Search found 6 matches

by Hutch
Feb 4th, '25, 21:37
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Donation Time at
Replies: 17
Views: 2603

Re: Donation Time at

Thanks for the reminder Carl! This is a wonderful resource and great people.
I mailed a check today

Thank you Bruce and Capt. Patrick

by Hutch
Jan 27th, '25, 17:43
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Bilge Coating
Replies: 14
Views: 3307

Re: Bilge Coating

Just some thoughts… I’ve had success with Interlux VC Performance epoxy on my little Blackfin 24 – the white color will yellow over time and its very slippery. I’ve been told that Interlux 2000E White will also yellow over time. If I did it again, I’d go with Rick’s recommendation. Based on my exper...
by Hutch
Feb 9th, '24, 22:28
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: full repaint recommendations in Baltimore or close by
Replies: 3
Views: 1510

Re: full repaint recommendations in Baltimore or close by

Todd, In my opinion, for the hull, topsides, bridge, cockpit, etc on a 60’, I’d guess $100K+. Worton Creek can give you a better ballpark estimate. I hear that Cam has had good luck there. I haven’t had any work done there but I’ve seen their work. John P. is a good, honest guy in my opinion. And I ...
by Hutch
Aug 14th, '23, 23:50
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Coosa
Replies: 8
Views: 12059

Re: Coosa

I agree with Rick and Tony. In addition, here's what I've done rebuilding my blackfin 24. Get a good respirator and eye protection. A supplied air respirator is even better if your dealing with resin or paint in the bilge. Sand good w/80 grit and any brown or yellow areas need to be sanded back to g...
by Hutch
Aug 4th, '22, 19:23
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Anybody on Cambridge Maryland?
Replies: 1
Views: 1516

Re: Anybody on Cambridge Maryland?

Micky, I'm in Frederick, MD about 3 hrs away. I'm not a diesel mechanic but can look them over and pull oil samples, other basic tasks, etc if needed.
I'll send you a text.
by Hutch
Mar 4th, '22, 16:01
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Epoxy Question
Replies: 6
Views: 7342

Re: Epoxy Question

John, I agree with the above. adding my 2 cents... You'll need to keep it above 40 (60-70 is better) during the entire cure cycle or it could result in a hardened but weak bond. (i.e. 70 degree epoxy isn't going to bond well to a 30 degree hull, and if the epoxy or substrate gets below 40 before ful...