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Cummins Mechanic

Posted: Feb 29th, '24, 17:43
by lobo
Recently move to Stewart Fla. and was wondering if anyone knew of a good Cummins Mechanic in the area ? Thanks in advance Russ Rascal

Re: Cummins Mechanic

Posted: Feb 29th, '24, 18:03
by Bruce
Are you needing service for older engines or newer engines? Looking for independent or dealer person?

Re: Cummins Mechanic

Posted: Mar 1st, '24, 21:13
by lobo
Hello Bruce, was just looking for a maintenance guy basically. Impellers, belts, general maintenance stuff. I have the old remans 6 BTA's . Took Uncle Vic's advice on most of it . put them in 12 or so years ago, and still luv em . Thanks in advance Russ Sorry for late come back, was away

Re: Cummins Mechanic

Posted: Mar 2nd, '24, 13:47
by Ironworker
I haven't used these guys but they are working on my neighbors 42 Bertram with Cummins.

Wolfe Marine Services
Logan Wolfe

Edit - I want to profoundly apologize for listing this this guys information. I would not recommend him under any circumstances. Here is what happened. I had an issue with one of my new engines. I called this guy and said I was planning a trip to the Bahamas on Saturday and I was having an issue. He said he would text me the next morning (Thursday) and let me know what time he would be there but he would come on Thursday. He never showed and would not respond to text. I called him on Friday morning and he answered the phone and he said he would come today, Friday about 1:00 but would text me around noon with the specific time. He did text and said he would be here at 2:00. He never showed nor did he answer the phone. Had he just said he was too busy or called and say he could not make it I could have made other arrangements. But he left me hanging for two days. My trip has been postponed because fo this jackass.

If Bruce has a recommendation, I'd be interested in that as well.

Re: Cummins Mechanic

Posted: Mar 3rd, '24, 19:15
by SteveM
My brother has used this guy for his Cummins: Ron Marguin, East Coast Marine Service Diesel, 561-371-0595. My brother lives in Stuart and go referred to them from A&J. Did good work.

Re: Cummins Mechanic

Posted: Mar 4th, '24, 20:34
by lobo
Yes ,it seems like A&J comes up a lot in the pocket . Thanks for the reply .

Re: Cummins Mechanic

Posted: Mar 15th, '24, 18:38
by Ironworker
SteveM wrote: Mar 3rd, '24, 19:15 My brother has used this guy for his Cummins: Ron Marguin, East Coast Marine Service Diesel, 561-371-0595. My brother lives in Stuart and go referred to them from A&J. Did good work.
BTW, I called Ron and left a message. He never returned my called. He at least is better than the other guy who lied.

So much for the quality of the marine industry in South Florida. I have run across a couple of good guys down here and a lot of bad ones. I'll start another thread and list the good guys.

Re: Cummins Mechanic

Posted: Mar 16th, '24, 10:48
by Bruce
Sorry for the late reply. I have been soliciting some boaters I still know for recommendations. They don't have any. I have not paid much attention to the marine industry in Palm Beach area since I retired from it. I recommended some people but it wasn't long before those who had my personal phone number were calling me with issues with just showing up.

I still maintain two previous customers boats who had become personal friends after work and weekends sometimes but its getting old and last week I was on both boats after working all day and mentioned quitting to which they were both beside themselves.
We have the same problem at work with the few subs we use in just showing up and that includes the main mgr of the shop I work for.

Not sure what is wrong with society these days but if you can't work on it yourself, in a few years your gonna be in trouble. I'm trying to train a mid 20 something kid at work and I want to strangle him. No attention span. I was putting fuel injection on a 1959 Caddy convertible and trying to teach him the ins and outs and technical aspects of it that he can apply to fuel injection in general. After 20 minutes he walks away. Can't be found, was at our body shop because his brain was on overload he said.
When I was his age I was working on turbines and couldn't get enough knowledge and still seek it now.

Sorry for the rant. I got nothing around Palm Beach anymore.

Re: Cummins Mechanic

Posted: Mar 16th, '24, 11:26
by Yannis
I thought that this type of non professionalism only applied to us here...
Same goes for plumbers, electricians, any type of technical people who you rely on, sooner or later.
But no, it seems this attitude is all over the place.
I hear the same stuff from my son who lives in the UK, same sh*t and perhaps worse.
Like Bruce says, in a few years either you do it by yourself or you let it rot.

Re: Cummins Mechanic

Posted: Mar 17th, '24, 12:04
by lobo
Thanks for the replys guys. Yes I'm afraid your all correct, was trying to not be a contortionist any longer working on em since i retired. Guess not, oh well. Break out the asprins ! Happy Saint Pattys day to all

Re: Cummins Mechanic

Posted: Mar 17th, '24, 12:33
by Carl
I’ve worked with Scott Marine Power over the years. Dealership here would bring him up for a couple weeks to tackle jobs they couldn’t tackle. Cummins wasn’t his mainstay but pretty sure they did work on them.

Re: Cummins Mechanic

Posted: Mar 17th, '24, 13:26
by Carl
Bruce- I was taking time to teach a guy, he starts walking away, and when I ask where he’s going he says he wanted a cigarette.

Lesson over, stay a production worker.

Re: Cummins Mechanic

Posted: Mar 17th, '24, 21:09
by scenarioL113
Ironworker wrote: Mar 2nd, '24, 13:47 I haven't used these guys but they are working on my neighbors 42 Bertram with Cummins.

Wolfe Marine Services
Logan Wolfe

Edit - I want to profoundly apologize for listing this this guys information. I would not recommend him under any circumstances. Here is what happened. I had an issue with one of my new engines. I called this guy and said I was planning a trip to the Bahamas on Saturday and I was having an issue. He said he would text me the next morning (Thursday) and let me know what time he would be there but he would come on Thursday. He never showed and would not respond to text. I called him on Friday morning and he answered the phone and he said he would come today, Friday about 1:00 but would text me around noon with the specific time. He did text and said he would be here at 2:00. He never showed nor did he answer the phone. Had he just said he was too busy or called and say he could not make it I could have made other arrangements. But he left me hanging for two days. My trip has been postponed because fo this jackass.
Sadly, boaters are better off hitting the forums than to waste their time with some of the jerks that think they are mechanics. Cummins B-series can be worked on by anyone that has a little knowledge and willing to put their time in on the forums... the info is out there.

My feathers get very ruffled when people dont call me back and jerk me off. I will remeber this guy when I move down there...not that I would hire him anyway.

Re: Cummins Mechanic

Posted: Mar 18th, '24, 07:59
by Carl
I'd agree to disagree with you, Frank. Yes, the information is there to work on the Cummins B, most motors, and tons of other stuff, but the information in the wrong hands can do more harm than good. There is also a big issue of discerning the bad information from the good. It takes some knowledge to figure out if listening to the loudest person is best. Some brilliant people offer great information but in their brilliance, they overlook mentioning the simple basic steps considering it common knowledge. Common knowledge is like common sense in that it is not all that common.

Frank I think you're similar to me in that we like to work on our boats, we can find/make the time and save a good amount of money in doing so. Lots of people can do the work but just do not want to, or they are better off doing something more beneficial than wrenching on a motor. Then the people who should just never touch tools around mechanical things...some know who they are and others, not so much. Either way, it is lousy having to rely on a mechanic who is not reliable...even if they are great. Being a great mechanic with poor time management skills frustrates clients.

Re: Cummins Mechanic

Posted: Mar 19th, '24, 17:19
by Ironworker
Its a couple of days since I made the run over to Spanish Wells so here is the update on my mechanical issue. I did a test run on Wednesday and my starboard engine would not make full power and I got a low turbo boost error. I pulled the air filter and the turbo spun freely so I suspected a sensor. I cleaned the air filters and still the error message would not clear.

I found a MAP turbo boost sensor after a day of searching and replaced that Saturday morning. The error cleared and she rand like a top! We left at 6:15 am on Sunday for a 240 NM run to the Bahamas. I'm due for an update on the Pepper thread which will be coming in a couple of days with pics.

Re: Cummins Mechanic

Posted: Apr 1st, '24, 15:44
Whitticar in Stuart are Cummins dealers. Think they closed the yard or stopped building boats but I hear their work is top shelf.

Re: Cummins Mechanic

Posted: Apr 1st, '24, 17:09
by Ironworker
You may want to check out Florida Marine Tech. I've bought Cummins Parts at a fraction of the price of Cummins. Also they have diesel mechanics. I haven't used them yet but will give them a try based on my experience in dealing with the parts guy Bob.

They are in Rivera Beach, FL

Re: Cummins Mechanic

Posted: Jul 24th, '24, 08:59
by lobo
Thanks guys, will check them out. They are right across the pocket in Salerno .