Bob Selzler's Bertram 31 vs. the United States NavyIt's been a few years since I owned my 31B and many brain cells have since keeled over, but I don't think I will ever forget, for instance, being rocked out of the v-bunk at 4:00 am by explosions on shore while riding on the hook at San Clemente Island. Honest to God I thought WW3 had broken out. Not having kept up with the weekly Navy postings I did not realize that a full out gunnery bombardment had been scheduled for the little cove that I had picked to ride out a blow and spend the night in. A fact about incoming ordinance... Nothing else sounds quite like it!Needless to say we set a record for cutting the rode, hitting the starters and high-tailing it out of there. Within minutes I realized that some type of Navy go-fast was hot after us and not wanting to find out what they had in mind it was pedal-to-the-metal on those Chrysler 440's. The boat responded and soon we were flat-out flying. Before long the pursuers gave up, I think because it was just too rough for anything but the type of craft we were in. What an adrenaline rush the whole thing was and we all got a good laugh when we realized that the last thing that had been said the night before by someone was "lets get after that yellowfin bite early"! Here we were, hard underway at daybreak, soaking wet, in our underwear, (at most), and starting to rig tackle. Ain't fishin' great? Contributed by Bob Selzler, Dec 14, 1999 rsdirect@nwlink.com NEW! - Book Store - NEW! || Guest Log || Bulletin Boards || Articles || Listings || || Screen Saver || Mailing Address || |