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by cmass494
Aug 15th, '19, 11:56
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: B25 Sport Convertible Outboard Height Adjustment
Replies: 16
Views: 4293

Re: B25 Sport Convertible Outboard Height Adjustment

You are so right! I’m happy with the results and glad for the improved mid range performance. I think she is dialed in and worth raising the one hole. Not at WOT much myself. I will run her again at 4000 RPMs and let you know what I get. My big test will come on a windy day and see how she does into...
by cmass494
Aug 13th, '19, 15:56
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: B25 Sport Convertible Outboard Height Adjustment
Replies: 16
Views: 4293

Re: B25 Sport Convertible Outboard Height Adjustment

So finally had the OB raised two holes and didn’t have that much luck. It seemed fine with getting up on plane, but it quickly shot up to my peak RPMs at WOT. Without trimming it up at all I was at 6100 RPMs. When I did trim it up a little it quickly went over my max range of 6300 RPMS. I decided to...
by cmass494
Jul 22nd, '19, 09:11
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: B25 Sport Convertible Outboard Height Adjustment
Replies: 16
Views: 4293

Re: B25 Sport Convertible Outboard Height Adjustment

Sorry all I’ve been traveling for work and unfortunately I don’t expect to raise the OB until mid-August. Will post results as soon as I can get her done. This summer is going by way too fast.
by cmass494
Jun 30th, '19, 06:57
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: B25 Sport Convertible Outboard Height Adjustment
Replies: 16
Views: 4293

Re: B25 Sport Convertible Outboard Height Adjustment

Finally got out on her yesterday and was able to check my OB height. The cavitation plate is actually even with the bottom of the hull. I ran a bar across the keel and out to the OB. The bar was even with the cavitation plate. So looks like I’m just too low. Based on the formula above and my OB brac...
by cmass494
Jun 25th, '19, 23:50
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: B25 Sport Convertible Outboard Height Adjustment
Replies: 16
Views: 4293

Re: B25 Sport Convertible Outboard Height Adjustment

Sorry all I’ve been traveling like crazy for work and haven’t been on boat. Thanks for the responses and questions. Below is a link to some photos of the OB out of the water. It was placed at the same height as my original Yamaha which splashed as well. Will try to get some measurements this weekend...
by cmass494
Jun 21st, '19, 10:42
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: B25 Sport Convertible Outboard Height Adjustment
Replies: 16
Views: 4293

B25 Sport Convertible Outboard Height Adjustment

I’ve been enjoying my 1963 25’ Moppie Sport Convertible which was converted to an OB bracket with a 300hp Suzuki. I’m contemplating raising my OB up one or two holes on the bracket to potentially fix a few issues. First is when I accelerate I get up plane fine, but before I do the OB splashes a ton ...
by cmass494
Mar 15th, '19, 14:23
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: console in! Tab question
Replies: 17
Views: 4293

Re: console in! Tab question

Cam, I didn’t end up putting tabs on my 63’ 25. This Hull will not list even with multiple people on one side. I’ve even had people shift across from one side to another at high speed and no difference. Advantage of the 10’ beam. Also with my 300hp OB I have no problem keeping the bow down and get u...
by cmass494
Aug 28th, '18, 22:13
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Paint! Boot Strip Debate
Replies: 36
Views: 22050

Re: Paint! Boot Strip Debate

Figured out how to post an image. This was the one I liked from your collection of photos. Image
by cmass494
Aug 28th, '18, 22:06
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Paint! Boot Strip Debate
Replies: 36
Views: 22050

Re: Paint! Boot Strip Debate

Cam, love the color and can’t wait to see her finished. My choice would be to paint the chine oyster white. Like the one in your original post. That looks amazing! Wish my boat had the blue hull. You are right about having the bottom paint go higher onto the chine in the Stern. When I put my 300 Suz...
by cmass494
Jul 28th, '18, 17:51
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Emblems and eagles for 1963 Moppie Sport Convertible
Replies: 31
Views: 8326

Re: Emblems and eagles for 1963 Moppie Sport Convertible

Electric drive by wire shifter so not from that.
by cmass494
Jul 28th, '18, 07:34
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Emblems and eagles for 1963 Moppie Sport Convertible
Replies: 31
Views: 8326

Re: Emblems and eagles for 1963 Moppie Sport Convertible

She is still on plane at about 3600-4000rpms, but she starts to lose rpms and decelerate slowly that eventually she falls off plane at about 3500 rpm. She also rides bow high at these rpms. I usually need about 3/4 throttle to get her up on plane and then back her off to 4000rpm. It would be great t...
by cmass494
Jul 26th, '18, 19:58
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Emblems and eagles for 1963 Moppie Sport Convertible
Replies: 31
Views: 8326

Re: Emblems and eagles for 1963 Moppie Sport Convertible

Took her out this evening and she ran about 9.8 gal/hr at 4000rpms, but she tended to just fall off plane. The lowest I can go is about 4100 rpm at 26mph and 10.5 gal/hr. This is with a full tank of gas (100gal), 2 adults and one kid.
by cmass494
Jul 22nd, '18, 21:30
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Emblems and eagles for 1963 Moppie Sport Convertible
Replies: 31
Views: 8326

Re: Emblems and eagles for 1963 Moppie Sport Convertible

So the new Suzuki 300hp is on and the boat is running great. She pushes her so well and more than enough power. I’ve added some new photos and videos on my Google album. Here is the link again: Here are also some performance numbers: 100 gal fuel - 4ppl ab...
by cmass494
Jun 30th, '18, 04:53
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Emblems and eagles for 1963 Moppie Sport Convertible
Replies: 31
Views: 8326

Re: Emblems and eagles for 1963 Moppie Sport Convertible

Just ordered a 300hp Suzuki four stroke. Should have her up and running again in a couple of weeks. Now to figure out prop size. Open to suggestions. More pic and running data to come.
by cmass494
Jun 18th, '18, 20:29
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Emblems and eagles for 1963 Moppie Sport Convertible
Replies: 31
Views: 8326

Re: Emblems and eagles for 1963 Moppie Sport Convertible

Bad news on my front! Looks like my outboard has a bad piston. So after all the work on the Bertram, I run into a major issue with the OB. It wasn't holding speed while on plane. It would just start decelerating. I had my mechanic look at it and of course one of my cylinders is not firing and when h...
by cmass494
Jun 8th, '18, 17:36
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Emblems and eagles for 1963 Moppie Sport Convertible
Replies: 31
Views: 8326

Re: Emblems and eagles for 1963 Moppie Sport Convertible

I took the boat out today and my scuppers seem to be holding and doing the trick! One project down and a few more to go.
by cmass494
Jun 8th, '18, 17:35
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Emblems and eagles for 1963 Moppie Sport Convertible
Replies: 31
Views: 8326

Re: Emblems and eagles for 1963 Moppie Sport Convertible

Correct that layer under the tape would not have 3 coats of varnish. After you put the salt on, then you remove the tape. I used Interlux Schooner gold varnish to get a heavier coat with fewer layers. My epoxy was really my build up and seal coats and the varnish was my UV sun coat. Hope it will las...
by cmass494
Jun 8th, '18, 14:40
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Emblems and eagles for 1963 Moppie Sport Convertible
Replies: 31
Views: 8326

Re: Emblems and eagles for 1963 Moppie Sport Convertible

Similar, but the salt is not permanent or remain like the sand would be. The salt technique is for when you want to preserve the look of the wood and not paint. If you are going to paint then you can use any addative. I put 3 coats of clear epoxy on the Mahogany, then 3 coats of varnish. On the last...
by cmass494
Jun 7th, '18, 09:29
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Emblems and eagles for 1963 Moppie Sport Convertible
Replies: 31
Views: 8326

Re: Emblems and eagles for 1963 Moppie Sport Convertible

I added a few more photos of my chine at rest: Pretty close to waterline. I have weight distributed all along the keel with most sitting aft behind the fuel tank, with stacked steel plates, two batteries and two other battery boxes filled with concrete all...
by cmass494
Jun 6th, '18, 18:29
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Emblems and eagles for 1963 Moppie Sport Convertible
Replies: 31
Views: 8326

Re: Emblems and eagles for 1963 Moppie Sport Convertible

Thanks all for the comments and suggestions! I’ll have to post some more photos of current state with regards to weight. The photos you see are actually how I originally had it when I put her in the water with more weight in the back. I’ve actually shifted the weight more to the bow to try and help ...
by cmass494
Jun 6th, '18, 08:33
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Emblems and eagles for 1963 Moppie Sport Convertible
Replies: 31
Views: 8326

Re: Emblems and eagles for 1963 Moppie Sport Convertible

Got my emblems from Danny at High Tide and have finally put the boat in! Thought I would share some photos of the Moppie! I still have a few things to do. I had to shift more weight up front and will probably need to raise the OB up another hole. It’s spla...
by cmass494
Mar 29th, '18, 17:03
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Emblems and eagles for 1963 Moppie Sport Convertible
Replies: 31
Views: 8326

Re: Emblems and eagles for 1963 Moppie Sport Convertible

Thanks! Excited to finally get her in the water this spring. Final touches now! Will post pics of Boat when done.

PS on original post. Any pics or description on location of emblems or eagles will be a big help.
by cmass494
Mar 29th, '18, 16:27
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Emblems and eagles for 1963 Moppie Sport Convertible
Replies: 31
Views: 8326

Emblems and eagles for 1963 Moppie Sport Convertible

New to the site and Bertram. Not sure if it’s ok to ask about the 25’s, but I’m restoring a 1963 Bertram Moppie 25’ Sport convertible and was wondering if anyone can list what emblems and eagles my Bertram would have had? Pictures of them for that year would be helpful. Need to try and find them, bu...