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by In Memory of Vicroy
Jun 7th, '12, 20:41
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Pair of Old Farts
Replies: 46
Views: 71098

Coming back to read this site is so overwhelming. I think my dad would get a kick out of the cookbook and like the idea of the funds going to keeping his "sandbox" afloat. I'm assuming someone has a copy of the bisque recipe we had printed. That recipe was his pride and joy inthe last couple of year...
by In Memory of Vicroy
May 27th, '12, 15:19
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Thank you from the Roys and Funeral info for Uncle Vic
Replies: 7
Views: 6857

Thank you from the Roys and Funeral info for Uncle Vic

Hi guys (and gals?) It's Jen Roy Oliver- Uncle Vic was my Daddy. I cannot even begin to express to ya'll how much this board meant to my dad, how much YA'LL meant to him, and how much all of these wonderful stories and tributes have meant to us over the last few days. The morning I saw his "goodbye"...
by In Memory of Vicroy
May 24th, '12, 15:26
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Good bye faihful
Replies: 105
Views: 473041

Faithful - I'm simply overwhelemved by all of your responses. And learning to type while on Percocet is an adventure in itself. I'll try to stick around as much as I can. And let's never forget that Capt. Patrick is the Man who brought us all together, so continue to support him and the sandbox. Who...
by In Memory of Vicroy
May 21st, '12, 20:04
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Good bye faihful
Replies: 105
Views: 473041

Good bye faihful

Many of you know I've bddn in hand to hanin hand to hand combat eith cancr fo year s now. I'ves thrown in he towedl and am now in a hospicd progtam to save my familly the misdry of fooling with it. I'll be around somed but not much.Love y'all/

Uncle Vic
by In Memory of Vicroy
May 3rd, '12, 19:52
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: 6BTA Cummins parts
Replies: 5
Views: 5827

Who'd you get 'em from? Tony Athens who owns Seaboard Marine in Cal. sells those parts in an "economy pack", just the stuff in a zip loc. And if you are in an industrial area, look around for rubber houses, they all stock every kind of o ring under the sun and sell 'em for pennies.

by In Memory of Vicroy
May 3rd, '12, 13:32
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Help: Strange Electrical Issue
Replies: 16
Views: 10824

Ground. You have a bad 12 v. ground and the whole system is grounding thru your shore power, which I think is what Charlie, et al are talking about with the bus bar?

by In Memory of Vicroy
May 3rd, '12, 13:29
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Exciter or Field wire on Alternator; not working 6BTA 330 hp
Replies: 17
Views: 17934

I abandoned the exciter wires on my 6BTA alternators (they are standard Delcos) and use the old "one wire" system with just one wire off the big lug to the battery. So in theory it is not "self exciting" and you have to race the engine up to about 2200 rpm for it to excite, then once its excited, it...
by In Memory of Vicroy
May 3rd, '12, 13:24
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Calling Brew
Replies: 0
Views: 3170

Calling Brew

Brew - please shoot me an email,

by In Memory of Vicroy
May 3rd, '12, 13:02
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Time for the 2012 Fund Raiser
Replies: 12
Views: 12063

Okay Faithful, just wrote the check & put it out for the mailman....get off your lazy ass and do the same.....where else can you have this much fun for a few buck? And with friends? We talking friends, real friends, like when your ass is in a jam come help right now friends? To put it another way, a...
by In Memory of Vicroy
May 3rd, '12, 09:03
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: mechanical fuel guage
Replies: 21
Views: 17016

Rawleigh got it. The fuel in the tank is always much warmer or colder than the tank itself and the "fluid line" stands out like a sore thumb with the IR gun.

by In Memory of Vicroy
May 3rd, '12, 08:57
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: mechanical fuel guage
Replies: 21
Views: 17016


by In Memory of Vicroy
May 3rd, '12, 08:48
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: mechanical fuel guage
Replies: 21
Views: 17016

I have a similar, and just as good, stick I use to plumb my home genset diesel tank. The tank is a "farm tank", 275 gallons, and its end profile is trying to mark the stick correctly was a challenge. Now, for the life of me I can't remember how I rose to that all becam...
by In Memory of Vicroy
May 2nd, '12, 11:58
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Losing prime on 6bta
Replies: 6
Views: 7822

Yes it will, assuming the Racor is lower than the secondary spin on. The check valve is supposed to keep the fuel from back flowing, but if its stuck open - or - there is a crack in the Racor bowl - even a seeping crack - it will drain the secondary down. Also remember that everything between the ta...
by In Memory of Vicroy
May 2nd, '12, 11:53
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Time for the 2012 Fund Raiser
Replies: 12
Views: 12063

I'm in.....come on Faithful, chip in time...gotta pay to play you know.

by In Memory of Vicroy
May 2nd, '12, 11:36
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Losing prime on 6bta
Replies: 6
Views: 7822

Mac - probably the Racor bowl - hairline crack or cracked where the petcock drain screws in the plastic bowl.....I had one bowl that was bad that did exactly what you describe and it drove me nuts...finally just changed the bowl & gaskets & it be'z fixed.....the Racor does also have a check valve ba...
by In Memory of Vicroy
May 1st, '12, 14:53
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Rod Refinishing
Replies: 13
Views: 10449

Shoot, I was so lucky I "won" a UVI rod of Hank's in Panama in our raffle to replenish the bar tab. You know, the rules committee & all that.......

by In Memory of Vicroy
Apr 30th, '12, 08:49
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Cutting plaster. Is there a better way?
Replies: 44
Views: 35757

Hire illegals and pay them in cash to do it at night.

UV, the ever helpful
by In Memory of Vicroy
Apr 29th, '12, 18:37
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Trip Around the World in a Single Engine PLane
Replies: 1
Views: 3603

Our long-time local coronor here flew his V Tail Bonanza solo around the world back in the 60s or 70s. The engine was just about run out and he had an oil drum and hand pump to keep the oil level up during long hauls - so many strokes on the pump per hour. I sold my 45 foot Hickock wooden cabin crui...
by In Memory of Vicroy
Apr 25th, '12, 15:28
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Attempting first start no fuel
Replies: 14
Views: 11937

I've found that the Cummins Bs have to be bled of air in the proper sequence or they will never start, period. First, turn off the fuel line valve at the tank; next take the top off the Racor and fill it slowly with clean diesel and leave the top off for now; now open the tiny hex head air bleed scr...
by In Memory of Vicroy
Apr 24th, '12, 10:41
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Slippery slope – what oil?
Replies: 10
Views: 7734

I've been using Shell Rotella T 15W40 in everything I own for years, gas or diesel with the exception of the Mercedes GL 450 that requires Mobil One to keep the warranty up. I change oil strictly by engine hours or road miles (and don't cheat there) and not by calendar time as some (the poeple who s...
by In Memory of Vicroy
Apr 23rd, '12, 17:46
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Cummins tach question
Replies: 5
Views: 7179

The output terminal on the alternator marked "AC" puts out alternating current that the tach reads and converts the cycles into rpms. Tere is a chart for each alternator (since the pulley size affects the frequency of the output) My alternator pickups drove me nuts so I converted to magnetic flywhee...
by In Memory of Vicroy
Apr 18th, '12, 10:28
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Scale Bertram Hull
Replies: 10
Views: 8957

Several years ago there was a very innovative fellow on here who came up with a propulsion system that you might want to search out and try. As I recall it was called the GPS and involved generating combustible gas in a pressure vessel. A renewable energy system too.

by In Memory of Vicroy
Apr 18th, '12, 07:26
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Federal Fisheries Permit
Replies: 6
Views: 6457

Years ago before you could apply online I needed to get a permit but didn't have my B31 registration numbers I bought the permit on my 13 foot Whaler and named it Another Joyful, put the net tonnage down as "under one", etc. Sailed right on thru. Think my permit is still in that name. Se...
by In Memory of Vicroy
Apr 17th, '12, 19:05
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: rudder shelf
Replies: 18
Views: 16277

I use the 4-bolt cast iron flange bearings from WW Grainger and if you keep them greased thru the zerk (I use an air powered grease gun to get a lot in there) and smear grease on the outside and/or coat them with Max Wax, they will last as long as you keep them coated. And when they finally crap out...
by In Memory of Vicroy
Apr 17th, '12, 07:36
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Good news bad news
Replies: 15
Views: 11578

Year before last I took my son and son in law to TSL and we fished on a B31 they had repowered with the Nannis which were electronic engines. Second day out they both went to dead idle for no apparent reason. Capt. had no clue. I raised a motor box and fiddled with what looked to me like a throttle ...
by In Memory of Vicroy
Apr 16th, '12, 07:49
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Coonass go fast
Replies: 16
Views: 13439

The pix with the 8 o/bs is old and bogus. My son, a pro fishing and hunting guide, has one of the 35 hp Gator Tails and let me tell ya', that son of a gun is a best thing to an airboat without the noise. Me, him, and my SIL Chuck were duck hunting in a pond near Venice, La. when we loo...
by In Memory of Vicroy
Apr 12th, '12, 19:33
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Repower To Do List - B28
Replies: 9
Views: 9847

Water intake - consider external strainers and increase size. Consider crash valves. Fuel system - upgrade filtering and add ball valves. Replace fule hoses with larger diameter. Add engine room insulation such as Soundown. Upgrade shaft logs to dripless and consider new shaft tubes. Go with bigger ...
by In Memory of Vicroy
Apr 12th, '12, 16:28
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: 33 rebuild
Replies: 9
Views: 7794

Its Boats & Harbors, the commercial marine marketplace. Comes out three times a month and is nothing but display and classified ads for marine related new and used equipment. Its cheap too, something like $17 a year if you just get one issue a month since they tend to repeat a lot of ads over the co...
by In Memory of Vicroy
Apr 12th, '12, 15:45
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Deck anchor chocks.
Replies: 5
Views: 6410

Mount the chocks so the stock of the anchor is facing the bow and lays right next to the hawsepipe. I use very heavy galvanized chain and there is only about 2 inches between the anchor shackly and the hawespipe and it does not even touch the deck.....I have the hawsepipe with the spring loaded cove...
by In Memory of Vicroy
Apr 12th, '12, 15:40
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Pair of running takeouts
Replies: 7
Views: 6708

Yeah, probably the stench of the Blubliner did it.

by In Memory of Vicroy
Apr 12th, '12, 15:39
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: 33 rebuild
Replies: 9
Views: 7794

Mark - I see second hand ZF IRM 220As in B&H for about $2,500 each and new for just over 3. Some of the military surplus places claim new ones under 3.

by In Memory of Vicroy
Apr 12th, '12, 15:37
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Pair of running takeouts
Replies: 7
Views: 6708

The dreaded Hino was big in Blubliners. Shoot, for 22K you can get a decent pair of RTO 6BTA Cummins with gears.

Never had the pleasure of meeting a Hino in person, but the reputation is run, don't walk away......

by In Memory of Vicroy
Apr 12th, '12, 12:55
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Low vision computer keyboard
Replies: 3
Views: 4533

Tom - this place has the best stuff. I use the ZoomText (and have since the early 1990s) and the i-loview. Their large print keyboard is not as good as the one I just ordered and listed above plus costs close to $100 vs. 35.

by In Memory of Vicroy
Apr 12th, '12, 09:01
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Low vision computer keyboard
Replies: 3
Views: 4533

Low vision computer keyboard

As some of you know, I suffer from low vision and use gadgets to help out. This outfit makes a large print keyboard and I just got the ivory one, $35 plus 10 bucks shipping. Also comes in yellow or black; Love it...
by In Memory of Vicroy
Apr 10th, '12, 10:49
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Instrument Lights
Replies: 6
Views: 3604

Here is your source for the bulbs, cheap. You need the Type A metal base bulb, 7 mm. I measured my bulbs with a mike and mine are the 7mm.
by In Memory of Vicroy
Apr 10th, '12, 09:15
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Instrument Lights
Replies: 6
Views: 3604

Okay - I have two clear ones and one red one that work. But I'll want to keep a couple for AJ so I'll look up the Cummins part #s for you & I'm sure Cummins Mid South has them. Do you need the bulb holder too or just the bulb? Two of my three blubs didn't work at first until I removed the bulb from ...
by In Memory of Vicroy
Apr 10th, '12, 08:52
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: East coat help
Replies: 26
Views: 8893

My 72 FBC with 6BTA 250s (CPL 1247) running 1.53 ZFs and 21x22 three blade nibrals with no cup tops out at 2650 rpm and about 26.5 kts and cruises at 2400 rpm right at 24 kts. With that gear and prop set up the speed & rpm are linear from about 1800 rpm (gives 18 kts) right up to WOT. 2400 is the sw...
by In Memory of Vicroy
Apr 10th, '12, 08:31
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Instrument Lights
Replies: 6
Views: 3604

Stop the presses....I just found a box with s bunch of old original Cummins VDO gsuges, three of which have lights installed.....the lights are tiny and are in a strange little plastic holder that presses into the back of the gauge....each with two spade connectors for the light. I'll test the light...
by In Memory of Vicroy
Apr 10th, '12, 08:23
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Instrument Lights
Replies: 6
Views: 3604

Harry - if you have an old one take it to any auto parts place and match it up - they are 12v and you just need to get the right base and bulb size that will fit in the hole. If you want red ones, borrow some of Miss Joanne's figernail polish and make your own.

by In Memory of Vicroy
Apr 8th, '12, 11:02
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Gadget report
Replies: 0
Views: 1480

Gadget report

I ordered & just got a 150 watt rope cutting electric gun from Hamilton Marine that was on sale. I had a 100 watt one years ago that was pretty dinky. This one is a hoss.....heats to nylon-cutting temp in about 5 seconds and will cut thru 3/4" nylon rope like butter. Highly recc it. I have dozens of...
by In Memory of Vicroy
Apr 7th, '12, 19:51
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Jackshaft option
Replies: 11
Views: 5246

One of the original Faithful here, Stan Smith who is a Hell Diver spearfisherman here in La., had a buddy with a B25 and a big Volvo diesel on a jackshaft to a duoprop and they ran the heck out of it offshore to the oil rigs. Stan had a B31 rigged for diving. I put a pair of Vulva TAMD30 diesels (11...
by In Memory of Vicroy
Apr 7th, '12, 14:40
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Hello(new to the board) Bertram 31 build
Replies: 68
Views: 45755

Okay, I con't recall what Cummins Mid South charged me to come out and do both my engines, but its been so long ago I'm sure its no longer relevant anyway. The 6B engines seem to survive minor overheats pretty overheat to the point of the engine groinding to a halft will usually crack th...
by In Memory of Vicroy
Apr 7th, '12, 14:08
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Cooling problem.
Replies: 7
Views: 4282

Put it as far aft as you can. The B31 hull rises striaght up on its lifting strakes and will put those thru hulls up forward out of the water in rough seas. I burned up a couplre of a/c pumps that way before going to a huge Jabsco flexible impeller pump that will suck the chrome off a trailer ball. ...
by In Memory of Vicroy
Apr 5th, '12, 16:26
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Hello(new to the board) Bertram 31 build
Replies: 68
Views: 45755

Mikey - you gonna adjust the valves on your 6BTAs? Book says every 1,000 hours but my Cummins people told me they do it once and forget it. I had mine done at about 1,000 and it did idle a little better but not touched since. Its a job worth trading $US to Cummins for.

by In Memory of Vicroy
Apr 5th, '12, 16:21
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Cooling problem.
Replies: 7
Views: 4282

Two ideas, first one is easy, add a second thru hull. second one is to use flexible impeller pumps - they won't air lock, but do make a good bit of noise. If it were me I'd add a second thru hull and be done with it...first I'd contact whoever put both on one thru hull (or have your lawyer contact h...
by In Memory of Vicroy
Apr 4th, '12, 16:30
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Which gen set and location?
Replies: 6
Views: 2655

Kubota parts are available everywhere. Napa, etc. Probably the most popular small diesel in the world. I had Phasor build both of mine - the 5.5 and the 6.5 - with all the service points on the stb. side. They call me "double dipstick Vic" at Phasor, but it sure makes maintaince a snap. It stays dry...
by In Memory of Vicroy
Apr 4th, '12, 12:02
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Which gen set and location?
Replies: 6
Views: 2655

Joe - it will all depend on your motors and the model boat. I have a FBC with 250 Cummins 6BTAs and have a Phasor 6 KW on the outboard side of the port engine with plenty of room to spare. Its a 3 cylinder Kubota powered 1800 rpm and does not need a sound shield. Very quiet and smooth. Avoid the sin...
by In Memory of Vicroy
Apr 4th, '12, 10:00
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Texas Tornados
Replies: 22
Views: 6522

A couple of Port Eads goats might fit in too......

Nice. Very peaceful. Far cry from WPB's shooting gallery? Amazing what a little rain will do, huh?

by In Memory of Vicroy
Apr 4th, '12, 08:22
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Texas Tornados
Replies: 22
Views: 6522

Sane stuff hit here about 3 am this morning, sounded like an artillery barrage for 3 hours. No tornados, thank goodness.

Patrick - now that wood fence is slick as owl doo-doo......I assume the wire fence is to keep Bambi from eating your nice grass?

by In Memory of Vicroy
Apr 4th, '12, 08:18
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: DD rebuild help :)
Replies: 22
Views: 9031

Shoot, it was a little rough but not that bad...the water in the bilge was caused by one of my hull side air vents getting knocked off a few days befoe when my son backed the boat into the dock too I went to the Venice, La. hardware store and bought a 4" PVC sewer pipe elbow and glued it ...