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- Mar 15th, '18, 10:57
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: FLOSCAN
- Replies: 10
- Views: 3923
the maretron stuff looks much nicer. I reached out to see if anything has been ceritifed, company is based out of canada and seems real new, supposedly they will be coming out with a nema2000 hub to interface to a plotter display that has the capability.
- Mar 14th, '18, 14:49
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: FLOSCAN
- Replies: 10
- Views: 3923
anyone hear of the bluetooth wireless optio fuel flow sensors? A set of 4 for diesel would run about $1400. Looks very interesting.
- Dec 20th, '17, 23:17
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: Prop Question - Yanmar 260HP
- Replies: 8
- Views: 2848
Re: Prop Question - Yanmar 260HP
didnt realize they were BY's. I'd start with a 19X20 4 blade or 20x20 3 blade should be real close.
- Dec 20th, '17, 11:53
- Forum: General Discussion
- Topic: Prop Question - Yanmar 260HP
- Replies: 8
- Views: 2848
Re: Prop Question - Yanmar 260HP
I had a 30 Chris Craft Tournament with a pair of 240 STE's with the 2:1 I was running 19X22 4 blades no cup.