 4353

walter and rawleigh....thanks...took out a few plugs and droped a clean towel over the oil no water...port side only....starboard is so hard to get at im saving it for last......oil looks water no metal flake...........airplane mechanic friend is gonna go over there with me th...
by randall
Sep 6th, '07, 08:00
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Nice Over the Transom Shot
Replies: 15
Views: 4353 takin my neighbor silas (marco the kayak partners dad) fishing and the port engine fires and dies ...wont restart........wont fire on ether so i figure no spark.......take out the module and replace.....fires right up but wont turn up.(wont even idle at normal speed but will run)..not sure...
by randall
Sep 5th, '07, 15:31
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Nice Over the Transom Shot
Replies: 15
Views: 4353

gee i hope this works for my port i see it no prob (very pretty boat BTW).....not one but two black cats ran in front of me yesterday...then i won 100 bucks in a poker game......nice to be back on earth
by randall
Sep 5th, '07, 07:35
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Nice Over the Transom Shot
Replies: 15
Views: 4353

so i am in a parallel universe....usually there is some indication that an image is there but i cant open da on this one.....BTW....tuna came out great
by randall
Sep 4th, '07, 23:26
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Nice Over the Transom Shot
Replies: 15
Views: 4353 not seein anything it me or am i just in a parallel universe
by randall
Sep 4th, '07, 15:48
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: ocean fishing in a kayak
Replies: 26
Views: 10804

hey i got a few shares of powered surf board myself........most of the powered kayaks (and canoes) are slow and relativly quiet.....not jet skis at all.....this guy(video) is just waiting for a small obsticle in the water to ruin his day
by randall
Sep 4th, '07, 12:05
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: ocean fishing in a kayak
Replies: 26
Views: 10804

harv.......contrary to the claim in the video they have been around in one form or another for decades...guy at my marina had one...was a pretty prolific fisherman
by randall
Sep 2nd, '07, 23:02
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Labor Day Weekend Boat Traffic
Replies: 12
Views: 4527

walter...have an old friend visiting and we went down to flaggy hole (gardiners bay) far the most boats i have seen on the bay all far....we went for a dinner cruise a few nights ago and in 3 hours on the bay saw maybe 5 boats total........this afternoon from where we were ...
by randall
Aug 31st, '07, 19:01
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: ocean fishing in a kayak
Replies: 26
Views: 10804

well...when vic was makin fun of me cause i didnt know dick about fishing i told him i was gonna catch a fish a long time before he caught a wave...he told me i had that right...hey....almost no one surfs...thank god...its too crowded as it is
by randall
Aug 31st, '07, 18:33
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Got my First boat!!!
Replies: 32
Views: 16596

mark....what harv said is true...the boat is great but the people are now have good friends all over the Vic once said........"if you need my help and you dont ask...i'll be pissed".....or words to that effect...point is ...over time it has turned out.....there not just...
by randall
Aug 31st, '07, 18:28
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: ocean fishing in a kayak
Replies: 26
Views: 10804

harv...kayak surfing is for folks that cant actually surf..(although i gave it a go in panama)..friend from the city calls me and says what are you doing home...its pumping......says a friend from montauk called him so he called me.....jump in the truck and hit the local jetty...head high and glassy...
by randall
Aug 30th, '07, 21:44
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: ocean fishing in a kayak
Replies: 26
Views: 10804

walter.....they were off turtle cove....not a giant blitz but seperate mini blitzes here and there.....did you ever wind up going to estia?.....jesse dosnt work there anymore....went to a party tonight and he wa the bartender
by randall
Aug 30th, '07, 17:19
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: ocean fishing in a kayak
Replies: 26
Views: 10804

yeah. ive seen that whole sequence ....and when my friend said "theres a large shark heading right for you"....thats exactly what went through my head.....wasnt as bad as the next morning after seeing jaws....anchored the boat about a quarter mile off the beach and paddled through the kelp bed into ...
by randall
Aug 29th, '07, 21:06
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Bow Wow
Replies: 20
Views: 8062

and her grand kids....0
by randall
Aug 29th, '07, 12:46
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Enginge trouble
Replies: 13
Views: 4299

how big are the injector holes (see i just pull the plugs to get in the cylinders, a rare victory for gas)......i have a pump mike and i use to change oil...the smallest tube is pretty small and might work
by randall
Aug 29th, '07, 07:32
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Toxic Smurf
Replies: 13
Views: 5807

i did what i would call a light blast with fine sand.....low pressure and some distance........took off 80-90 percent of the paint...left the gel coat alone.......figured if it got to be 35 years old with no problems...why mess with it now