Bob and Rawleigh,
Can you email me directly? want to get you linked in. Sitting at 26 boats and 13 B31s.
Search found 11 matches
- Aug 26th, '21, 19:25
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: Annapolis, MD Rendezvous
- Replies: 46
- Views: 135074
- Aug 1st, '21, 16:08
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: Annapolis, MD Rendezvous
- Replies: 46
- Views: 135074
Re: Annapolis, MD Rendezvous
Hey Everybody, here is my email blast about this years event. 24 boats already made reservations. Good Afternoon, First, I’d like to thank everyone for your interest in participating in a Bertram Rendezvous this year. It has been a very interesting 2020/2021 to say the least, and I for one am very m...
- Dec 19th, '19, 16:41
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: Winterization Check List
- Replies: 22
- Views: 15797
Re: Winterization Check List
I have the 380hp and decent sized mufflers and agreed at 7 gallons you're seeing purple and is gonna be fine (I run the minus 60 myself). I always worry about it and for the extra few bucks it takes to run a few extra gallons isn't a big deal. And to each their own 10-12 gallons isn't a guideline I ...
- Dec 18th, '19, 17:04
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: Winterization Check List
- Replies: 22
- Views: 15797
Re: Winterization Check List
In lieu of putting a hole in the strainer top for engines, just make a winterization bucket. 5 Gallon bucket with a thruhull fitting and hose, pull the strainer cap off and just run the hose into it. Obviously for the AC/Saltwater washdown I have a 3/4"NPT fitting so I can hook right into it. Also I...
- Dec 12th, '19, 17:03
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: Annapolis, MD Rendezvous
- Replies: 46
- Views: 135074
Re: Annapolis, MD Rendezvous
Hey All! Sorry for not posting sooner. For all those folks interested in next year, we are already thinking about options and dates to see what can work. I think we could have alot of boats for next year, Dorian ruined the weekend for some folks attempting to get here. Prior to Dorian we were expect...
- Jul 16th, '19, 13:58
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: Annapolis, MD Rendezvous
- Replies: 46
- Views: 135074
Re: Annapolis, MD Rendezvous
Hey Folks I have had 30 people RSVP on the interest form, so far I have 8 confirmed boats (since sending out the email yesterday). So far shaping up nicely. Here is a copy of the email blast I put out yesterday. If anybody wants the original email with links and such please shoot me an email at ches...
- Jun 4th, '19, 20:41
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: Annapolis, MD Rendezvous
- Replies: 46
- Views: 135074
Re: Annapolis, MD Rendezvous
Hey guys, We understand there is a conflict of dates, and unfortunately we figured that guys from that far north wouldn't travel this far south. So i apologize in advance for this and what may have been a wrong assumption. Annapolis is a little funny at that time of year, lots of sailing and other a...
- May 25th, '19, 10:43
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: Annapolis, MD Rendezvous
- Replies: 46
- Views: 135074
Re: Annapolis, MD Rendezvous
Hello Everybody, So we've made a few changes and are moving the event to the Hyatt Hotel in Cambridge. This way folks from out of town will have a place to stay and all the resort amenities. We can also host any number of boats and within an hour of annapolis. The link to the Bertram Website below s...
- Apr 28th, '19, 21:58
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: Annapolis, MD Rendezvous
- Replies: 46
- Views: 135074
Re: Annapolis, MD Rendezvous
Hey Folks, So we're still planning to make this happen, looks like we will have little more flexibility on dates. Bertram may not have a boat to bring which opens up the summer dates instead of boat show time. Hoping to nail down an official date in the next week, will keep everyone posted. We've go...
- Oct 23rd, '18, 19:57
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: Annapolis, MD Rendezvous
- Replies: 46
- Views: 135074
Re: Annapolis, MD Rendezvous
Thanks everybody for your responses. Looking forward to getting this thing going. Ill be in contact with the folks at Bertram after the FLIB show. Tommy, Saw everything on the California one, looked awesome. Close with the Guys at Worton Creek and know they have atleast 10 they care for in the area ...
- Oct 21st, '18, 15:40
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: Annapolis, MD Rendezvous
- Replies: 46
- Views: 135074
Annapolis, MD Rendezvous
Hello Folks, I am new to the site, not much of an online guy, but wanted to give this a go. I am a long time 31 owner and big time Bertram fan. I have been talking with the folks at Bertram and wanted to try and organize an Annapolis, MD rendezvous. It is still in the preliminary stages, but would b...